Was GTA4 better than 5?

Was GTA4 better than 5?

Or is it just nostalgia

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>gta 4

its just the better game

But why

Better gunplay
Non-casual driving
Better missions
Better characters
Better multiplayer
Better expansions

The only things GTAV did better than IV were the radio stations and the inclusion of non-city terrain, but the former is subjective and the latter got fucked by putting all the not-city above the city with nothing in it.

>Better gunplay


>Non-casual driving

If your argument consists of "If you don't like the driving in GTA IV you're a causal" then chances are you have no real argument to defend cars that operate like boats. Driving a fucking car in a GTA game shouldn't be a fucking challenge to even turn a corner.

>Better missions


>Better characters


>Better multiplayer


>Better expansions

We never really had any expansions for GTA so far unless you count MP updates.

Was Saints Row 2 better than GTA4?

Or is it just nostalgia

I liked Jazz Nation Radio in GTA 4 a lot. Too bad there's really no parallel in 5.

Better driving, missions, characters and expansions are all gimmes.

I don't know about gunplay though. Neither game has especially strong gunplay, especially compared to sister game Max Payne 3

4 had better technology and characters.

Gunplay in V was crap. Can't shoot guns from people's hands, everything that isn't a cop dies in 1 shot, and half the guns are superfluous at best.
The driving was better than V's "every car is magnetically attached to the road and explodes on contact with anything".
The majority of Vs missions are even more busywork than IV, and despite being a game centered around heists, there's a grand total of 5, only 3 of which actually give you anything and only 1 that pays enough to be worth a damn.
GTAV multiplayer is like Payday 2 with worse mechanics and almost as much DLC shit, not to mention the retarded penalties for causing mayhem in a sandbox game designed around causing mayhem. IV had a variety of stuff to do and didn't try to jew you out of money for in-game currency or sell you cosmetics.
And as for the expansions, the fact that V never got any expacks is my point. All we got post-launch was promises of multiplayer heists (which underdelivered about as hard as humanly possible) and a mountain of pointless shit.

So by default, GTA 4 had better expansions.

Also, if you found it a challenge to turn a corner in 4, maybe you just didn't know how to brake properly. Those cars didn't handle like boats at all, they just had real weight to them.

It feels good to have been arguing about whether or not 4's driving is good for almost 8 years now. I feel like I have been making the same point the whole time and no one will ever change their mind.



I think they're very different games.

Lame Russian accents wasn't as funny to me as everyone else seemed to think. It really killed that game for me.

who /thick/ here?

what one had better villians?

in 4 you had Dimitri, Pegorino, Ray and Bulgarin.
in SR2, you had a literal niggerking general, Worf from TNG, 2 angry japs and a corporate climber

Never been a better GTA than San Andreas.

>better missions

>better multiplayer
pay 2 play restrictive garbage

i think Bulgarin was a legit russian guy.

he popped up in The Sopranos sounding exactly the same

gta4's multiplayer is the most basic shit

SR2 obviously.

4 didn't really have a clear villain, since it's mostly about Niko. Dimitri only appears on the first half and couple last missions, and he's more like an asstwat rather than a villain.

Chinatown Wars

GTA IV was better in the storyline and realism department.
GTA V was better in the fun deparment.

>Scouting the port

what fucking garbage.
the most filler mission in the history of filler missions

Was IV story that good? It was shit

Slavs betraying slavs betraying Italians betraying micks



Most people who hate IV's driving were too young when they played it

i think Saints row 1 & 2's campaign shits all over GTA 5 in terms of replay-ability and actual fucking depth.

GTA 4 has SR 1 and 2 beaten for depth and fun characters though.

Packie > Johnny

>at least 12 different modes of play
>several unique modes like Cops'n'Crooks, Turf Wars and Cat'n'Mouse
>basic shit

as compared to V's
>drive around
>shoot someone
>get thrown in the Dunce pool because of microaggression.

RDR and Bully are the only well written Rockstar games

>le apples and oranges
Doesn't mean ones not better. I'd give it to SR2 for being a more fun game, though j really like GTAIV

A wild JNR bro! Loved that station. The Journey was cool too.
Drove around Liberty City listening to the radio way too much.. was good. Don't get the same experience in GTA V.

The leap from IV to V was underwhelming in comparison to the leap from SA to IV. Especially since V was unquestionably worse in some aspects (story, characters) that had received great attention to detail in IV.

