>tfw one shitty phone app has ensured that Nintendo will still be around for a very long time
Tfw one shitty phone app has ensured that Nintendo will still be around for a very long time
>wanting Nintendo to die
>not letting them hang around to ensure competition between them and Sony is fresh
It's almost as if you don't want to see the video game market improve.
How the fuck does nintendo and sony compete? Last time they fought for the same players were N64 vs PSX.
I'd give her a smooch on the belly button.
I just can't understand what a video game company could do to a person that would constitute this level of vitriol.
Please consider how unhealthy your investment in this hobby is, as it is causing you to develop mental deficiencies.
Here, I'll use an anime reaction pic for you.
Can we post pictures of cute things now?
I'll shoot your argument down with objective one statement:
You're posting on Sup Forums.
>Literally the only company out of the "Big Three" that has been solely dedicated to making VIDEO GAMES
>Stood the test of time for nearly 3 decades and popularity won't waver
>"Please let them die"
You are the cancer, user.
Sup Forums's 'trait' of being angry and hostile and hating everything was surface level (not serious) until most of the original boardposters were driven off by an influx of new people through pop culture exposure. nowadays the board meta is to be openly and deliberately shitty, negative and angry, without any kind of humor element to it or implication that people are just fuckin' with you. it feels genuinely like every post is made just to make someone else feel bad now.
I can back this up as , I've been posting for about a decade and can say the "lighthearted" anger of Sup Forums died a long time ago and became radicalized.
If you want to enjoy videogames again you must leave this board and it's opinions.
You just described every fucking board on 4chins except /fit/ you fucking moron
And that's because you are a bunch of obese weeb faggots with your brains full of lard. Get some exercise and you will see your mood improve you piece of shit
>its a phone game of all things
Nintendo died years.
>how to prove user's point, chapter 1
m8 sounds like you need some exercise yourself
years ago*
Nintendo was never going to die
At worst they would go third party and this game has made that even more likely
>Not knowing /biz/
You should study up in basic business fundamentals instead of thinking their competition is as petty as who has the superior console.
They have billions in the bank and virtually no debt.
Even without this game, they're a good decade away from dying as is.
i just went over to Sup Forums the other day and they seem to manage civil discussion and comparison of tastes without spitting venom and constantly screaming "AUTISM AUTISM KILL YOURSELF"
if the topic isn't re:zero, i mean.
They're not competing directly.
Sony and Microsoft are more worried about eachother's Media Enterprise (And their lack of profit from hardware)
Nintendo seems to not give a fuck about that stuff and rakes in cash from their smart business and positive public attention.
>A video game company with its own island to shill on, literally multiple generations of people all attached to different IPs for milking, and a war chest larger than multiple countries
>Dying literally any time soon
I get you don't like Nintendo, but lets be real here. If things ever went incredibly south they would just build a Nintendo Box One (now with actual graphics), slap on a few emergency video games that they know would sell, allow for some third parties to go wild, and play it safe until they recover. Which, again, probably will never happen, because Nintendo's M.O. is "Play it safe."
>TFW invested into nintendo a few days ago
>tfw I'll be making money along with them
A friend of mine once tried to explain this to me but maybe someone on Sup Forums remembers, but didn't the Wii U hit Nintendo so hard they lost like 50 years worth of revenue from those billions they have in the 'warchest'?
>one shitty phone app has ensured that Nintendo will still be around for a very long time
Except that isnt true at all you dumbass.
They really didn't. Yeah it didn't sell well, but they never ever sell their consoles at a loss. they may not have made much, but they still made a profit off of it.
who's this demon?
I doubt it. Whatever they lost with the WiiU they probably made back with the 3DS and Amiibos.
Cry harder sonyggers hahahahahahahaha!
Nintendo doesn't really 'lose' in so much as they don't meet expected profits. Which companies generally set as 'more money than the last time we did this, hopefully.' So they didn't lose any money, they just didn't make as much money as they were hoping to. Which isn't exactly a problem unless their costs and budgets were based around this expected (and missing) profit. Something that a company as risk averse as Nintendo would likely never do.
Saying they lost money is like saying you're a loser if you have a master's degree but it isn't a doctorate. Not the highest success but anyone who thinks that's a failure needs to be reminded that business is about being 'at the top,' not being number 1 at all times. Excluding monopolies, of course.
Wii wasn't exactly playing itself, nintendo has consistently failed when they weren't stronger than the competition, the only exception being the wii and ds.
Did you actually think they were going anywhere?
Underage b&
For some reason that particular subject attracts lots of shitposting.
i went and asked my friend and here's what he told me
>"As Nintendo explained it, they have/had a "war chest" built up. If they lost $100 million dollars per year USD, they could still be in the black for 50 years. They lost maybe $500 million on the Wii U. Which is 5 years of that war chest used up at once, essentially."
i dont know why i remember 50 years i meant just 5.
>ywn tease a girl's navel
cuz it's popular. and people don't like how real the MC is, cuz it makes for a depressing self-insert.
user, these 2 company don't compete, either nintendo new stupid gimmick is eaten by normie and we get ushered in a new era of casual garbage or they don't and nintendo become like sega except with IP that normie still likes
Probably because they don't as often have Sup Forums visitors as we do. Because there's more Americuck prominence in things like vidya, Sup Forums just happens to walk by and insert itself into discussions because they're capable of being more relevant. Those kinds of people aren't interested in the actual topic, but in the platform for which they can sell their own topic, which is Sup Forums. And there's not as much leeway to do that in Sup Forums. Sup Forums are part of the reason you get so many loudmouthed idiots in other boards.
>Nintendo dying anytime soon
>killing the gameindustry since 1988
>dedicated to making video gaems loooool xD
>And there's not as much leeway to do that in Sup Forums.
to do that in Sup Forums* I mean.
-How to be a Sonygger-
1) Make it very VERY clear that you are one.
it's all pointless anyways. the voice of the common people isn't heard in any medium
>common people
>King of handhelds
>Made more money than god with the Wii
>Make more money than god with fucking plastic character toys
>Making more money than god and culling the applefags with a fucking phone app
Nintendo's gonna die any day, now.
Cool unrelated post.