Decide to kill the brotherhood of steel

>decide to kill the brotherhood of steel
>clean out the entire bunker, kill everyone
>nothing changes in the endings
> the brotherhood is still somehow around distributing tech
All that effort for nothing. What a shit game. What are some RPGs where your actions ACTUALLY matter? I'd honestly rather play Fallout 4 than this shite, at least there the gameplay is good.

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Why the fuck would BoS dissappear after you destroyed 1 chapter, you edgy cunt

Because I killed them all, you dumb faggot. They're all dead. I lasered this guy right here in the face, but he somehow still popped up in the ending. How can people call this lazy shit an RPG?

i completely agree stranger

fallout 4 was a superior game

I don't know about why he showed up, but I can say that if you kill them all there's no need to show a slide, because fuck, they're all fucking dead.
Like said, they can't disappear, since there's a shit ton of bunkers still around.

le tricky hook

There's nothing edgy about killing the BoS.

typical garbage fallout game

thank god i- err i mean Todd Howard took over the franchise and made the goty fallout 4

>I killed them all
Since you're a retarded normie, let's use a sports analogy:
I kill everyone that's a part of the Yankees. Would MLB simply cease to exist because the Yankees are all dead?

>sports analogy

kill yourself retard

Would you rather a food analogy instead?

Maybe he'd find it easier to swallow.

how about you use a video game analogy retarded faggot

ayy shit homie dat quip was lit!

dats exactly da type of high quality writing u find in fallout 4 made by my main man Todd ya feel me?

Its on sale right now nigga, head over to steam to be fly with the homies and sheit

PEACE one love ya feel me

Fine then, retard.
I kill Todd; does Bethesda disappear?

Why would anyone want to kill Todd? He's a wonderful human being.

[Explosives 35] You try it and ill take you with me

If someone killed all the Yankees in some US state, I'd expect someone to comment on it.

yes it would

t-that was a beautiful thing to say user

Silly Todd you took out skills in Fallout 4, they can't help you now.

That's because they're isolationists that nobody knows about, their sudden disappearance will only be noticed by the Master who dies in the end

3/10, made me reply

There are mountains in his eyes

But they're dead, and yet they still somehow distribute tech to the outside world in the end.



>I'd honestly rather play Fallout 4
This man right here has taste! Don't forget to buy the Season Pass for an authentic Fallout experience!

They don't.

Fuck you todd i wanted to side with the enclave

Fucking liar.

According to the ending in Fallout 1, yes they do.

This didn't happen in my playthrough, and I killed every single person in the bunker.

Were you using an unofficial patch? I know the game is very buggy without one, and that I won't defend.

>Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
>10 ending sldies, 9 of which are variable

>Fallout 2
>20 ending slides, 13 of which are variable

>Fallout: New Vegas
>30 ending slides, 28 of which are variable

>Fallout 4
>5 ending slides, 1 of which is variable

Killing them is the right decision in every game.

I played Fallout Fixt.

Then I dunno, man.

you forgot about fallout 3's over 200 endings.

Fallout is shit anyways. There are way better RPGs out there with way many choices.

How the fuck is it not working for you then? try uninstalling and reinstalling that shit man because the brotherhood turn into bigger dick heads once the Eldars and Rhombus is gone.

>you will never fuck Tandi

Todd be quiet you only had the narrator's variables based on player karma in that game

>People defend Fallout 4

They get a different ending slide if you kill them all. You either fucked up or are lying.

Well, I killed the master before the vats, and I never got the water purification chip. I don't know if that had something to do with it.

>power armor


Fuck it, my next playthrough will be to kill everyone. Shady Sand, the Den, Necropolis, all of them are gonna die, no one is safe.

decisions in the first witcher matter quite alot story and gameplay wise but im not sure if there are different endings, but you get slides in the middle of the game kinda showing you what your decisions have done

They're basically cavemen with sticks made from lasers, there's no point in keeping them around.

Witcher was super hamfisted about it at one point. I remember Kalkstein asking me "Knowing what you know now, would you have done things differently?" or some equally heavy-handed baloney.

The first game was clearly, CLEARLY not written with an English-speaking audience in mind. The later entries in the series were better about that.
