>mfw N64 emulators actually are poorly-coded
Mfw N64 emulators actually are poorly-coded
its funny because there will probably never be a good n64 emulator
Give me examples. Haven't fiddled with them much but they work for the games I play.
it hurts because paper mario 64 is still a shit to emulate
why did gamecube and playstation emu get all the talent
why has nobody been working on 64 emu in like a decade
The mix of extremely proprietary hardware and lack of any real documentation is a real bitch. Same general problem with Saturn emulation, not helping that Saturn has some freaky architecture.
64 emulation has been dead for about a decade. audio still has never been implemented properly (music is still slightly off-time in any emulator i've used)
64's hardware isn't really that proprietary, though. the ps1's hardware is arguable more proprietary
You can download the virtual console version and play it on the Dolphin emulator.
because nintendo is so pants on head retarded that literally nobody has any clue how the fuck does the N64 work and all the documentation has been lost
Oh so they're minor inconveniences then. What do you expect? You're stealing a game you ungrateful fucks.
>literally a fucking n64, gamecube and wii emulator all in one
Fucking dolphin devs are gods
Thing is PS1 has some good documentation which allows emulator makers to actually work with the odd stuff. N64 has hardly any avaliable stuff so newcomers have to do a fuckton of work to make even basic things playable.
there is a virtual console version wow i didnt knew, thanks user i am really liking ttyd will probably play paper mario too
>big bang theory
>why has nobody been working on 64 emu in like a decade
That glide64 plugin released a year or two ago and I played Banjo-Tooie like a breeze. Not sure about other games.
You can download the PS1 emulator wad and run it on dolphin too
The problem isn't the code. bSNES/Higan is also poorly coded.
Does anyone have any Sheldon copypasta? Haven't seen it in years.
does dolphin run all n64 games or only those ported to wii like paper mario?
what's a good coded emulator anyway? they all have issues
Mednafen,bsnes and XM6
The "your mother will in her sleep if you don't reply" right?
PPSSPP is nearly flawless.
Dolphin, PPSSPP, VBA, Mednafen
ePSXe works well too if you get good plugins
>but they work for the games I play
See, that's the problem with all N64 emulators: they play the "popular" games like Paper Mario or Banjo or OoT because the community does all they can to jury rig a working fix together just for these particular cases. Meanwhile, lesser-played ones like Snowboarding Kids or Iggy's Wrecking Balls either have massive audio issues or are just flat out broken. Hell, even Diddy Kong Racing is unplayable in New Game+.
It's both hilarious and sad too, because pretty much all of the games people emulate the most are still available on shit like the Virtual Console, but nobody seems to give a shit about the ones Nintendo's too lazy to put on their e-shop.
I bet none of you are mentally capable of playing on Mupen64Plus and still use that ancient relic PJ64.
It's command-line only unless you download a front-end. I recommend pic related.
Pretty much this. N64 emulation is stuck in the era of early ZSNES. Sure it'll play the smash hits well and classics, but feed it a cult classic game or a random thing from the N64 library and it'll choke.
>mfw the N64 emulator is well-coded
Will N64 emulation ever be good?
How does anyone even use BSNES? Don't the games need to be in a special format, I recall?
I have a huge collection of zipped .smc files and I ain't converting them all for it.
When will this meme end? CEN64 is cycle accurate and 60fps already
But sure, N64 scene sucked back in the day but that was aeons ago
Thing is can it actually play a majority of the N64 library from start to finish?
No,with Retroarch you don't need to convert anything.
Nah, it just places the games in its special nowflake appdata directory. I agree that this icarus file manager byuu is pushing is pretty damn unnecessary, but what are you gonna do.
Oh right, use the bsnes core in retroarch and use it normally.
>not MupenPlus
Fuck off Cen64 devs
Fuck you
Think again motherfucker
Just 2 be safe
>instant (you)s machine
%100 guaranteed (you)s
Thats the next step in my master plan
Mupen64Plus-libretro just got the most accurate LLE RDP rewritten for Vulkan. In the next week or so, nearly every N64 game will be emulated perfectly, with reasonable performance requirements.
Windows 10 only?
is it bad that I actually find these funny
I hope you got plenty of trap cards, because I can do this all day motherfucker
Every fucking thread.
Why do I still click on this shit when I know what it is
>not just having an n64
No, it's Vulkan, not DX12. It'll run on nearly everything, but OSX/iOS.
Mom noooooooooo
Thanks Safety Kitty :^)
CEN64 exists you dumb niggers
>Can never be granted immunity to any If you dont do X then Y will happen posts
You can post these immunity cats from 2006 all you want, but its not going to make you immune
mGBA is the new king
same, paper mario is good.
Sorry user, my 2nd immunity cat goes on the stack and resolves before your trap card :^)
>CEN64 aims to become a cycle-accurate Nintendo 64 emulator. It is very early in development
Get out, CENshill.
Well good to know, but were there really still issues with GBA that needed to be addressed?
Can Dolphin run GBA player?
Functional Xbox emulator when?
The GBA player isn't a software emulator. It uses actual GBA hardware minus the screen.
How is Wii64?
mods usd remove sheldor
was ver effetiv
Pretty bad. If it's not a VC game, or can't be VC injected, don't bother.
The thing to understand is that the N64's GPU is so complicated developers wrote drivers for it in their games and most N64 emulators work by decoding what the game is telling the driver what to do rather than the actual hardware. This is why Super Mario 64 was emulatable in 1999 but any game that does unique things with the hardware won't run.
I think there's only one worthwhile N64 game left that isn't available on VC or Xbox, it's GoldenEye.
Why are MupenPlus and CEN64 better than PJ64? What are their pros and cons?
Also what's this mGBA meme I'm seeing?
how can you emulate a half press of a button? it's impossible.
Yeah, but GE is barely playable in an emulator unless you use a mouse injector.
>any real documentation is a real bitch.
Except PJ64 is acknowledged as more compatible
PJ64 is better than both of them. It has better compatability with games. Mupen probably works better on the games it does run but PJ64 can run more games.
CEN64 is a meme.
>developers wrote drivers
If you are talking about custom microcode only a handful of games did that(battle for naboo and indiana are some of the few third party examples) Nintendo kept the up to date devkits to themselves and their first partys. While most third party were using the same documentation since launch. Nintendo really hated third parties.
I take it back. There's Pilotwings 64 and Castlevania 64 that I want.
No thanks old man
Gotta accept the malware if you want to run N64 games, user ;)
I didn't say it was ready for prime time today.
But it will be THE n64 emulator when done.
>poorly coded N64 emulator
NO! It's not poorly coded, it's the plugins that are if anything. But it's stupid to call them poorly coded because it's a really hard task that requires A LOT of reverse engineering. It takes a lot of time.