Why do so many indie platformers try to look lke ugly nes games complete with garish ugly colors?

Why do so many indie platformers try to look lke ugly nes games complete with garish ugly colors?

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They're trying to stay true to the NES by including the graphical limitations. at least that's what I think.

Yeah, the devs did an article about what limitations they broke. Long story short, there are 3 pixels that weren't in the NES limitations, and it's widescreen.


the colors are ugly.

Because it's easy

Why ask this question over and over again when the answer is always the fucking same? It's because they don't want to spend time making the game look better. SOMETIMES they do it intentionally but more often than not it's just an easy style to emulate and practical to use.

What games besides Shovel Knight actually emulate NES graphics?

Nostalgiafags will buy anything to remind them a happier time.

Does Megaman 9 and 10?
I seem to recall a sprite flicker option.

nostalgia. and its a matter of taste.

shovel knight looked fucking good. almost all of the sprites in that game are a treat to look at, and i dont even enjoy the game.

IIRC, isn't Shovel Knight cheating a bit?

pandering to nostalgiafags, the greasy, fat neckbeards who live in mom's basement in their mid thirties

the one on the left looks so much better

Shovel Knight cheated in a few ways:
>uses sound channels only available on the Japanese NES
>widescreen resolution
>sprites don't flicker when too much is happening on the screen

In a lot of places, yes.
It doesn't even make channels of the background music cut out in order to use them for sound effects.
What kind of verisimilitude is that.

Because nostalgia sells.

>inb4 someone compares an indie game with Little Samson

Also, , i'm not a nostalgiafag but i do care a lot more about a game's gameplay rather than it's graphics. Something a walking simulator whore like you won't understand.

Hello summer.

Who gives a shit. They're both decent games.

Too bad Axiom Verge's sprites don't look as good as Shovel Knight

What's your year-round goto response when someone points that you're a waste of air? It's time to get a job, faggot.

>being a wage cuck

Is that what you call your mother when she tells you to clean up your room?

>y-your mom

Nice try, wage cuck.

Nigger please. Graphics don't make the game, but intentionally aping the NES style is pretty clear nostalgiafaggotry.

Shovel Knight seemed more like a Gameboy Color game, if anything.

Do you ever think about what a disappointment you are to her? Maybe she was hoping for something more than a leech.

She had me because she wanted a baby. She gave me life for selfish reasons and I live for selfish reasons. But I could throw the same insult at you: I bet your mother wishes you were something more than a minimum wage cuck.

I'm sure both your mom's love you very much and wouldn't want to see you arguing over some mundane shit on an image board.

You sound like a really bitter person. Ever think about suicide when it hits you what a failure you've become?

>bitter wage cuck calling others bitter

Thanks for the laugh, user.

Cheap and relatively easy to make while also not looking like low budget shit. Just take a look at low budget games with HD assets and you'll see what I mean.

I feel like Landstalker would have beaten Zelda if people knew what it was. Sucks that the 3 best options are on the bottom though.

Just wait for indie developers to pick up the 16-bit aesthetic, complete with abuse of Mode 7-esque effects.

>Just wait for indie developers to pick up the 16-bit aesthetic, complete with abuse of Mode 7-esque effects.

That would cost 500,000-1mil per game. That's above what Indies can do.

at least shovel knight does it right. too many undertale-type games use bad graphics as an excuse. shovel knight, on the other hand, actually imitates NES graphics by making good graphics with the NES' limited palette

whats the game on the left?


dark souls clone

I personally like this aesthetic when it's done well. The examples you posted, to me, are done well.

But there's a whole hell of a lot of shit out there. Real fucking shit. Dog fucking shit.

Shovel Knight has an extended color palette compared to the NES and doesn't have the same sprites per scanline limitation. It does a good job of having the same style though.

>dark souls clone

its not nice to lie on the internet user. Its
more castlevania than anything else.

Odallus is a classic exploration/action game, inspired by Ghosts’n Goblins, Demon’s Crest and Castlevania

Dark Souls my ass

They purposefully ignored limitations that didn't add anything to the game.

Because it's easier to do than to have an original art style and/or good visuals.

Retro City Rampage was originally designed to attempt to be fully playable on NES hardware, but I think they had to break that restriction.

Good image, anime is the perfect example of no style or good visuals.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "How to make an indie game in just a week"

>download drag 'n' drop code game engine
>open up paint and completely disregard famicom palettes
>write an extremely memetic, meta story (be sure to get the tenses in the dialogues wrong)
>post "progress", a.k.a. pics of your monitor + starbucks coffee in the foreground
>do not craft decent gameplay: jump and grab, jump and grab, etc.
>spend a lot of time on making the characters: the quirkier, wittier they are, the better. don't forget the flashy colors
>release on steam for 14,99
>see some fan-art around
>see your game's hype die the next month
>have a twitter meltdown and delete your yaoi kemono porn stash
>announce retirement

It is however playable on a 486 - MS-DOS / Windows 3.1 pc, which is a cool thing even if he missed the NES.

it''s easy as fuck monies from all the normalfags/hipsters in the world.

>spend a lot of time on making the characters

Here's where you're wrong. The characters in the vast majority of indie games (especially the pretentious 'artsy' ones) are nothing more than a caricature or an amalgamation of tropes. I've seen very few indie games where actual thought was put into the characters, since they seem to have nothing below their two-dimensional exterior.

That's what I meant, user. That line was sarcastic.

>try to look lke ugly nes games
Those two would be extremely good looking NES games.

God damn I LOVE Shovel Knight when the fuck is the Specter Knight DLC coming out?

And paralax scrolling.

What happened to the retro gauntlet thread?

Fuck all of these shitty indie games, they all feel and play like shit, constantly floating and sliding around, game has no "feel" or weight to them and just not that fun to play.

Binding of Isaac Rebirth tried to go for this, they called the room changing a "mode7-like effect". It's not very representative though, the lighting and such are way more advanced than the SNES.

The NES can do paralax scrolling via software.

Isn't the next expansion King Knight?

probably got reported by assblasted shitposters

user because it's cheaper and remember

Game play > graphics

Why would you ever expect Dark Souls fans to know dark horror inspired action games existed before Dark Souls.

King Knight and Edge Knight fucking WHEN

Nostalgia bait

They aren't ugly? you're just a faggotron.

your mom is ugly

last time I checked they are taking their time to push them out at the same time

you have no taste