I just started playing this yesterday...does Sup Forums like this game?
Dragons Dogma
It's my favorite.
It's a big pile of OK
I stopped playing ~50 hours in because I'm autistic and want to do all the quests, but I'm not willing to shave of my and my companion's beard to do that feminist bandit quest
I'll finish it at some point
it's like a poor man's dark souls for adhd children
just play the real thing
Who fucking cares what "Sup Forums" thinks.
"Sup Forums" doesn't refer to anyone.
If you want to know what opinions you'll find, you'll find
>Contrarian "objective" poster who says "X is bad and you can't argue because it's objective"
>Fan or false-flagging fan of another series saying it's shit and telling you to go play their game instead
>It's a "Poor man's X" or it's "X without the Y"
It's an action RPG. It's open world. Story is a little bland, but gets pretty hype toward the end. Combat is standard, climbing mechanic is radical though.
Classes are also pretty cool, but some could be improved.
Cool gear.
First playthroughs feel like a real adventure.
Good waifu/husbando creator.
Spooky parts.
It's an open world fantasy RPG with character creation, if you don't know what you're in for you don't play video games.
Except you do know what you're in for, you've probably played the game a tonne, but you don't know how to start a thread without either asking what "Sup Forums" thinks or using some bait faggotry to get replies.
Fuck you, OP.
Fun game though.
>Combat is standard
What standard are you talking about? There's almost no ARPG that has DD's level of combat.
>a poor man's dark souls
Wait. A game that, in contrast to Souls, has responsive controls, proper kinaesthetic feedback, complete combat mechanics (cancelling, command queueing, combos), and consistent visuals (vfx, blood spurts, etc.) is a "poor man's dark souls"? Wut? Are you saying Souls games are meant to be unfinished?
Fucking summerfags.
Combat and classes are fun, although story is a little lacking and enemies aren't varied enough for me imo. id put it under my "buy when on sale" list. youll definitely have fun for a while though. also waifu creator
Really? Aside from the climbing, which is radical as I mentioned, what does it do that's new or different?
Skills are all mostly a standard affair, with buffs, debuffs and timed abilities which get stronger depending how long you charge them.
Combat is fun. But it's very ordinary. It's just done well, it all.
It was big pile of yeah its fine.
Just play w3 or something
DD2 never
DDO in the west never
It's pretty fucking good OP.
I suppose it's the impact behind it that makes it different. Being able to smash a chimera into the ground with an overhead swing, blow a griffin away with a massive tornado, and some of the borderline stylish action shit you can do with the bow-and-knife classes. It's pretty fantasticly varied in terms of playstyles too.
I honestly can't think of anything like it in terms of ARPGs.
Also, what said.
first bit is not fun
it gets much more fun
play a dagger class
save often
>No replayability
>has a NG+ mode with specifically NG+ designed content
>no replayability
You tried, user.
It's ok.
I played it on PC. I expected a lot more based on all the Sup Forums sperging about this game being so fucking amazing.
I like the classes and the pawn system but the world is boring as fuck and the story is just... there.
ive refunded it
Eh? All you really need is the set of women's clothes and you can still talk to them. At least that's how it went in my game and my Arisen is a big black bearded nigger.
Its just DMC 3 (or 4?) in a fantasy skin
Kinda. Except that DMC didn't have fantasy class abilities. In terms of ARPG combat, it's pretty unique.
It was okay, I didn't hate it for the most part but walked away disappointed. The early parts were exciting and made me think I was in for a real treat but the game only got worse after the beginning. Early on I thought the world would be big and varied, not tiny and samey as fuck so it had a real feeling of adventure. Early on I thought the combat would be good because you can actually die, there's move variety and some minor crowd management going on. Turns out the combat is incredibly shallow to the point where you can just button mash like an idiot and most of the moves are useless on top of there not being enough of them for the length of the game. Early on I thought the boss monsters would be amazing, but then I realized that the ones I fought near the beginning would be the ones I'd fight during the entire game. Early on I thought the exploration would be nice. But then I had to redo entire dungeons I've already cleared out before after getting the appropriate quests, realizing that none of that was optional content I discovered on my own. Played BBI since that was supposedly good but all it did is make me hate the game's shitty mindless combat.
>mode that let's you replay the same quests
Nice replayability.