>ITT video games everyonr would buy but will never be made
Proper Jurassic Park video game with rich story, action and exploration.
>ITT video games everyonr would buy but will never be made
Proper Jurassic Park video game with rich story, action and exploration.
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Ubisoft literally just needs to make Far Cry: Dinosaurs
They're so fucking stupid making that caveman's shit and boring Himalayas shit. Make a fucking dinosaur Jurassic park thing with vehicles and shit.
A new Jedi Knight.
Wonder who has the licence though for Jurassic Park/World? Clearly if it was ubi or EA it would already been made into a cashgrab
telltale should be ashamed of themselves for their retarded effort
>jurassic park
>rich story
>Proper Jurassic Park video game with rich story, action and exploration.
mix between turok and resident evil set on a tropical island like farcry
i wouldn't buy it
dinosaurs are boring
Would an open world Dino Crisis work?
Throw in survival features and such. Prequel to Dino Crisis 2 where you are a normal guy suddenly thrown into a world filled with dinosaurs and trying to survive there.
>i think i'm deep and cool for hating jurassic park
Fucking pleb
Wouldn't work. What would your enemies be? Nothing more immersion breaking than hordes of dinos randomly attacking you, and you blasting them in the face with guns.
So it can't be a shooter, it can't be hack and slash, I guess that leaves point and click like Telltale, point and click like Sherlock Holmes, or third person adventure with heavily controlled 'combat' like Murdered Soul Suspect.
>Jurassic Park
Yeah no, it's shit nostalgia flick.
Dinosaurs are boring too, can't fathom what you people see in these giant rubber puppets.
yes it can be a shooter. Action/exploration type of game. Trespasser did it very well, too bad the game was a nuclear holocaust of bugs.
Fucking raptors Isolation style. Stalking you the entire game. That idea makes my dick rock hard.
>tfw no clever girls opening door handles to get a taste of you
why even live senpai ;_;
>new jungle map + makearmanotwar.com
Well, its close-ish
>Jurassic Park
the park was literally on rails
why does it have to be this shitty enine ffs
Because while it is shitty, its easily modifiable and its scenario creator is unrivaled for ease of use.
Its just the movement, controls, AI, guns and camera that are broken
If only a game like that already existed
I'd buy it. Make it an alternate universe kind of story where they don't kill the greatest hunter ever though. And divide it up by perspectives.
You start off as Muldoon, doing normal park shit like herding herbivores or whatever. Hints of weirdness occur by finding eggs like in the movie. And you go through like that, playing as Sattler and Harding and Grant and stuff and stuff you do affects other characters campaigns.
Kinda like RE2 or Raw Danger.
Do you mean Turok?
It'd be great if they adapted the book into survival horror. There's a lot there. The part where Muldoon fights the T Rex after he raids Nedry's corpse for the stolen rocket launcher. Allan Grant finding the underground tunnel and the storage shed with the tranquilizer gun.
>arcade fast paced action
that does not belong in a Jurassic Park game user
>guy with DMR hiding from a huge lizard
Yeh, no.
You were so obsessed with seeing whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should! And now you're selling it!
You could make a kick starter and charge $1000 a perk, $10,000 a perk and people will pay it.
>small guy with small arm confident enough to face off thing that can kill him in one squish
Check out ea webpage, they bought some roght for stat wars franchise and aparently are working on some interesting titles to be released at 2017-2018 if memory serves
Just start a kick starter rip off brother. You don't need the IP. I'll even wrote the intro for you.
>You are one of the lucky winners to be a member of the focus group for a futuristic theme park. It holds genetically engineered dinosaurs. The weekend is off to a wondrous start as you see the pinnacle of god's creations, but a storm is brewing and disaster strikes...
So am i the only one that enjoyed megadrive game ?
Or is this some kind of meta joke that flies over my head ?
What about LEGO Jurassic Park, OP?
You dont like that one?
yeah but Kyle Katarn is basically no more because it is non canon according to Disney