ITT: Moments in games that gave you that empty feeling inside. You know the one

ITT: Moments in games that gave you that empty feeling inside. You know the one.

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''''''good'''''' ending my ass

The music in this game is what makes these moments so "good"

Beepy gets an honorable mention.

I know you fags hate ME3, but when Shepard died, that shit was nuts

all of ME3 gave me feels

the ending of ME3 depressed the hell out of me too, not because of ''le ending was so bad'' but because I felt genuinely sad in a good way

That game is garbage. The fact that you gave it the time of day makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

your opinion, not mine dude

OFF's Judge ending

And then you feel your soul sucked out of you when you see the words "DLC".


Ending of far cry 4. Swap 1 dictator for another.

Ending of far cry 4. Swap 1 dictator for another, nothing achieved.

This entire fucking game.

>Dragon's Dogma
>"you must defeat the dragon it is your destiny"
>do it
>all that shit that happens

I made a mistake.

Crisis Core
Secret of Evermore

The cut-scenes after fighting Egil in Xenoblade Chronicles
Killing the dog in Walking Dead Season 2

Basically ending of any game.

KOTOR had some pretty gutting moments.

Fragile Dreams.
What the fuck was that ending.

Ending of Va-11 Hall-a

Abandoning Cain in Binary Domain

The ending of Vectorman

The death of Chen in FEAR PM

>playing wow with Internet friends
>we've been playing for maybe 10 hours a day raiding right when tier 11 came out during progression
>finally kill sinestra, the last boss we had left of the tier
>finish like US too 5 or some shit
>next day everyone is back to their social lives and jobs and gfs, they only log in for raid nights anymore
>I was still there playing all day erryday

that was when I was a loser among losers

>Out of 100 nobles, 99 were impressed

when chrono trigger ended. I was so engrossed in the story, when it finally ended, I teared up a little, I wanted it to keep going.