Hot tip for skyrim:

Hot tip for skyrim:

Other urls found in this thread:

Your shitting me right
I flabbergasted!

eHow is truly the worst

>launch skyrim
>its real

a lot of people probably found this useful

the faq generation is a strange one

Can anyone verify this?

This has got to be satire.

i literally lol'd out loud

i dont care if you intended it as shitty bait you made my evening op

Can you wear pieces of armor too? A friend told me so, but I think he was trying to fool me

Its not, this actually works.

This video came out 2 YEARS after the game. Did eHow really not know about the wait button??

Guys, hey guys. I have the hottest tip for you.

You must reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

This has to be some next level of satire.

h-here i go!

inmunity cat retard

Please no.

I love my momma

Fucking fuck

if you belived in immunity cat why did you reply you fucking retard?

you obviously didnt and felt like you had to reply like the manchild you are faggot

>Not replying to that guy because you are edgy as fuck

It's a little late for that...

I can't believe we are going so meta about this microsoft msn chain-messages.

>dat feelaroon when my mom died a in august of last year

nooooooooooo :(

You are a horrible pearson

O shit boeyyyyyy

well you wouldn't want that to happen all over again would you now


Hehheheh...kid...feeling lucky today? *unsheaths katana*


Nay, not today.

I feel like this guy must have been really stressed out after his boss told him to make the video funny

When will more feminine benis mods be added to skyrim?

This is what a liberal arts degree will get you
Also how the fuck is this serious?

>Also how the fuck is this serious?

le autstic STEM man is at it again

come on now buddy


Actually, it's eHow Tech.

STEM fags btfo



How is that Turkish man running so fast?!

pls save momma

Fuck you senpai.

not again




immunity cat kek

not today


I save myself 10 gold by just sleeping (AKA waiting) outside

thanks for the cringe though

no image this time?

can't just cheat with mods on my 360 :P

shit son

>open link
>3 seconds of that loud ass music
>close link

made me reply/10

fuck u


fuck you

I don't get it, did someone's mother die in their sleep

Why is this a thing


is this a skyrim thread? meh fuggit.
enderal the sequal of nehrim is finally released. for now only in german because its a german production. if you speak german or cant wait another 3 months for the translation grab it now.
have a nice evening


no she won't

Fuck you

ill try it ty

Fuck you.










for all the moms out there

Pls no


Nah man. That would make the game way too easy then.







>come back to thread after posting
> over half the replies are to that guy's mom post

why is this a thing