Is this the first Muslim videogame character?
Is this the first Muslim videogame character?
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She's Egyptian just like Pharah dumb ass. She's literally Pharah's mother.
>not muslims
Egyptians are muslim, this isn't 2000 bc
Prince of Persia
characters from movie adaptation (like Lego Indiana Jones)
OP's thread is still retarded and he needs a ban then. Since Pharah exists
Then Pharah is muslim?
>muslims with blonde hair
Top lel
Please stop.
Hair dye top lel
it's gray, she's old.
yep stay mad
>missing the point
Assassins are atheists
>Never heard of a Chechen
Woah woah, wheres this from
Somebody minding to link me?
????????? Then Pharah is Muslim and Ana isn't the first.
It's a religion, not a race. You have Japanese Muslims.
>old and wrinkly
Blizzard could of made a MILF but instead we got a literal old hag
goddammit blizzard
She's probably atheist or agnostic. She's not much of a muslim with a pagan tattoo.
Pharah doesn't wear a hijab, she's non-practicing.
Nationalist pride
New hero from Overwatch.
Support Sniper
But Mercy already exists. They're just tapping into the GMILF market.
>Another fucking sniper
Oh boy, this is exactly what the game needed.
She's >60 and has been a combat sniper all her adult life. The combination of stress and physical strain was bound to take a toll on her body. Sorry she isn't waifu material for you, you degenerate.
>Showing her hair
>Eye of horus
She is not a muslim.
> Forgetting Shaheen from Tekken 7 and RASHIDO
OP is stupid
Hijab is not in the Koran. It's a new rule the extremists put in place. Kinda like how christians invented the new "No gay allowed or no abortion allowed"
Islam is more than just the Quaran, same as how Judaism is more than just the Talmud.
Ana is more like a Zennyatta that can stun people and give the effect of Lucio and both Mercy healing and damage buff to a single person.
Copts bro
>Muslim women allowed to use guns
Absolutely haram.
It's the future
if she's from egypt, yes
She's not Muslim. Egyptians are Christians and Muslims.
The post was more in reply to Ana not being a hot 30-something milf.
She could be coptic.
oh man, I can imagine the granny porn in SFW
>implying there won't be an origins skin for us 'degenerates' who don't like playing as old hags
stay buttblasted
>implying overwatch isn't waifuwatch
every single girl in the game is waifu bait nigga.
desu remove the eye patch and give her greying hair instead of all grey and i'd bang Ana. hopefully the alt skins show a little more skin
Majority of Egyptians are Muslims. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt. The Coptic Christian sect of Egypt is a small portion of all the people that live there, but its the largest Christian denomination in Egypt and around the middle east.
>you must be arab to be a muslim
this. young Ana in the trailers is 10/10
Hope we get some interesting skins.
islam has nothing to do with race. nor even the quran.
by definition, being a muslim only means submission to the creator.
a ton of people are muslims without even knowing it.
She isn't because she has a tattoo on her face. Tattoos are haram.
>implying phara and her mum dont follow the old egyptian religion
Then why do muslims wear henna?
>mum is christian
>dad is muslim
assassins are atheists because they know about the ones who came before
Because henna isn't a tattoo. It's just temporary.
Tattoos are haram for Christians too. Muslims have the same laws as Christians. It's the same book.
"Lev. 19:28, "‘You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead, nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord."
Rev. 13:16-17, "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead. 17 and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name." See also: Rev. 14:9, 11; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4."
Fuck off with this Sup Forums bullshit, lets talk about something that actually matters.
>that grenade that she threw at the roadhog in her trailer that gimped his health
>Zenyatta will soon be even more obsolete than he is right now
Why the fuck does Blizzard INSIST on shafting such a good, fun character?
ignore what he said. nowhere in the quran says that tattoo is haram.
all who say otherwise are victims of fabrications from inserted hadiths.
Are people on Sup Forums really so dumb that they can't recognise bait?
Zenyatta's getting buffed in the patch too.
>implying abrahamic religion won't be long dead that far in the future
Zen had a buff of 50 armor and now he move faster during his Transcendence.
Yeah the bible says a lot of retarded shit.
Tattoos are awesome. And surely Jesus wont care if I get a scripture tat or a tat of his face on my bicep.
>ana stuns someone to sleep
>mei stands in front of the stunned person
>waits till he's about to get up and then freezes him stunning him even more
I can already hear the butthurt
Book of Revelations is neo-platonic garbage
No idea, good Sombras will be very annoying to play against.
You seem to be really dumb since you replied to this thread rather than just ignoring it.
It's not really that different from Mccree stun. Just a little longer.
>a ton of people are muslims without even knowing it.
muslims actually believe this stupid shit
Dude, Book of Revelation is pretty good man.
