Would you really have been excited if this was another hack n slash like the rest. They weren't that good...

Would you really have been excited if this was another hack n slash like the rest. They weren't that good. I like the new direction they're taking this series tbqhwy.

The only GoW game I ever played was 3 Remastered.

It was fucking horrible.

Fuck this franchise and fuck Sup Forums for the sudden retcon of how this place gave a single fuck about it.

yeah i dont really care either way. and after the presentation the devs said there would still be primarily open ended combat with a lot of enemies and a focus on gameplay over cinematics, so well see.

If it were a hack and slash like the others, I'd maybe give it a look whilst it was on sale.

But as it is, I doubt I'll do that.

I did have fun with GoW 2.

1) this is a sequel that didn't need to be made, period. the franchise is over and is tired.

2) "I like the new direction they're taking this series tbqhwy." you mean an utterly boring moviegame? like half of PlayStation's exclusives since the ps3 have been boring moviegames, how can you guys not be utterly exhausted with these? thtey're the same every time and they age like milk and you play them for the 8 hour film and then you put it away and never touch it again

No series really dies if it still sells. If there is a market for it there will be a sequel.

Did you not see the action in the trailer? It looked like a faster Souls game. Plus the devs said they'll be a huge amount of enemies. Santa Monica has always been good to its fans so I don't think they're lying.

>faster souls game
just play bloodborn, you dip. cheaper to make and to buy too.

The souls games are stale. Same formula over and over. I don't even think I even made it halfway through Bloodborne

I'm currently playing through GoW2 after playing GoW and it honestly just feels like more of the same. If GoW3 is more of this then I'm definitely going to be more open to the reboot

I literally don't give a fuck either way. Where's my DMC5.

>Would you really have been excited if this was another hack n slash like the rest
>They weren't that good
No excuse to drop the quality even lower.
>I like the new direction they're taking this series tbqhwy

Kratos' running animation is the faggiest thing I've ever seen.
Someone worked hard to make it that way, why?

The others were mediocre but I loved the mythos and would have liked the change.

All you need is less qte not some boring fucking walking bits. It's gone from mediocre to shit.

it has nothing to do with sony.

Here's my deal-- I was left trying to understand what this game would be about.

God of War has always had great "cinematic" "moments" but it never really had a great story, though I think they thought they were telling one.

I at least knew what to expect from the fighting. But watching this trailer, especially looking at the camera-- how would that translate into a cool fighting engine? I don't know what to expect from the game. I wouldn't be surprised if this sequence was an outlier.

But sure, I'm fine if they tweak the game play and make it different. I enjoy GoW but I am also willing to let them take a risk.

I don't give a shit. I just want my DMC5.

When DmC 2 comes out

>It looks good because it's like Dark Souls
>Bloodborne is bad because Dark Souls is stale

All these walking sims are garbage. I straight up refuse to believe people like to follow things slowly.

So never?

im more excited about this, as long as it has more than just quick time shit. hack n slash was overrated

But then you complain about Nintendo slapping Mario on any game.

E3 2017

God of War games were good. They were half way between Zelda and DMC type games. The spectacle and level design was great, especially in the first game.

Now it's a linear cinematic piece of shit.

Have you player tlou? That's the joel jog. It looks exactly the same. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sprint button with shaky camera.

I didn't say it was bad I said it was stale.

>go through quick level with a few enemies
>light bonfires
>try to kill boss

GoW has some characterization in the protags and an interesting setting and an actual coherent story.

You've played the new God of War?

I know a bad game when I see one.


I saw we need to reinvent the hack n slash genre. I'm talking smack n bash homie, all limp wrists and button mashing slap fights.

It's the game developers blatantly not giving a shit is what gets me. Guaranteed they didn't even touch the previous games and everyone who's working on this one is a neutered bitchboi.

I only played 3 and Ascension and I loved them both, I do wish the new one didn't do what it did or is trying to do but whatever, I had my GOW fun now it's time for another group to have that fun, it sucks but it is what it is.

given how much they sold, a lot of people would have been excited

I'm way more excited for this new thing