Who /hype/ here?

Who /hype/ here?

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I am but it is forbidden to talk about this game here by retarded contrarian shitposters.
Probably going to be GOTY for me.

Sort of.
There's still loads of unknowns, but I don't know if I want it laid out in front of me or if I should buy and discover myself.

Spore 2.0


who gives a fuck when star citizen is on it's way

I'm hype but I have nothing to play it on

Why and when did shitty beards become so popular?

Can't wait. I've got all my reaction images ready for the people who preorderd.

they have a beard to make up for their lack of masculinity

wtf I hate beards and glasses now

i'd have only considered it if it was multiplayer.

there's gotta be a million space "exploration" games on steam right now, and just because this one is the shinniest turd in the lot doesn't impress me.

but by all means, pls shit your DOA game all you want. at least they and you are getting paid, while all all the fools are parted from their money.

"but it'll be the best game of all time!"

nigga, i feel your pain. i have buyer's remorse from over 10 years ago. the important thing is. you learn from your mistakes.

Compensation for a lack of masculinity


I hate normies so much. They killed vydia.

>judging game based on its creators rather than its content
hello sjw

But beards are ugly

Highly doubtful, you'll be bored in under a week once you realize you are just going through the motions every hour or two.

>tfw lazy to shave and can't see shit w/ glasses
Oh god I look like these faggots


>single player
>even if you're lucky and meet someone - there's no multiplayer content
>nothing to do ingame other than upgrade your ship to go faster
>cant build, cant destroy
500billion years of going from one acid-colored planet to the next.
Trully GOAT.

>this meme was made by a neckbeard

It sounds like eve but with but with no depth or player interactions.
Random generated worlds sound cool but 6gb download means itll be the same shit repeated over and over again with a different color scheme.
The dev hasnt really talked about it because there's nothing to talk about.

>forbidden to talk about this game here by retarded contrarian shitposters.
kek the todd tier lies regarding the 60 dollar con are hilarious
>6 billion hours of randomly generated maps populated by assets created by 15 people
>no campign, multiplayer, missions, goal, level or scenario design, enemies are all reskins with different neck and arm lengths
i encourage people to buy this game just for the salty tears that will follow

Sounds like someone never recovered from over hyping themselves for Spore.

O got stuck

I can't wait to shitpost here if the reviews get 10/10 score

Not that I like the game but people who trash the game at this moment are just as bad as the fanboys who hail it as the second coming. There barely is any gameplay footage out there, we have no idea if the game is good or not.

>>nothing to do ingame other than upgrade your ship to go faster
>>cant build, cant destroy
What I don't understand about NMS is that clearly, the game as flaws and aim for a niche, despite Sony's marketing hyping it as the GOTY, but it's easy enough to find things that could've been done better, why do you still have to make them up.

I'd love to know why vee hates this game so much. I could understand not being interested because there are many similar games in the genre.

It seems to be getting more hate than it deserves. Did the devs say something on Twitter that upset some people?

It's a media darling from the little dev team that could that seems to be friends with everyone, of course it's gonna get high review scores, since no reviewer is actually realistically going to reach the "ending" of the game, they are just gonna play for a few hours to mess with things, and then start writing up their thoughts on it, before it gets stale to them.

What are you even trying to say?

The fact that there is hardly any gameplay footage and we've heard promises like this many times before is enough for me to know.

we hate everything. don't get your panties in a twist

My impression is that Sup Forums feels the game has been misrepresented to have multiplayer when it turned out that it's a singleplayer game

It has a story mode by the way, a campaign. It's not just "space wondering"

But believe what you want, I honestly don't give a shit

So is your face, would probably be a good idea if you grew a beard to cover it up.

combat looks like shallow shit. no incentive to fight anything, theres no narrative or goal. crafting is incredibly boring, also serves no purpose. its just a shallow puddle of shit

actually i once bought a system from a mall booth one christmas that was reported to be "1000 games in one!", just so happened to have 2 100 dollar bills in my pocket and said why the fuck not!

it was literally the same 10-20 games with 100 different titles each, no other differences.

now that i'm thinking about it. that applies here more than i originally intended.

also, i bought stronghold 3 for full price.

like the saying goes. a fool and his money.

Why bother lying about a game you don't like when you can just nitpick real problems about it? That's what I don't get.

No one has misrepresented it. You have misinterpreted it because you're stupid.

You guys like Pokemon Go and that isn't even a video game.

I can't wait for it.

But none of those guys in the OP are balding except for the one bald guy

>hey everyone! let' s make the pewdiepie face!

I' m about to puke.

Fuck off, you are FUCKING CANCER

>it has a story mode
Except it doesnt. The dev explicitly said "it has no story".

What am I lying about exactly?

>It's not just "space wondering"
thats literally all it is and there is 0 evidence to the contrary

If you look at the profile pictures of the people who most recently like that post there's like 5 "lol im such a gamur gurl xD" profiles on there.

>current year
>game is less than 25gb

confirmed garbage

No one hates the game, everyone who isn't fucking retarded knows the game is getting way more hyped than it should be, and people are gonna be pissing their pants and crying about how they were going to poopsock through the game's first week but then they get 6 or 8 hours in and realize they are just starting to repeat content large chunks of content.

Just be prepared for all the threads going THIS GAME IS SHIT, WHAT A DISASTER, IT WASN'T ANYTHING WHAT THEY SAID IT COULD HAVE BEEN by idiots who just lead their imaginations fill the gaps after they only watched the E3 trailers and didn't listen to interviews or dev talk about it.

You are.

>Nu Male's Sky
>Discovering a planet automatically establishes a matriarchy and deposits 25 cents into Anita's patreon, while they shame you for not paying her 50 cents.

