>those Zenyatta changes
Some of you are alright, don't go to King's Row tomorrow.
>those Zenyatta changes
Some of you are alright, don't go to King's Row tomorrow.
Other urls found in this thread:
>kings row is THE MAP for bad heroes to do well
altho I want to see more omnic heroes
What changes did he get?
1) shield buff (100 health + 50 shields -> 50 health + 100 shields)
2) ult heal increase (200 hp/sec -> 300 hp/sec)
3) ult movement speed doubled
Total health increased to 200 HP. 50 health, 150 shields.
Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony now travel to players much faster.
Transcendence healing boosted from 200 per second to 300 per second, and Zenyatta can move twice as fast during it.
>tfw loved playing Zenyatta before this buff
I can only imagine how fun he'll be now
It'll be the same, just you die in one extra hit. He was already fine before anyway, his DPS was insane at low-midlevel games where people weren't smart/skilled enough to molest him.
where is the changelog
Instead of dying in 1 hit, you'll die in 2 hits now while you bring your team down with slow heals. Mercy is an even better pick now that she has 50% damage beam.
Zenyatta is the worst Character to play
prove me wrong faggots
That health change you posted is completely wrong
He went from 50hp and 100 shield to 50hp and 150 shield
He's got 200hp now, and he's never had more than 50 normal hp
it's fucking nothing
so instead of dying in 1 shot he dies in 2
good, less people to compete with in choosing my main
Zenyatta is the best Character to play
prove me wrong faggot
There needs to be a votekick system in the game so you can boot out Zenyatta memers. You're griefing the game by picking that shit hero.
>if you are not picking Lucio, Winston or Tracer you will be kicked
You're an idiot. The game is meant to be a dynamic experience, you pick what hero will do the best in the current situation. I hate you fuckers that pick Widowmaker on attack.
Now Zenyatta can play as Zenyatta better
>can sit back and chuck pos/neg orbs faster and have them actually get to the destination in time to be useful
>can fly to whoever needs healing while ulting, which was a problem when he was always at the back of the charge
is there any footage of his new ult movement speed yet?
the interview video says its doubled but that still isnt very quick
Of course, main in overwatch = the character I want to play then I end up playing probably 50% of the time. The rest of the time will be fill/switch.
Not sure, but I saw it on a stream.
It's quick as fuck, faster than I expected.
I liked Zen a lot but with Mercy's damage boost being increased and Ana existing it's gonna be rough on him. More and more people are going to shit on people for picking him.
At least he still has a better overall damage output than either of them.
You forgot his Orbs now have had their travel speed quadrupled.
This basically means you can apply them instantly over long ranges.
into the trash he goes
Source? I've only seen people mention his shield/ult buff
Let's delete Gibraltar
I fucking hate that map and I want to leave every time I get put in it
they'd still be retards because zeny was S tier before and the thing that mostly pushed him out of it was losing health
Gibraltar is fine, it's Volskaya that needs to enter the garbage can
nah the infinite orb duration was totally broken
Zenyatta section,
>Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony
>>Projectile speed has been increased from 30 to 120
thanks anons
You mean hanamura. Although all the 2cp maps are shit.
some day idiots are finally going to realize that dead enemies don't deal any damage and stop whining about zen's "low healing".
this is my hope, but as this is a blizzard game, i know, in my heart of hearts, the player base simply isn't ever going to realize this
which is why you should play "attack" characters instead of zenyatta. That was your point, right?
still no mobility/escape aside from ult which is a waste if youre using it to save yourself. still sucks.
He's got more survivability now though, it balances out
>reinhardt remains untouched
>Roadhog's ult cost increased by 45%
net buff, read the fucking patch notes retard
Only thing I want is a Hanzo damage nerf.
His hitbox is already absurdly broken, but then on top of it his splitter arrows are capable of dealing almost 200 damage.
thank fuck
You were saying?
>not hanamura
If you're on offense on that level might as well just leave the game
read ALL the patch notes, retard
Healing yourself now charges ult meter
You illiterate
>One of Ana's unlockable dialogue lines is "Witness Me"
I KNEW she was based off this character.
I would be pretty embarrassed if I were you
(ignore this post)
3rd party tracking site fix FUCKING WHEN?
it all makes sense now
Played one game. He's okay.
She clearly knows her nipples are showing and people are watching for her plump tits. Fuck now I need to jerk off.
His new travel time on discord/harmony is insane. Easily the biggest buff.
Holy fuck that gpu temp.
Dude cool your jets
>started playing ov 4 days ago
>absolutely desmolish everyone else using zen
>now this
Its like they want it to be op af
is that the girl from jews react ?
Spotted the AMD poorfag
>movement is still shit outside of ult
So he is garbage still
Same for Ana. She is a sniper healer but can't get to advantageous positions. Ana should have been the first stealth class.