I still think 4 looks better than 5.

This video pretty much sums up how much rockstar dropped in quality. youtube.com/watch?v=GWVtZJo-HqI

Shooting was more satisfying
Audio was better
Driving was rewarding and not arcady as fuck
Ragdoll physics were fun
Atmosphere was more believable
More interesting Characters than V
Shootouts were more intense especially when hearing playable characters and enemies yelling at each other while firing at each other

I don't know man, I miss all those things in v. Rockstar listened to all the fucking casuals that complained about 4 not being enough like San Andreas because muh airplanes and can't handle the driving physics because muh saints row and they fucking dropped everything that a lot of people loved in 4.

I don't even care about the future installments for GTA anymore.

That's not thick, that's fat.

There's a difference.

>unspeakably atrocious driving
>5 guns
>no garage
>shit dating system
>toll booths
>samey as fuck missions
It did some things better, definitely, but overall GTA V was a much better game.

The story in IV is MUCH better.

V has better graphics, combat, a ragdoll button, and a more varied open world.

But IV has a great DLC trilogy that wraps up GTAIV really well.


Enjoyed 4 more, but it's full of its own issues.
If I could go on criticizing 4 for a while, it's probably not nostalgia.

>"Bullshit, that's last year's fall collection"
>The boss was several feet away and Dex was looking straight into the bag from above, there's no way the Boss could see it
>mfw he knew it because Tanya says Luz is wearing last season's heels in that mission where you drive her limo

IV overall is better

I love 2, but they can't be compared.
A more apt comparison would be GTA:SA


lots of nitpicking but on point

>Non-casual driving

aka boring and sluggish driving

>Better missions

Fuck no

>Better characters


>a lot of people loved in 4.

This is fucking WRONG. The people you're referring to were the teeny tiny fucking minority compared to the people who thought 4 was boring and grey.

You have shit taste.

>for something that came out in 2008
KEK. Also, GTA IV was shit.

>doesnt make sense if you did the carnales first.
>mfw always leave Los Carnarles last, VK's first and Rollerz 2nd

>mfw SR2, brotherhood first, Samdei second, Ronin third

>mfw SR3, put the game down because trash

Nostalgia. The average age here is like 17 now, it was probably half of Sup Forums's first GTA. Everyone else knows how much of a turd it is.

Nostalgia. IV was the worst GTA.

not true, my first GTA was Simpsons Hit n Run


kill yourself

GTAV was my first GTA game and I have to say I've got no clue why it's so popular if that's considered "best" series-wise.

no sr2 was shit

>worst GTA
>when GTA Advance, LCS and London exist

It's like when people say Fallout 3 was the worst when Brotherhood of Steel was a thing.

My first GTA was London and I still think IV is the best

why do you think it's shit, man?

I certainly hope that GTA 4 is better.

I never played GTA 4. The first game I owned in this franchise was GTA 5 and I found it to be shit. If GTA 4 is just as bad we have a Resident Evil sort of "None of these games are good, how did this series ever get popular?" situations.

This. I don't understand how someone can have nostalgia for something that came out just a few years ago but it must be. IV is by far the worst 3D GTA and it isn't close. Vice City Stories was a better game for fuck sake.

>The story in IV is MUCH better.

Why the actual fuck do people think this? The story in GTAIV was about as entertaining as someone stamping on your balls and then asking if you want to go bowling.

>Resident Evil sort of "None of these games are good, how did this series ever get popular?" situations.

You have some shit taste in video games.

that's fat

>Haven't played IV
Take GTA V, and remove 80% of the content. There, you have GTA IV.

I paid $5 for gta iv and played through the entire campaign as well as tlatd and tbogt

it's worth about $20 with all that content. just the base game is probably worth $9, $3 for tlatd, and $7 for tbogt.

base game is worth more because it lasts longer and has a more iconic character

Liberty City Stories was like a better version of III, and both are better than IV.

Have you played any of the others yet? Because if you haven't then OF COURSE you'd have no fucking clue why it's considered the best. Dumbass.

Better physics went a long way. when they toned it down in 5 it killed the only thing that made 4 worth playing over classic games. Also the radio was fucking garbage compared to all the other GTA games

VCS wasn't bad at all.

