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shit that song is feels


samefag sorry



.mirrorS arE morE fuN thaN televisioN

More like early goodbye why is the game so damn short



user, dearest of all my friends!

Your waifu, I hear she is a stone fox.

I would fuck her.


shE haS dyeD heR haiR reD

when are getting a remaster or remake Sup Forums? Fahrenheit is getting one only on ps4

MP2 doesn't need one. It still looks and plays great.

MP1 doesn't really need one either. Sure the character models are awkward-looking but you won't be seeing them from close up most of the time anyway. Only real issue is the stiff animations.

Pretty much this.
PC games do not need "remasters", aka "we let the game render in above 480p resolution and silky smooth 48 FPS" since there's no limit by default.



Post more Max Payne 2 webms

God damn it, user. I just played MP2 last month.
Don't make me play it again.
At least it would be a short playthrough.


they need to remake MP 2 for the PS4.

They were all dead.



We just told you it doesn't need a remaster.


yes it does.

MP 3 was so shit that they need to do it.

Fucking Sam Lake man, dude's a legend. Too bad Quantum Break bombed big time

I fucking hated how he became the villain, I liked him so much.

However I do appreciate him killing Vinny. Fuck Vinny.


I read this right to left and it took me about 10 minutes to figure out why it didn't make sense.
I need a break.

You sir a cancer. If you want to play MP2, buy a fucking PC from 2004 for 20 bucks and play it.

MP4 when?
Or is Rockstar now only capable of making GTA Online DLC?

You'll fucking pay for this russian, you'll fucking pay.

That seriously needs a clover in the corner and made into a banner.


No, fuck you.

>took damage
user pls

Why would you want another MP game from Rockstar when it's obvious they can't write noir stories for shit?

God MP 3 was all kinds of terrible.

>MP4 when?
when rockstar lets remedy do it

Fuck YOU, stop buying needless remasters you piece of shit.

Try your low quality bait in a thread for people who weren't born when MP2 was released.

I want a remake, not a fucking remaster. There is a distinct different.

And the fact that Rockstar can't be assed to update those cutscene audio files to a format that post-XP operating systems can play, thankfully we have a fan patch for that.

keep going.

what makes you say it bombed?

>buy a fucking PC from 2004

For what purpose? You can get both games running well on modern OS with minimal hassle

It doesn't need a remake.

and he calls me the cancer for such a stupid suggestion

Do the face.

This is what Max Payne could've been:

What went wrong?

It would be shit on consoles.
The mouse movement was all kinds of shit in MP3 because of consoles.

Yes it does.

No, it doesn't.

when that mobster said he was a rain dog, I dropped this track over the rest of the level's street shootout in the rain and it was awesome

>Brown hair in a ponytail, blue eyes
>Tries to kill you when you first meet her
>Eventually joins you
>Romantic interest
>Provides you sniper fire in some missions
>Parts ways with you

Man I love Quiet!

Rockstar happened.


You want to see a good game ruined with modern day bandwagon bulshit like cover mechanics and VR shinanigans, with additional crap probably sold as DLC because that's a REMAKE you retard, and that's like fucking Voltaire rewritting Candid every 10 years because the trend changes. A remaster is a refresh be it cosmetical with higher res versions of the original textures and models and nothing added in the game. In both are bad and shouldn't exist, but out of the two shits you want the stinkiest.

what? I played it straight from steam and had no audio issues. I did play in XP compatibility mode though

Playing with mod which rebalances bullettime and damage.

Right. We found you out of it on V covered in blood burying the pieces of your wife and the pizza guy under a rose bush in the backyard

Interesting. Neither me or my buddies get any cutscene audio unless we install that one fanpatch that converts cutscene files to another format.

I haven't played L.A. Noir, but in MP3 the story was indeed god awful. Favela gang violence, yay, how exciting. However, I think Max himself was pretty well-written. And MP3 clearly had the best gameplay of three. So maybe they can nail it on the second try, maybe hire Sam Lake to write for them.

Was meant to quote instead of

Why did people hate MP3 so much? It wasn't as good as MP2 and didn't really have any of the remedy charm but it was still pretty good.

>Playing with mod which rebalances bullettime and damage.
and I can see you have bullet time refill itself on kills IN bullet time and ridiculous ammount of ammo.

MP2 was the easy one, why make it even easier?

remasters are okay for games so old that you can't even buy retail or digitally anymore, and/or they don't even work properly on modern hardware without a bunch of 3rd party software.

