Pokémon GO EXPOSED by Alex Jones


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Alex Jones is an insane Trumpshill who literally sells bottles of his own piss to idiots who drink it and claim it 'cleared their brains of television fog'.

>our IQs are dropping

Is this true? I've always heard the opposite.

I guess it would make sense since dumber people have more kids. Not sure how vidya would have an effect on that, though.


>our IQs are dropping
>is this true?

No. Every poll, statistic and study ever shows that it's the absolute opposite. The whole "people are getting dumber" is the mentality of assblasted fuckwits who are angry that current cultural norms don't appeal to them.

Are you fucking retarded?
Go read a random Sup Forums thread and every single post.
2/3 of them will be the dumbest shit you've ever had the displeasure to scroll your eyes across.

IQ is a normalized measurement. It can't actually drop as a whole. Unless he means the IQ of the US relative to the rest of the world, then it would be very unlikely but possible.

IQ's are rising globally and have been for decades

t. Hillshill

70-80% of IQ (not sure about the exact number) is hereditary however even the dumbest person today is much smarter than average person centuries ago

nice word salad, kike.
your game is shit.
fuck you.

IQ isn't an absolute scale, so by definition the average always stays at 100. However today's 100 is higher than 100 from a decade ago. Despite doomsaying to the contrary, the average person's intelligence has done nothing but increase for centuries.

I already pledged by blood to the Paul family.

that's a new one

Citation? I'd be interested in reading that.

Salad is delicious and extremely good for you, so you should probably try taking some in every once in a while.

it's sure bullshit.
>don't worry goyim, everyone's getting smarter

No they're fucking not.

just more proof he is controlled opposition

What a intelligent retort.

I'm still hoping he will be Trump's VP but he'll probably stay in the senate

Google the Flynn Effect and read up on it a little. There's a few criticisms of it but none of them really hold up to scrutiny.

have fun dealing with elsevier for the full versions

Are you fucking kidding me? More and more people are unable to think critically.

>le irony reddit butter

You'll get no upboats here shit stick.

No, your definition of "critical thinking" just gets smaller and less accurate over time because you're an autistic shut-in.

This is absolutely untrue. It's just that more people are now able to record and voice their thoughts and broadcast them to a wide audience which before was usually the playground of the extremely educated, influential or rich.

The average joe on Twitter today is more reasonable than the average joe would've been 100 years ago if they had Twitter.

>it's about playing god and taking over reality
conservatives man. jesus fuck conservatives.

Source? already posted studies substantiating the Flynn effect, I'm assuming you have evidence to back up your assertion other than anecdotal experiences.

Evidence for claim: oh wait it's not here

Notice the time in between responses.
This is what a shill looks like boys and girls, take notes.
As for you, fuck off globalist pig. We all know you're will to fill the globe with barbarian sandniggers who pray to a space rock so they'll be easier to herd.


>IQ is 70-80% hereditary

It's hard to tell, but most estimates range from 40-80%

This is what I thought, but does anyone know what study he's referencing in the video?

Why arent the fucking mods banning the pokeshit from Sup Forums

im serious we have an entire board JUST for ONE FUCKING SERIES

>The average joe on Twitter today is more reasonable than the average joe would've been 100 years ago if they had Twitter.
the avg joe 100 years ago actually believed in morality and hard work

Of course he doesn't.

After all, he's unable to think critically.

Why do so many libertarians support trump?
Trump is more authoritarian than anything

Stop trying to turn a Japanese weeaboo forum about electronic videogames into your crazy hugbox. Go play with the Leftist crazies on Tumblr.


>Pedophilia is gross and should be punishable by murder!
>except when Achmed does it. We just don't understand their culture.
liberals man. jesus fuck liberals.


>they're trying to indoct you by creating virtual realities so they can play god
>this destroy your humanity

sounds like another conspiracy theorist nut.

I'm pretty sure yucky's been cutting off their supply of hot pockets.
The moderation on all of the boards have been out of control the last couple of weeks.

lol. that can't be real.

Alex Jones is THE conspiracy theorist nut
glenn beck might be a good second

AJ is THE conspiracy nut

It's true tough, the global IQ average has been dropping like crazy ever since white people stopped reproducing.

why is he pronouncing it wrong on purpose

Wrong one alex

In the strict definition of IQ? No, it's going up but people are becoming more and more retarded, critical thinking and common sense is greatly underdeveloped.

What are the chances of a bolt of lightning falling on both Hilary, Trump and Alex Jones? The future is too bleak otherwise


They never had very deep political convictions. They just want to vote for the anti-establishment candidate. It's the same reason some Bernie supporters will vote for Trump.

>make retarded claim
>someone points out how claim is retarded
>instead of trying to prove claim is not retarded (you can't) just blame muslims

conservatives man, jesus fuck conservatives.

Sweet, i'll look into it.

Make Pokemons a real thing in our world and we wont need to look at a screen anymore.

Those people need to realize that real life is boring when compared to the virtual world.

If everyone tomorrow has an IQ of 98 in today's measurement, to them it would read 100, and you and me would be +102.
IQ is normalized to a set.

Its not a stretch to say people are getting stupider or smarter. But there are planned children out there who are bred to pass college at record time at the expense of what you and me would call a normal life.

>all these companies want to take over and control your reality! Don't let them tell you what to do!
>Do exactly what I say!

This is alex jones, he makes other conspiracy nuts look normal

I assume because its the more popular than every other video game out and this is a board for video games.

Just look at this place or any social media site.

>falling for this weak bait

Why are conservatives so stupid?

fucking kek

Alex Jones is the original conspiracy theorist

>tfw he has 1.6mil youtube subs

Memes have gone too far.


Fuck off to your crib, women's studies major.

It really is.

It make me happy knowing that Alex Jones exists

>pedophilia is gross
Nigger you do not know liberals

Go to bed Alex

I actually supported Trump during Super Tuesday since Jeb was a mess and Cruz was legit insane thinking he had a plan and might actually be the one on track to be able to beat Shillary.

Then he wouldn't shut the fuck up and blatantly insulted the New Mexican governor which would have been a PERFECT VP choice to make himself look good about illegal immigration.

It was that moment that I realized that no Republican candidate had a chance anyway and gave up on politics in general.


Alex Jones is a famous conspiracy nut. His site InfoWars sells a bottle of pisswater they call 'Brainforce' which they claim counteracts the miniature toxic weapons the government is putting into the water supply to kill our brains.

I'm subbed to him just cause I think he's funny to listen to.

I don't believe a thing he says, but he is hilarious.

>it's just le bait :^)
>le beitoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Fuck off retard

tfw became very mainstream like 3 years ago

>haha Alex jones is a conspiracy theorist
>I don't have to refute anything he says hahaha

Can't tell if y'all are libtards or globalist shills.

Actually, Liberals see pedophilia as a new form of sexuality.

Yes, we do all deserve to die for letting this happen.



this. wonder how much soros is paying them.

I think the idea is viewing pedophiles as mentally ill and needing treatment rather than just evil people. Care to show me someone on the left who actually thinks pedophilia should be legal?

fuck off retard

Oh please that's all clickbait garbage.
Liberals still think white male pedophiles should be castrated with a rusty cheese knife.



You clearly are one of those people whose IQ is dropping since you cant even come up with a real argument.

>getting this triggered over bait

Hun. Alex might be right about IQ decreasing.