Nintendo just found it's new future.
Nintendo just found it's new future
it's almost like their games that would clearly be successful on mobile are successful on mobile. it only took them a decade to figure that out
One could argue that Pokemon games have always been successful on mobile.
Tell me this kind of game couldn't have been done on a DS. The only difference is the size of the install base.
And the GPS, lack of camera, or shit one with dsi
Now i would argue, because the Pokémon games have been released on Nintendo owned systems, the profit has been greater, if they would be released like Pokémon Go has, the profit would be split, and it has.
making it less profitable for Nintendo, also more cooks in the kitchen, more people making decisions and may cause restrictions in all manner of ways
If Sony owned Pokémon it would be a greater success story since they have actual mobile phones
Where were you when one of the last handheld developers noticed they could make money with shitty mobile instead of making niche vidya?
I'm calling it, this and Miitomo show that Nintendo is trying to go mobile. Which is a shame personally, the 3DS could've have more thought into it.
Inb4 dumb frogposter
Oh please, they're not going to abandon consoles in favor of mobile. That's why they bought DeNa
I can only think of Animal Crossing also working on mobile. Can't be any worse than Amiibo bullshit at least.
>If Sony owned Pokémon
OMG, Sonyggers are on suicide watch.
you're a fucking retard. Most local news stations on the US are covering this game with some type of story. Nintendo never goes into the real honest to god mainstream, and this app put them there.
and it's not even their own game, they didn't make it, and Google/Apple is profiting from it.
>Nintendo just found it is new future.
5 year returns for Sony are +12.88% and for Nintendo +8.88%
Both abysmal
For comparison's sake, EA's 5 year returns have been +217%, Activision's +253%, Take Two's +170% and Microsoft's +97%
In fact if you exclude major disasters like Blackberry, Nokia, HP, AMD etc you'd be hard pressed to find a major technology company with worse results over the last 5 years than Sony and Nintendo. They are the industry's losers.
Nintendo is now a mobile 3rd party.
Doesn't that make them irrelevant to Sup Forums ?
I mean since when is Sup Forums discussing mobile apps ?
Literally fucking what
>yfw Iwata was proven wrong
>Nintendo will rise to Godhood and he was only holding them back
if only I could understand
It's not even close to where they want it. Not even a fraction of what the Wii/DS did, which is what they obviously want to repeat. If anything, they're back to where they were just before Iwata died.
>Compressed Pokemon Gold and Silver enough to have a 2nd region
He's still alright in my books due to this
>Barely close to where they were when the GC landed
He was holding them back by making them make REAL GAMES for Sup Forums. Now that Businessman Kimishima is in it's all about business and that means NNNNNNORMIEEES.
you cared enough to reply :^)
The funny thing is the playstation brand wound not exist if nintendo agreed to the deal. they created their enemy
Sony butthurt as shit.
What is this?
So iterate, it's what Nintendo does best.
Or most often, whatever.
>tfw you lived to see Nintendo become a third party phone game dev.
Uh, Nintendo's a pretty well established company. Take a random person off the street and ask them who Nintendo is. They sure as fuck won't be saying "who?"
Well there it is. Nintendo will gradually shift completely to mobile and handheld games only. Our most recent memories of Nintendo consoles will be the casual as all fuck Wii, and the disaster that was the Wii U.
What is the wii? That was normie central
Normies bought it for 3-4 games max: Wii Sports, Wii Play, etc. There were still plenty of normal games on it.
The irony is that nintendo will start focusing on mobile shit instead and their stationary consoles will die