Does Sup Forums like Mortal Kombat?

Does Sup Forums like Mortal Kombat?

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Not into fighting games, but MK is one of the most nostalgic games ever for me

i prefer KI but its pretty fun

It's pretty good and I appreciate its impact

Yup, it's white people Wu-tang.

I'm always baffled at how influential that one first arcade game ended up being.

MK1-UMK3 and MK9 were great.

I grew up playing fighting games, and there was some awful shit to grace the arcade I lived at and eventually worked at (like Pit Fighter, Beastorizer, SF the Movie, etc). But back when everyone was playing World Warrior and MK1 dropped, that shit was dope and everyone swapped. Consequently MK2 and MK3 were received well, and so were Tekken games, Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, Marvel 1/2 and Street Fighter, and even shit like Primal Rage. I wouldn't touch MK with a pole now, but back in the day it was pretty fucking dope to see Ghost Rider char Bruce Lee or Christopher Lambert.

I have fond memories of one time I played UMK3 at a roller rink back in the day. Someone put money in and I kicked the ass of every other kid who came by, no sweat. I think I was using Reptile or Scorpion, can't remember.

Granted, I didn't even know what I was doing, I guess I was just good at spamming buttons.

Why don't you like it now?

no, awful game that people only like due to muh violence and bloated content

I do occasionally fire up UMK3 with my one friend that still plays it. That game was great for it's time and still holds up IMO. The rest, not so much.

In a nutshell MK64 killed the series for me. After that I started playing more Darkstalkers, Tekken, and eventually Guilty Gear (which was everything I loved about UMK3, but with way more wacky shit tacked on and you could sink your teeth into it like Tekken or Darkstalkers). I remember trying MK9, but you couldn't run, so I dropped it. I also remember trying an MK game with an obnoxious stance-swapping mechanic (MK vs DC maybe?), and it was shit.

As a competitive fighting game it's a joke but this is the most entertaining MK I have ever played.

I watched it at CEO, didn't really look much different than the SFV top 8. That being said fighting games are shit as a competitive format outside of entertainment anyways.

why are people so delusional to think 9 is better than X

thats stupid

that didnt play mkx

how is it a joke

What's stupid about it?

UMK3 > 2 > 1
9 > 10
Everything else was shit

never mind didn't read it right

dominated by a gay furry

People played the shit out of 9, by the time X rolled around, sick of it. That's how I felt anyway.

x was a mistake

That's how I feel about Smash4. Played so much Brawl I got bored of 4 cuz it was essentially an expansion of the previous game.

what about 4?

>9 over 10
That's when your opinion becomes worthless because you know jack shit about fighting games. 9 is not better than 10 , 10 is better than 9 in almost every way. Only thing that you could say 9 has over 10 is that it had a better story and characters. You must be a PC fag who can't play 10 cause boon cucked pc gamers or a zoning fag so you hate on 10 cause you get exposed for being a scrub.


>Everything else was shit
>defensive fag throws out nothing but buzzwords
Try again

X would be remembered a lot of better if the roster was changed
>no shitty Kombat kids
>only one guest character
>more legacy characters

but it is dominated by a gay furry.

keep crying bitch nigga

>Only thing that you could say 9 has over 10 is that it had a better story and characters
Kombat wasn't as gimmicky either.


what is the problem with them

What's a Kombat kid?

MK9 is pretty gimmicky , you could win games by mashing buttons and spamming special moves in mk9. 10 has a better netcode , a lot more balanced and actually requires skill.
>muh buzzwords
Well you didn't defend your point on how MK9 is better than X so I'm just assuming you're a contrarian fag that doesn't like X cause it's new and doesn't rely on classic MK nostalgia to carry it .

idiots like him hate cassie and the others for some stupid reason

I respect what they did with the combat kids, but Kung Jin was not needed, but he was a cool character. He just shouldn't have been shoehorned into Kung Lao's cousin. He should have just been a young member of the Shaolin.

Cassie was fucking great, awesome idea and execution. But making Jacqui Jax's random daughter was unneeded. They should have made her a member of the special forces. Keep her young, make he Cassie's best friend still but don't make her Jax's random daughter.

The guest characters were fun, and it looks like they're throwing them all into this game and blowing their load too soon. There should have been 4 more old school characters in this game. Atleast most of the klassics are in MKX.

It's a give and take working with WB, MK has never been this great and given so much time and attention. But you gotta have the take, those fuckin guests.

The speculation/lore threads prior to MK9/X's releases were god tier

what's his name again?

Qui Gon Jinn.

John Key

the characters in 9 showed off their tits more

boon teased something to be at EVO lets hope kombat pack 3 so best girl can be in

9 had better color scheme and ui than 10 too


10 could have been just a dlc or a patch of 9
no new features or mechanics added no new engine nothing but a cash grab


Mk is essential. Probably my fav fighting game, although i always loved it and street fighter pretty much equally for what they are.

Recently my mind was blown when I learned that quan chi originated in the shitty defenders of the realm cartoon.


>Does Sup Forums like Mortal Kombat

Don't know about Sup Forums but I do!

best girl

Am I the only one who's worried about the items in Injustice 2?

I need a good fucking wallpaper for the Smoke variation. I have yet to find one.

Thats NOT Mileena user

X just feels like 9 DLC.


the boruto's.

i like to play both

all girls are nicer in X. In fact, X is the first time the faces look somewhat like actual women rather than weird manwomen, and their outfits and bodies are designed with much more taste and variety as well.

literally Sub-Zero: the girl version. anyone who likes this 'character' deserves to be spine ripped.

Those were $500 sunglasses asshole

wow you're so wrong.



I had some fun punching a guy's head off in the first one on MAME yesterday night with Cage.

First fighting game I ever played. Fatalities blew my mind as a kid. Awesome cast of characters and a pretty decent story line. Yes MK is my shit. Also the only game that has the balls to show such extream violence...against woman. Still gives me a chub whenever I see Sonya get split in half or get her brains sprayed everywhere

Sauce on this? Mileena has been my girl since MKII