So what does Sup Forums think about this game series.
So what does Sup Forums think about this game series
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>logo is a Half-Life rip off
it gud
Pretty shit. I still don't understand why people like it so much.
1 was good but the pc port was awful. 2 is great but is kinda shit tier to be played alone. Pre-sequel was awful and felt empty.
Garbage unless you play with friends, and even then it's still pretty bad.
Played through the second one with three other people, one was a massive fan of the series and it's "humor". He was constantly butthurt when we'd point out how stupid someone was, or an inconsistency in the plot. He lightened up when we stopped talking about the terrible dialogue, but got pissed and quit playing once he realized that the three of us muted all of the voice acting.
Swank every once in a while, but I can never get how people can play it for months on end farming.
well, valve didnt invented the lambda symbol, wich isnt even present here, either.
half lifaggots are the worst. still crying for a sequel for a shitty series.
1 and 2 are alright from having played them. People say the Tales series was alright RIP Scooter.
Krieg is objectively the best thing we ever got in the series.
Bring back 1. 2 was a shit.
This and I'll add that Tales from the Borderlands was really good for the most part
loathed the first one, didn't bother with the rest
Wish I could play with and level an AI team, people in this game are the worst since everyone goes off doing their own shit without focusing on the objective
Solid game with replay value but man fuck the community and those who do this crap
tl;dr decent game but play with friends or don't play at all since no AI teammates that you can fully customize
enjoyed the first two but then gearbox went maximum jew and decided to release dlc not covered by a season pass. So I've washed my hands of them.
Wish I could play 2 again but no friends
1 was good
2 is good if you mute everything and turn off the subtitles
I didn't bother with presequel
Being associated with the cuck king incarnate is lowering my opinion of it. Is that petty?
1 was good
2 turned up a few things but turned down others, overall good
Pre-Sequel has lasers...
Tales was good
There it is, the last two may as well go together by fixing the scaling and making it like in BL1.
The most offensively bad mainstream series. People can bitch about Bethesda games and Battlefield and CoD and Pokemon and Mario and Uncharted all they want, every single one of those games is more competent than Borderlands.
I never understood the appeal. You just go kill x number of bullet sponge enemy with g
The loot stuff, which is the biggest part of the game is awful. Who wants to sit there and compare their weapons to see which one has a higher number.
The game is mind-numbingly boring.
for me it sounded like a cool mix of genres. I like hack and slash arpg's. They took some aspects of that plus looting and added fps to it. I just wish it wasn't so fucking cringey with it's humor.
God dammit, destiny sounded so good in premise.
It's mainly people holding out hope that there will actually be a good game in the series someday.
The biggest appeal of the series is the world-building. The art style and characterization went a long way with the first game, and the way the game keeps reinforcing the notion that Pandora is just some backwater shit-world in a huge universe of crazy characters and factions and species and technology and other worlds, opens the series up for a huge, expansive game universe where any number of interesting scenarios and characters could come about, all while maintaining the classic Borderlands tenets of
>A gorillion guns (or a gorillion random combinations of gun parts)
>Enemies = Loot pinatas
>RPG elements like ever-climbing skills, levels, and equipment
>Basically sci-fi FPS Diablo
Lots of people fell off the series after Burch got his fingers into it, dragging the writing, world-building, and characterization down (social justice memes, emphasis on characters' relationships, little to no interaction with characters or the world outside of story missions, almost never touching on in-game world events or universe fluff, instead just focusing on claptrap ear-rape, "wacky" jokes and characters for the sake of wackiness thus over-saturating the comic relief, and Jack, Burch's best creation, wavering in and out of character, being a smarmy yet sympathetic antagonist one moment and a puppy-stomping dick the next, etc.)
Basically, people like the series for what it could be, as opposed to what it is. The Telltale RPG didn't help this conundrum, seeing as it expanded on the game universe and characters just the way fans wanted, but then the actual games just continued on their path with Burch at the helm.
At least now they're rid of Burch and bringing back the writers/devs from the first game, but only time will tell if that's enough to save the series.
didn't they say they weren't even working on a BL game for a while? Like they were devoting a shit ton of effort and people to battleborn, and weren't even thinking about the borderlands universe.
I thought the first was okay. Though I feel that was mostly because it was still fresh. Taking aRPG elements and throw in a shootan game sounded, and still sounds, great. The execution left a lot to be desired though.
Then Borderlands 2 came out. They changed nothing, added a bunch of meme-atic nonsense that was dated when the game was released, and the game got stale even quicker than the first.
Hell, I hit the level cap in the first game and solo'd most of Moxxie's arena. I never even beat Borderlands 2 or the Pre-Sequel.
Oh, and on the Pre-Sequel, I think it's marginally better than 2.
