When Felicia was a teenager she would get her mother to take sexy pictures of her, Felicia would then send the pictures to men she played MMO's with in exchange for rare items or would have them pay her subscription fee in game.
Felicia also made out with one of these men in the back of her mother's car.
I know it's popular to hate on her here but after reading about her doing this in her book I'm actually surprised. She has used gaming and gamers to get further in life for years and I finally understand the hate...
When Felicia was a teenager she would get her mother to take sexy pictures of her...
what mmo was being played in 96?
>dem thighs
that's definitely not felicia day
yeah she was hot once...a very, very long time ago
meridian 59. was pretty big.
>it's a Sup Forums hears of an important game for the first time episode
I would like her to pee all over me.
So no?
no it's just not her. not same face, definitely not same body.
That is an extremely poor shoop
>it's an "user acts smug because he googled a game from before he born and feels like he's important for once in his life" post
its her I promise you. she has a ton of these pictures in her book
That ain't Felicia Day. It can't be.
I'm 34. these posts get so tired.
be glad that I educated you, now you're ignorant about one less thing. Instead you reply like the petulant little punk you are, of a generation that doesn't understand anything other than ad hominem and pokemon.
Not him, but you're being a smug prik to fammo.
>that image
looks like a fat cow m8
>I'm 34
why they fuck are you still on Sup Forums you decrepit old loser
holy shit you literally should kill yourself
34 and you already got to the "kids these days" phase. Do you remember the time when you swore you'd never be like that?
>implying i'm not more successful than you will be at this point
>implying you will not also be here or somewhere exactly equivalent at 34
you can never leave.
>Overly picky, fatfuck/skellington fedoraman sounding off about a perfectly good mating figure.
Go to the gym faggo
>Do you remember the time when you swore you'd never be like that?
no, i was always like this. i'm vastly more intelligent and more moral than normal people so i have never felt any connection to them, now i see the diminishment of humanity and thought in the new generation, so you can add that to the considerable distaste i already possess for most people.
What does 34 have to do with that?
Also you should be the one offing himself, please do
not him btw
>on Sup Forums
>thinks he's giving out lessons
>you're either too fat or too skinny, whichever is more offensive
work on that bantz and that taste famicom
>i'm vastly more intelligent and more moral than normal people so i have never felt any connection to them
This reads like a parody, are you being serious now?
>on Sup Forums
>think you have nothing to learn from older people who are vastly more experienced and knowledgeable than you in the thing you care about greatly
You see, you learn something when you listen to old people. They ain’t fools, see. You don’t get to be old by being no fool, see. A lot of young wise men are deader than a motherfucker, ain’t they? - Richard Pryor
I'm 30 and I'm still here, and I don't even play video anymore. Shitposting on Sup Forums is just a hobby of mine.
Man you're lucky my fedora got deleted.
>posts on an anime based video game board in his mid 30's
live with muh girlfriend of 6 years, don't need nobody else.
why are you so focused on exclusion and ridicule of others when you came here to escape a life of it? honest question.
so many of you come to places like this, took refuge in games and media, because of normie bullying or exclusion
given a chance, you immediately do the same thing. because you are typical. and that is why i am better than you. sorry.
i enjoy the older crowd compared to you underage mobile gaming faggots that plague this website
>I don't even play video anymore. Shitposting on Sup Forums is just a hobby of mine
can the mods please do something about this absolute fucking loser
If this is how you're talking at 34 you've lived an incredibly sheltered existence.
>learning something useful
>on Sup Forums
Sure thing, my supreme gentleman
I agree with this
Whichever you are, you're probably ugly user... You shouldn't be too critical because you're not a catch probs.
Reading along and laughing at this whole thread while prairie dogging before a big shit.
PM'd him m8, it's going to be alright.
>why are you so focused on exclusion and ridicule of others
>I am better than you sorry
I hope this is bait
>when you came here to escape a life of it
>because you are typical. and that is why i am better than you. sorry.
What exactly makes you think you're so smart? Your posts make you seem more delusional and self-absorbed than intelligent
There were online gameplay in the 80's, mate.
i've done many things, not sure why you'd think you have any idea calling that.
i didn't cast the first stone.
>baseless projecting
You really have to step it up, user.
this thread is about how Felicia is a hack and should be hacked
Post a pic user. Let's have a look-see! What's your bench? Can you run even? I hope your over 6ft.
I learned about movies I would have never picked up if I wasn't on this site. Fuck off fag