Oh, and I haven't played GTA V because it costs >$30

>Was GTA4 better than 5?
4 wasn't even better than its DLCs and CW

>Liberty City Stories was like a better version of III
With shitter missions and no Dodo

If this shithole is still around in 5 years there will be people ironically claiming V was a masterpiece and the best GTA.

III is great but LCS had a better story, a better protagonist and yes, it had better missions than III, seems how you whack the mayor and get to blow up an entire neighborhood.
>they removed an airplane that was impossible to fly anyway
And nothing of value was lost.

I don't really give a shit about GTA gameplay, so I prefer 4 for the better writing and TECHNOLOGY moments

we'll be here till the world ends Tbh

>they removed an airplane that was impossible to fly anyway
>And nothing of value was lost.
Mechanically, LCS and VCS is more like VC, so helis and planes are not a problem. The fact the main reason it got cut is because the map was unfinished is baffling.

>that was impossible to fly anyway
acquire skill

which one helps you learn to drive better?

The rooftops to the buildings weren't solid so aircraft was removed. I think it's still in the game files though.

GTA 4 had the best characters, writing, driving and setting, no contest.

GTA 4 was definitely the most memorable, even more so than 3 and VC.

>>Better characters
Either you were abused by someone and automatically hate GTA4 characters, or you have absolutely shit taste.

GTA 5 is full of hipsters and it tries hard to fit into the new age setting. It's a hollywood film as a video game and directed poorly.

How to spot someone who's never driven of their life:
>GTA IV had realistic driving!

Every single thing you just posted about GTA IV, the exact opposite is true.

Worst characters, shit writing, by far the world game world. The only bad thing I can say about GTAV is that it has no DLC/expansions.

Memorable for being a shitheap.

Summer Sup Forums, ladies and gents.

IV had better characters but everything else is spot on.

SA>5=VC>LCS>3>VCS>absolute dogshit>4>Advance

Post those GTAIV tunes


The missions in IV sucked ass, though. V was weaker overall, but the missions were at least fun enough to make it worth playing.

Honestly, I'd say that's IV's biggest problem. Switch the mission design teams of both games and suddenly IV is the best game in the series and V is the worst.

Way to out yourself, newfriend.

>he fell for the GTA IV was the best meme
First day?

Sup Forums is 18+, kiddos.

>memorable characters
5 had Trevor, that's an automatic checkmate, what did 4 have? Polacks going bowling and an Irish cunt named Paddy or some shit.

The first to have a much smoother third person shooster duh!

>LCS better than VCS
>3 better than anything
>no CW

I heard it first in Stalker online. Caught me totally by surprised when it came up in GTA

>le SA is the best GTA meme

Found the Twitch generation poster

GTAIV physics are enough fun to make up for all its shortcomings.

I never played 5 but GTA IV has so much little details that it amazes me to this day.

Quality drop is common in these sorts of games

Trevor was memorable for being awful.

>GTA 5 Pros
Best setting of any GTA game
Excellent storyline
Submarines and shit
>GTA IV pros
Decent DLC
>GTA 5 cons
Aggressive police take away from some of the fun
>GTA IV cons
Awful setting, worst in the series
Forgettable characters including protag
You have to interrupt what you are doing to go bowling with X character or they will hate you
Devoid of classic Rockstar humor

GTAV's singleplayer is fantastic but it does have its shortcomings. Still, despite being dissapointed with what GTAO was, I thought GTAV was well worth the $60.

There's some things in V that make it feel contrived and boring in terms of gameplay
>an explosion anywhere near a vehicle makes it explode instantly, no exceptions
>landing on your roof from a huge fall makes your vehicle explode
>police cars ramming you automatically makes you swerve into a different direction
>enemies just slump over in the same lame animation and die whereas in GTAIV, people didn't neccesarily die when they are rendered incapacitated
>being ejected out of your vehicle insta kills you 9/10 times

The first three points just make the game feel scripted. In GTAIV, a car could survive certain amounts of explosions next to it and it would just catch on fire. This made car chase/shootouts and shootouts in general much more interesting.

Like I said, GTAV is pretty good but GTAIV in my opinion is the better game. One thing I really love in V is the improved range on most weapons.

>trevor was a better character than anyone in 4

Trevor was fine on the first playthrough

after that, he's just a cringy motherfucker who embodies the "lolsorandom" shit