Why are /m/ games so rare in English?
Why are /m/ games so rare in English?
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Because Japanese devs and especially publishers are afraid to make money
Why are tomboys so perfect?
Because Mecha is a cancer that ruins everything
Lost planet was pretty good
Never played the third game though, the prequel. Looked like it was gonna be more Dead Space than mechs. What happened with that?
Licensing issues, and localization costs make it more risky than profitable.
It's the reason they do everything really, their executives decided it wouldn't make money so they didn't do it, meanwhile if they thought it would make them money they would have done it in a heartbeat.
This, pham.
Lost planet 3 was a disaster, it's a mediocre dead space by the numbers TPS, while it has a more coherent and rememberable cast and story than the previous lost planet games, any semblance of fun weapons or mechs is fucking gone, as your own giant mining mech is mainly used as a puzzle gimmick in areas and boss fights, like at one boss using the mech to stop something the boss is doing so you can then just jump out of the mech to hit it's weak point.
Also it was the last game shipped with Gamespy, a year after gamespy was stated to start going under.
You might as well just worry about ex troopers now, it's never gonna get localized, but it's infinitely a better lost planet game overall.
This. If you want to know why any game doesn't release in x form or in y place, it's because of this. If they thought it was worth it they'd do it.
Funny thing about that remember Xenoblade chronicles and last story the two games NOA didn't want to release in the west, even though they were already out in Europe in english. People begged and whined hard enough to get a North American release but in the end it lost NOA money proving they knew what they were doing to begin with.
The people who run these companies aren't morons, they do the math and run the numbers and that's their fucking jobs. If they think they can make money they'll do it. If it's risky they wont.
Is it not on pc as usual?
wut geimu is this
ore to no ai wo mamoru tame
omae wa tabidachi
Learn to fucking read before posting, jesus christ you goddamn unfunctional baby.
Why does /m/ have so much self-loathing?
Why would a jap only console game have a PC port, that would indicate they were aiming for an international release.
Every board is self-loating
Why does Sup Forums hate everything?
Well I don't know, just being hopeful.
The last mech game I liked on pc was mobile suit gundam online and it was unplayable cause the lag was insane.
Because they're not that popular in the west
Well to just let you know, the mech is pretty much reserved for several boss fights and it's easily the weakest gameplay in the entire game, but it's animations look nice.
Why is Sup Forums so arrogant?
no idea.
Because Sup Forums is one of the most normalfag of Sup Forums hobbies, but also has the stereotypical hardcore "asocial" grognard segment like /tg/ and Sup Forums, meaning that there will rarely be anything close to an actual consensus. Sup Forums adopted the resulting "hating everything"-joke, Sup Forums Sup Forumsmblered, Sup Forums became actual pedos while Sup Forums tries to push new people away/force them to lurk with their disdain for plebs.
That's pretty deep user
Either their dad was a dick to them too much or not enough growing up.
oraoraora lmao!
holy crap I love patlabor.
What is the best Patlabor OP and why is it Love Technician?
Lost Planet 3 was garbage but it was one of the confiest game I ever played
Isn't having a mecha or a tank for police work a little overkill?
We're getting Baldr Sky
Shirow should really move to America if he loves police brutality so much.
They made a patlabor video game?
Is it good?
From the clips I saw, it just looks like a mecha fighting game. There's also one on the snes and gameboy
Patlabor is literally other mechs exist, so mech crime exists so they need police mechs to stop it. That's hardly overkill.
Why is it that Gotoh works great as a side character, but is enough to ruin a movie?
He's probably one of my favourite characters, he just gets an insane amount of screen time in all the movies.