I enjoyed 2 up until the fucking dam level, because none of my friends had this game and I had to deal with all the bullshit respawning/healing robots on my own.
A few hours of that totally killed my drive to play the game, and it didn't get much better later on.
Basically it's a fun co-op shooter if you have friends who own the game, but otherwise just leave it.
I was never able to beat the games because I couldn't find any people who would play it for more than an hour or two.
>Spend the entire game grinding for good legendary weapons just for them to become obsolete after a few hours.
>Huge period of time where my guns are shit.
>Spend all of my money at the slot machines for good legendary weapons just for them to become obsolete in a few hours.
>Huge period of time where my guns are shit.
The first game was just this except without slot machines.
>obsolete after a few hours.
Then there is no problem with it then
It's okay
If the next one doesn't have shit writers and manages to not fuck up any of the actually good changes from 2 or TPS then it'll probably be fun
>find level 19 Hellfire
>kicks ass up to level cap
Elemental legendaries did pretty good in BL1.
It's Sup Forums's game.
Sounds familiar
Is that the fire weapon where it's DoT's stacks? That was great, shame they didn't bring it back in bl2
>Elemental legendaries did pretty good in BL1.
That's an understatement.
>Pestilent Defiler
>x4 chance to status proc
>Increased chance of spreading status to nearby targets
>Increased damage
>Increased status damage
>"masher" attachment on revolver causes shotgun-like effects, essentially firing several bullets per trigger pull, multiplying the chances of status proc even more
>Majority of enemies are weak to acid rounds
It was all you needed. Combined with Mordecai's revolver skills, once you picked up a P.D, the game was a cakewalk.
Yeah, it's busted. Elemental damage was kinda bonkers in BL1 though so I can see why they changed that.
Merging revolvers and repeaters into just pistols, however, was fucking retarded. I miss my Maliwan Defiler.
I got it in the first Marcus store in Fyrestone at the very start of NG+ on my Mordecai. Shit was hilarious. The only thing more broken than Pistol build Mordecai is Lilith with a Hellfire.
Yeah that. They brought it back although it wasn't nearly as good.
It still pretty much demolishes anything fleshy, but sadly it doesn't stack fire DoTs on every single shot anymore
The first one was actually fine as it is, it just needed some more attention to detail and a more dynamic gameplay.
From 2 it was just trying too hard to be wacky or some shit.
first game was okay
second game was terrible
didn't play third game because second game is terrible and you don't get second chances unless you're actually good at least once
pre-sequel took all the "le wacky" humor from 2 and turned it up to 10. Couldn't finish it.
>memes: on/off
Gunplay is awful, it's boring to use any gun in Borderlands 1 and 2
AI just walks forward
Level/item scaling is fucked up
Interesting premise on paper, completely fails on execution.
I'm actually looking forward to a BL3 since Burch isn't involved anymore. However I hope they listen to the feedback and rework legendaries to be more random rather than all of them coming from raid bosses. Also I would like the scaling to be more like BL1.
It also better feature best girl
I just got the triple pack and finished BL1's main quest... which DLC location do I choose first?
I enjoy it but 2K showed it could be better in the hands of another developer.
Gameplay in TPS was way better and more dynamic than anything in 1 or 2.
>played 1 all over
>enjoy it
>browse Sup Forums a few years ago
>borderlands thread
>someone posts that indie short movie
>realize how much of a cuck Anthony is
One of the things i liked about this game is the artstyle and when i realized Gearbox plagiarized an indie animator movie my heart stopped.
1 was good but repetitive
2 was good but the writing was cringeworthy
3 was great (except for the three lines written by Burch)
2 is still fun if you mute the dialogue and ignore the subtitles.
I wasn't aware of any Lexus video games.
Zombie Island
Make sure to get the "Brains" quest asap
1 was fine
2 had good gameplay but shit story and humor
Krieg was actually funny since his randomness was due to the fact that he was LITERALLY insane
Don't give them ideas
Burch or not Burch, the humor is fucked. It was successful and they now think it has to be like this.
TPS had better gameplay mechanics though, and no slag.
Catch a rocket and blow yourself up you inbred fuck.
God I hate Scooter so much. I'm glad he's dead.
My nigga
I hope she was able to help Krieg, his trailer with her was kinda nice
I hated the bosses in TPS. There isn't much of a point in playing through harder difficulties if there is nothing fun to do.
Also imho BL1 had the more interesting characters simply because you had a bunch of different builds before the level cap got raised so high you could basically get all perks.
>Then Borderlands 2 came out.They changed nothing.