>Kinda like how christians invented the new "No gay allowed or no abortion allowed"
Both are set out in the Mosaic Law though
>“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense. Leviticus 20:13
> “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and vhe shall pay as the wjudges determine. 23 But if there is harm,4 then you shall pay xlife for life, 24 yeye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. Exodus 21:22-25
Mei is perfection.
only the learned muslims who read their book properly.
it is well defined and established in the quran itself that islam is submission to the creator and nothing more or less, and a lot of people are called muslims in the quran who got nothing to do with the quran.
Levidicus is stupid shit, even for the Bible. Literally the next sentence after "Dont sleep with people of your sex" it's "Dont eat Shrimp or Seafood and dont wear clothing made of two different material"
>a ton of people are muslims without even knowing it.
Yeah, all of Sup Forums
>gets proved wrong
>yeah but ur proof is dum :)
Did you notice her braid wrapped around her neck? Ana must have incredibly long hair.
all of which Jesus declared to be secondary to being groovy to one another
which is irrelevant because Paul was full of homolust and self-loathing so he wrote a bunch of anti-gay stuff too
The entire bible is full of stupid bullshit, that doesn't mean that specific bullshit is suddenly not actually from the bible
Yeah but fried shrimp is delicious and fuck checking tags on shirts to be sure it's not 70% polyester.
Hating gay people is easy, the other two are work.
>Jesus declared to be secondary
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. Matthew 5:18
It's pretty weak proof that the catholic church (aka the only true christian church) does not recognize as valid
Also, Abortion is totally right in the Bible. If you think your wive was unfaithful, you can give her a potion, and if the baby dies, then it was not yours.
Also, if a baby is born with a problem, you have one week to kill him without any punishment.
It's almost if the bible was full of contradictions!
I'm from Egypt and my parents were coptic, not muslim.
would bang
Big fucking deal, someone now does his job but better. That grenade Ana does also disables healing for enemies hit. What the fuck does Zen do? God damn nothing
Ana's sleep dart should make it so any damage done to them is nullified. It seems dumb you could just sleep someone, then headshot them with Widow or someone.
Orb of Discord literally double damage on people. You can one shot a Roadhog.
>Remove eyepatch
Remove yourself faggot, eye patches are GOAT.
yes I know what you retards believe
it's a cop out that lets you claim jesus as muslim and it's total shit but it's not like I expect anything more
>Muslim clay
lol no the shit is 100% christian. Muslims stole it the same way they stole Syria, Morocco, Spain, etc.
>Yeah the bible says a lot of retarded shit.
>Tattoos are awesome.
You must be at least 18 years old to post here.
Most people who live in Cairo are Muslim. There are also many Christians in Egypt, making up perhaps around 10 per cent of the population. The majority of Christians belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church, which was the dominant religion in Egypt before Islam.
Tattoos can be awesome, old man. You don't have to be a kid to appreciate good skin art.
Yet they still know it's intrinsically wrong to have homosex or kill babby
Eye of Ra, Pharah is Eye of Horus
Yes exactly. Christians were forced out through violence. Egypt is rightfully christian.
There's the test for "unfaithfulness" but it doesn't cause abortions
not all muslims wear the headscarf
why the fuck are you retards arguing over the religion of a video game character anyway
And that wont be necessary anymore because Ana has a grenade that can completely gimp enemy health anyway, on top of having better range, better defensive options because she has a sniper rifle, a stun, and a healing option that likely heals faster than Zen's harmony orbs, AND her ult looks significantly better than Trascensence.
This character is armed to the fucking teeth and now shes basically taken away the only thing Zenyatta was worth using for, which is his Discord Orbs.
>another ugly woman
Why are western devs such hacks in designs?
Egypt is rightfully Atheist bro. No religion is better than another.
>Is this the first Muslim videogame character?
I'm sure Aladdin was atheist or taoist.
pretend like you aren't retarded please
>hyroglyph tatts
user did you drop out of school when you were 9?
Okay guys let's drop the Sup Forums faggotry and talk about the character
Now, I'm not implying Ana will suck, but consider this:
Unlike Widowmaker, Mercy or Lucio, Ana has:
- NO SMG or close range weapon
- NO mobility passive like Widow or Hanzo/Genji
- Only 1 self heal that has a COOLDOWN (compare Lucio or Mercy's autoheal)
In other words, if you sneak up on her, and she doesn't put you to sleep, she's basically fucked. I don't imagine she will have more than 200 hp. Sounds quite easy to kill desu.
You might argue Zenyatta is in a similar boat BUT:
- Zenyatta can kill flankers very quickly if he gets accurate headshots
- Zenyatta is getting +50 health next patch, confirmed on websites today
Again: not saying Ana will suck, but holy shit will she be vulnerable. Also how will she even get to the good sniper spots? Hanzo and Widow can both grapple or climb, she can't do any of that.