>delayed multiple times

Really makes you think

>Being hyped for Nu Male Spore 2.0

Fine just lie, as I say I don't give a fuck

>combat looks like shallow shit.
Oh yeah, it's simplistic, but that doesn't make it shit

>no incentive to fight anything
That's wrong, you can fight wild animals if they attack you (which won't trigger the fun police), fight the sentinels reacting to you messing up the world or stealing things, fight traders to get their cargo or pirates to defend them, you can even fight the big space stations, which will cause the space military to go after you

>theres no narrative or goal.
Apparently, there is, that's what the monoliths scattered around are for

>crafting is incredibly boring,
That's pretty much how crafting has been done forever though, I don't get your complain

>also serves no purpose
I guess you don't need better gear to survive the environment or a better gun to mine and kill new stuffs.

The developer was intentionally vague when it came to the subject of multiplayer. He should have flat out said it's a singleplayer game and he did not.

>What am I lying about exactly?

>nothing to do ingame other than upgrade your ship to go faster
First one is obviously wrong, as explained better in

>cant build, cant destroy
You can't build, sure, but you can clearly destroy. There's a video where the guy broke into a factory and created craters on the ground until he dug up a cave. Plus the destructions of ships and space stations.


They stated they weren't sure about multi early on, but people will be able to name shit and you can run into shit other players have named, later it came out that they straight up stated "No, there isn't any multiplayer, you aren't going to run into other people playing the game in this universe" to all the people rumourmongering about how they were all gonna meet up and form space sausage pirate factions.

Why the fuck do they all look the same fucking jesus.

nah i'm sure they're in much better shape than you

>just lie

>Is No Man's Sky a single-player or multiplayer game?
>Essentially, think of No Man's Sky as a single-player game that another player might—probably won't, but might—arrive in at some point.

>If I do run into another player, how will I know?
>This is the tragic part. On the slim chance you do actually come across another player, you might not even notice. In-game, other player ships won't be tagged with a player's name or any other indicator that lets you know they're a human pilot and not an AI.

>Can I leave my mark on the planets I visit?
>You won't really be able to leave a physical mark on the game, however, at least not for long. As you travel to new planets, they are generated around you, and when you leave them, they degenerate.

>What sort of missions and quests will there be?
>There won't be traditional quests or missions in No Man's Sky
>aliens will trade with you, and give you new technology

>Is there a story?
>There is no real story.


>later it came out that they straight up stated "No, there isn't any multiplayer, you aren't going to run into other people playing the game in this universe"
Source? Because I keep hearing that it's possible, but unlikely.

I will never understand why these people keep trying to grow beard when they simply don't have good genetics for it. Patchy beard looks like shit.

I'm still heavily skeptical, but bashing the game even though nobody here has tried it in some form is like criticizing food for the way it looks and smells without even tasting it.

You might have to actually buy the game or play someone else's copy to form an opinion of the game.

Wait, it's finished? I thought it was in alpha still. What do you even do in that game?

>tiny team
nigga what?

I really hope this game is good. It looks fun, for like 2 hours. Then after wandering around collecting rocks you realize that ask there it's to do its collect rocks.

Collecting minerals and gathering plants is the most boring part of any rpg. And they made an entire game focused on it.
Its rock collecting sim, but in space.

Mincecraft 2.0

But in space.

Why would i be hyped for this?

So which one of these guys is the owner/CEO that held off looters with a shotgun during one of those CHIMPOUT riots?

>People think the dev's of JOE DANGER can suddenly develope a AAA title and are so fucking convinced by one neat mechanic that the game will be amazing

I told everyone pokemon go was going to suck dick and the entire world is telling me its the second coming of christ, so maybe you shitheads will eat this fucking garbage up too.

It is a tiny team. Modern AAA games have several hundred people working on them. More than a thousand in case of GTA

yeah i'm stoked.

regardless of what all the shitposters here think, and that somehow their opinion represents everyone else.

hello triggered numale

It's a procedural Sup Forums shitpost generator

Its just a comfy space truck simulator.

i wouldn't pay more then 20$ for it but it looks ok.

I feel I would actually be more excited for it if wasn't being shilled to hell and back for the last 2 years

the game is so bad that the developers have to pirate the game.

>censoring the username
either you're the faggot who posted that or you're friends with it

>there's a GOG version aka KAT version
don't mind if I do, can't wait

>And they made an entire game focused on it.
No they didn't, they stated that you don't even have to set foot on a planet once you took off for the first time if you wish to. Just fighting in space will get you cash, wish you can use to buy upgrades or fuel.

>cant build anything
>Mincecraft 2.0


Only Cuckboys will buy Nu Male's Sky.

>Cant build anything

It's going to be a good game.

>cry if there's a woman
>cry if there's a balck man
>cry if there's a white man
This is why the industry started pandering to SJWs, at least they know what they want.

I think you missed a few buzz-words to accurately represent your observations there friend

>Denuvo game

pick one

i pick pirate

"We" want games to be good.

NMS doesn't have denuvo, it's on GOG

more like no man's game
cuz nobody's going to buy it

Define good.

Define want.

Tell me what you can do in this game


Define games.

Sean says the game weighs 6gb and most of that is audio. That worries me because although procedural generation cuts down on space, a few gigs doesn't sound like a whole lot to have varied assets. For an example, let's say there's 40 different possible heads for birds. Sounds like a lot, but after some moderate exploration you'll start to pick up on it. If they made 100 heads and conversely took up more disc space, you'd get a lot more variety and less of a chance of spotting the smoke and mirrors.

>Le epic Denuvo can't be cracked meme

Denuvo has been cracked

Good as in not shit.