So i was playing metal gear 5 and i came across an enemy and it got slow to do as i when they found at the base?

so i was playing metal gear 5 and i came across an enemy and it got slow to do as i when they found at the base?

English, OP. Use it.

>it got slow to do as i when they found at the base?

OP are you ok?


someone post the big boss post

did OP die?

Return to hispachan homo, your english is still shameful. Nice try though.

Do you mean that the game drags on when you get to Mother Base?

Or that an enemy stopped at an outpost?

LOL at your picture

Yeah, I want a new "Has anyone even been as far as decided to want do look more like?" as much as anyone but this thread isn't it, guys. Too forced. Not naturally retarded enough.

Is this pasta? If not, it should be.

it already happened, someone post the big boss post its funny as fuck.

What did he mean by this?

>got slow to do as i when they found at the base?

found at the base?

>it got slow to do as i when they found at the base?

can you repeat that in english?



Look at this cheap attempt to be the next "has anyone ever gone so far as..."



it's good enough for me

>it got slow to do as i when they found at the base?

Add me on the screenshot !

You can turn off the slowmo effect when you get caught.

Metal Gear Solid taught me about guns

See you guys on leddit


1/10 best I can do

Get fucked OP.

>newfag doesn't understand the concept of a unique IP counter

every tiem