They actually changed aot of things from 1 to 2 user
>Oh,and the Pre-Sequel,i think it's marginally better than 2
So you talk about how nothing changed from1-2 but don't say anything about the Pre Sequel from 2? Fuck outta here
Technically any legendary could drop from almost any enemy in BL2, the chances were just absurdly low. They patched it to make it a big higher at some point after launch but it was still really low. Me and my friend still got a few legendaries per playthrough that way when we played recently though.
>It was successful and they now think it has to be like this.
I dunno, most of the DLCs were way less cringeworthy. Compare Tina in the main game to how she is in the Dungeons and Dragons DLC, way less annoying.
Borderlands games are shit
World is interesting
Tales is a 9-10/10
Interesting, I didn't know that. It never happened for me so I just figured they were all assigned to certain enemies. Still it should really be reworked.
>a big higher
a bit* higher
Masher can't spawn with elementals.
I played both BL1 and BL2 and TPS singleplayer for the most part. They're all fun as shit, though TPS is the worst of the lot.
>BL1: 8.5
>BL2: 8.75, 9 if not for BURCH
>TPS: 8.25
I've never actually played a bad Gearbox game. Duke Nukem Forever was at least inspired as far as CoD games go, and Opposing Force was PURE FUCKING GOLD.
Yeah, on my original run back when the game came out I only got one legendary as a random drop (most people apparently didn't get one). My friend got it recently so we decided to actually get to the level cap and do all the DLCs and bosses and shit, we probably saw about 10-15 legendaries drop from generic enemies, plus I got a Lyuda from a random chest and that was pretty sick for like 15 levels. And we skipped most sidequests so that's a lot more killing and loot drops we probably missed.
It could definitely still be higher but it's not as awful as it used to be. No idea how it is in TPS, haven't touched that.
Gaige or Krieg? I wanna get into this game again. I did Krieg all the way to 69 and through the harder new game plus or whatever it was - never really done Gaige.
I've also done Zer0 and Axton, I'm not gonna touch Salvadore, never touched Maya.
I think the whole "Borderlands is bad because memes" became a meme itself. The game has some real gameplay issues like the guns becoming useless quickly, bullet sponge enemies and more.
Gaige, Krieg doesn't work in OP mode apparently.
Gaige is broken as fuck. Maya seemed boring to me at first, too, but her power is actually pretty useful.
It's annoying. Not to mention
>Hurr straight is bad
It's a good time sink I guess.
I have 600 hours on BL2.
I wish that I had used save editors before I reached the 500 hour mark though. I also wish I found a way to make the voices a different language earlier.
TPS is irredeemably slow though.
>Only openly straight characters are Roland, Mordecai and Lilith
>Roland is kiled off
>Mordecai gets dumped by Moxxi
>Lilith becomes grade A hated bitch
You think you could make this shit up, but you can't.
Thee's also Scooter but a few side quests show how successful he is.
I played through BL1 (and all DLCs) and BL2 with my brother, completely co-op.
BL1 was a blast, but replaying is a slog.
BL2 was...neat, I guess. Lots of neat places but then it becomes an even worse slog when you become used to everything.
Guns became outdated fast in BL2 unless their gimmick matched your build, and the way Legendaries worked (and their Korean-tier) drop rates ensured that I never saw any Legendaries actually drop. I only got my oranges from quest rewards and shit.
Overall, I would play BL1 beginning to end before even considering BL2. I enjoyed the gunplay and drops more, and BL2 was TOO goofy/memetastic at times.
>mfw they kill scooter in tales from the borderlands
>1000+ hours in bl1 and 2500+ in bl2
Id say I quite enjoyed it, OP
I actually enjoyed the memes and pop culture references in bl2
Before you fly off the handle, Scooter's VA requested that he be killed off because he can't do the vice anymore.
At least he died with dignity.
you're getting triggered by your top ships not working out okay?
>6 types of guns, 6 elemental types, shields, class MODs, grenade MODs, eridian relics
It was a legit deal breaker in late game.
Bad games made good by multiplayer. BL2 is fucking awful if you don't play with someone else in my opinion.
I don't care or the memes but the references aren't bad get to that good,the bad, and the ugly homage quest is perfect imo.
stop saying that bl2 has bad writing
stop saying that bl2 doesn't have bad writing
bl2 has bad writing we know this already. burch is a fucking faggot and that he hasn't killed himself shows how committed he is to making the world autistic
give more active abilities to every class and it will be fixed.
on top of the gun porn, the actual writing was more tolerable in 1. not great, but not as fucking awful as 2.
too bad about the ending tho
Tedious grinding. Can be played with blaring music (not from the game though, the in-game music is mostly unbearable). Player vs. Player combat is a joke. The story is a joke.
yeah i don't think duels were ever more than a novelty
on pc i used to play with power metal, good shit