Cheap key sites

Hey guys, I have a question about cheap CD key sites such as g2a or greenmangaming etc.

I am currently looking for the crew since I want a comfy racing game. I see 2 types of keys. For less then 10 bucks you have a uplay global key and for 15 bucks a steam key.

I am wondering can I use the uplay global key to activate the game on steam too? Its just because steam is less hassle than uplay.


These are the two I mean:

As you can see the steam one is 16,50 and the uplay one is 9,50 so yeah I kinda dont wanna spend more than 10 on this so can I use the uplay one on steam too?

Thanks alot

also general cheap cd key site thread for games

Protip: Don't use G2A

why not?

i used it once before for spintires and it works fine too

but can anyone answer my question about if I can use the uplay one on steam too? Simply because its less money and I prefer to launch the game through steam


Yes you can, Uplay keys activate on steam
You can buy without worry my friend

Are you fucking retarded? Why would a uplay key work on steam, dipshit?

G2A is fine who gives a shit about the reddit drama crying about dev money.

Are you joking with me?

Plz guys I dont know shit about this, just be nice to a poorfag with a shit life that just wants to escape from reality and play a game


Well why not?

So the answer is no and I should get the steam one?

This is complete bullshit. However, consider that even with a Steam key you will still have to use Uplay, just you'll be doing it through Steam.

I don't really give a shit about devs, but if you don't want your CC info to be sold to a host of nigerian princes I'd recommend avoiding G2A

yes it works dude ignore the other bitter troll

ok so I will just need to buy the steam key?

yeah i know it still requires uplay of some sort but launching through steam is easier and less hassle


Yes, if you're worried about the convenience of it just buy the Steam key, especially considering the difference is only a few dollars.

It works fine with Uplay keys he is being ebin Sup Forums troll trying to make you waste the 5 dollar difference

how sad must your life be that you tell people this

Who puts their CC info on the internet these days when you can just use Paypal?

well considering one is 9 bucks and the other is 16.50 bucks its still kind of a difference

how come i dont believe you? its the way you type. because if you are wrong i waste not 5 dollar but 10 dollar

It's negligible for the peace of mind you'll get from it. But honestly, what is making you interested in playing the Crew in the first place?

i want a comfy racing game

just wanna gofast and drive through burgerlands

it looks comfy, and there isnt a crack for it so i thought maybe ill just buy it

but yeah if the steam key still needs uplay, do you still need a uplay account and all that shit? or does it only require the software uplay? because if I still need uplay accoutn maybe its easier to just get uplay one?

That's exactly the thing, you'll still have to do everything with Uplay that you would otherwise. So you still need an account and all of that nonsense. The ass backwards thing is that if you chose to download Uplay directly and then try to download your copy of the Crew, it would start opening Steam for the download, so it's not like you really get a benefit out of having it on both platforms.

I guess I understand the desire for it in that case.

You literally launch the game from steam, which launches Uplay, which then launches the game
You do need a Uplay account and you have to install and run Uplay when you play it


so even if I buy the game for 30 bucks through steam, and it installs and then launch it, steam would open fucking uplay asking me to make a uplay account?

Yes, that's why all of their games have those DRM notices.

fuck me

the reason is I dont want to remember new accounts and god knows I might even already have a uplay account with my email

then i need to remember all new usernames, emails, logins just for 1 single game

that shit is a fucking pain in the ass

this is why i pirate

so if i buy the game on steam and I remember my uplay details I can never play the steam game again?

thansk for the help guys


Uplay isn't that bad on its own desu