MP3 is like the Ultramarines of Sup Forums. There was a time when hating it was cool, but now we all realize that it was actually pretty good all along.

Gamplay wise it was pretty much the same but more modern. Story wise it was Baghdad with G-strings

It was t Noir, it was Neo-BR-Meme-"""Noir""""-in-daytime.

Kojima is a thief

>And MP3 clearly had the best gameplay of three

Why do people keep saying this? On what level does it have the best gameplay? It's slower than Max Payne 1, the movement options are lacking, the guns are very homogenized, the slow-mo is dumbed down because headshots are instant which removes any need for deflection. And that's on top of the arena like levels

I don't think people hate it.

because half of what max payne so good before (story, characters, atmosphere, style) were almost completely absent in 3.

Because its an entry in a well known, loved by Sup Forums franchise, an entry which happened to change stuff.

BUT THEN AGAIN, even if it didn't they'd have probably called it a rehash. So yeah.

my own biggest beef with MP3 was that as long as you had at least one painkiller, you would go into "slowmo-get-a-kill-to-survive-mode" that would save your ass all the time.

if the game let me play it for more than 5 minutes at a time it would be a lot higher in my esteem

You mean what went right?

1 was great, 2 perfected the formula, 3 was a tech demo with a great soundtrack

I don't hate it at all and since I saw Elite Squad and John Wick I enjoy the game even more

Instead of Rockstar trying to make a Max Payne 3 game, they tried turning Max Payne 3 into a Rockstar game.

Indeed I agree to some extend. However I aproach them cautioushly. For example Homeworld Remastered. Homeworld 1 - fucking A, one of the best remasters I've played. Exactly how I remember it but fresher. Homeworld 2 - lolnope. First of all they changed the lightning on most missions and shit is important to the feel. Secondly, they changed the voice actors to the ones from the first game. Not only are they worse acting wise but it makes no fucking sense storywise. Karan, ok neuro shit and some such, I can live with that. But the fleet inteligence guy must be 130 years old at the time. Little things I know, but annoying never the less.

Because I don't abuse the fuck out of it and just use it for style.

holy shit man, the first time I played that level I was 12 years old. 12 fucking years old and I did that level, as well as vinny gognitty's bat boy costume level without dying.

I just replayed this game a few weeks ago... hooo boy, how did I fucking do it? jesus christ! a 12 y.o. beating that shit? without dying? fuuuu (maybe I just suck a lot at shooter games now that i've been out of the loop for 4 years or something)

>MP3 clearly had the best gameplay of three
>limiting number of guns you can carry
>every time you dive into a wall you stop shooting and need an eternity to get up
>every level is small as shit witch makes previous part even worse

The final product was more polished than that

>the movement options are lacking
What does this mean? The game didn't take away any movement options.
>the slow-mo is dumbed down because headshots are instant which removes any need for deflection
As opposed to needlessly tanky enemies in MP1? I'll take the headshot kills.
>And that's on top of the arena like levels
vs linear level in the first two. Can't say it's a step back really.

I don't mind that much since to me Max Payne's difficulty was always about trying to be stylish rather than just surviving.

Gameplay is good.
Everything else sucks ass.

It's difficult to beat those levels without dying, not impossible

Use slow-mo more than shoot dodges

Poorly written cutscenes that you can't even skip is my biggest gripe with the game

I still think it's the best third person action around

You can't skip them only on the first playthrough.

Killing the literal garbage of the world is all you need to make a good game



>>the movement options are lacking
>What does this mean?

it means rockstar is obsessed with prioritizing fluid looking movement animations over snappy controls. god forbid the player's input cancel your precious foot pivoting animation.

for the record, i actually like max payne 3 but i'm sick of rockstar's buttfuck retarded movement controls.

>The game didn't take away any movement options.

Where's my dodge roll then? It was practically the most important mechanic in Max Payne 1 but is absent in 3 besides situational shit, and I'm not even sure if that has invincibility. No more jumping either so you feel very limited in how you navigate levels, and hell in 2 you could do cool shit by firing during your jump.

>I'll take the headshot kills.

Headshot kills are a part of Max Payne 1 as well, they just take more skill at longer distance because you have to lead your shots. The way 3 handled it makes it feel like an on rails shooter.

>vs linear level in the first two

Those linear levels had some sequence breaking, they had flow, they had some exploration that's absent in 3. The encounters also felt more organic since you were discovering enemies in the levels.