Is this the best Hack & Slash to date?

Is this the best Hack & Slash to date?

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I don't know about the best, but it's pretty alright

Its an okay game. If it had online towns with a strict anti-cheat policy it could have been better.

But its just an okay single player game.

Isn't it an ARPG?

The best hack and slash games are action games with nice combos.

pls kys these were called h&s before dante and kratos came along to shit the genre



Its the best SINGLEPLAYER ARPG up to date, yes.
If your looking for a MULTIPLAYER ARPG, PoE is objectively better.

Does it even have WASD?

Not even the best in its own lineage. Literally Titan Quest 0.5.

You should never date an hack & slash.

Maybe, but i was too busy with POE.

is there a arpg that isnt based around leveling one fucking skill for the rest of the game?

I'm using 5 skills on cooldown and 2 situational ones when things go to shit. Also got 6 toggleable buffs.

So, how is hardcore mode in this game?

What do you want to know? HC is the same as other ARPG, you die and your character is lost, meaning you have to pay more attention to your defenses than in SC. There are shared bank slots so you can trade things between your characters.

It's great. Too bad it runs like shit on my old laptop

>the BANE of Cairn

>Happy Merchant

PoE is better.
There, I said it.

Ive yet to find a hack and slash better than diablo 1 because everything that came after has bullshit item-specific builds. d1 was about ironmaning your way down and winning with positioning tactics, not gear and builds, a lot of people played it naked. Or beyond naked.

This game is alright but I'm only an hour or so into it, does it get any better?

It's entertaining enough to watch but for the most part I'm just holding mouse 1 on enemies and sometimes using abilities, do I ever get more involved than just staring at mobs while clicking on them?

Were there some thread on Sup Forums about this before?

Yes , happens often in-between D3 seasons for shilling.

Aren't those called CUHRAAAAYZEE games though?


really? ive been calling them arpgs since the 90s

No it's not PoE

no it's fucking boring

>oh look here's some enemies that you'll hold right click on for a bit until they die
>pick up the good bits of loot

It is definitely the best ARPG of its type currently out on the market.


Just started playing a Witchblade but haven't spent any attributes, don't really know how I'm building and I'm scared of fucking my character up by locking myself out of equipment

Is that a fucking Ultos weapon? You motherfucker, what do you have and what do you want in return?

You'll likely want to put most of your Attribute points into Physique. I'd recommend going to the GD forums' Build Compendium and finding a Witchblade build that sounds relevant to your interests.

Every single isometric genre ever has failed to have interesting skills, its a real shame

Even ToS does a better job at it.

It's all the same shit.

Nah its not poe right after a new league starts.

This is my go to during poe burnout tough.

Does anyone still play Sacred 2?

I thought it was pretty fun. The console version is fucked but the PC one was quite nice. Horribly saturated colours but personally, I find it's one of the best looking ARPGs around


For all you PoE shills, can I be a necromancer yet?

>be a necromancer
Define necromancer.

>tfw woke up too late to catch the guy with lods o' legendaries

rattle rattle ooga booga

Game lacks detail & polish.
Too much focus on proccing RNG rather than actually fun to use abilities.
Skills are generally bland and unfun to use.
Lack of audio and visual feedback that make using abilities and slaying countless enemies actually feel rewarding.
Lots of watered down content to keep you busy.
If you like Titan's Quest, you'll like this.
If you didn't, there's nothing new.


Shitting out an army of summonable undead to do my bidding for me

AKA; D2 necromancer

>Lack of [...] visual feedback that make using abilities and slaying countless enemies actually feel rewarding
Was disappointed from the start but I lost it here. I will never understand people who go into threads and post blatant lies to shit up a discussion.

No idea what that means.
You could do that with Witch million fucking years ago when I played. Now? Have no idea. Haven't played PoE for five or so years now.

You can do plenty of that in PoE.

of course you can

>No idea what that means.
Skeletons and curses.

See: every monster in diablo 2 having a specific death animations and sounds rather than just ragdolling and flying away.
It's actually an important part of the game in ARPG's, because by their very nature they are repetitive.

My main issue with Grim Dawn is that everything feels a bit too unpolished for my liking. You'll just find yourself getting stuck on scenery or the pathing not working properly far too much.
Also the combat feels a bit disjointed at times, you'll do an attack and sometimes your character straight up won't do it until a few seconds later, even if the thing you're attack is right next to you.
I know you can hold shift or whatever to attack from a stationary point but two thirds of the time it's not an issue anyway so I don't want to hold shift all the time.

Also the skills and the star sign stuff is a bit overwhelming at first and I'd rather not look up a detailed guide on my first playthrough.

>Skeletons and curses.
Yes. That shit was possible with Witch for ages.
But as I said - no idea what happened to the game, since haven't touched it for years.

>Also the skills and the star sign stuff is a bit overwhelming at first and I'd rather not look up a detailed guide on my first playthrough.
Everything above is very subjective and I didn't get the 'lag' you describe here.
As for the last part - you can finish the game with the most retarded build ever. Literally just anything in any tree, skills will carry you through the game on normal no problem.

>you can finish the game with the most retarded build ever
This. On a related note, the first difficulty has even been cleared in full whites. Things like that.

et out?

In this aspect, it is much like D3. ANYTHING will work for the first time on normal. You must be doing something really stupid to not get through it.
Like standing in poison or some shit.


Build help needed fags

Want a soldier/something build, which is the best thing to compliment it? Shaman?

Just removed all my points so want to make my char great again

Levelling up only soldier (which is what I was doing) is boring as sin


Soldier Shaman's alright.

Huh. Looks like a Callidor's Tempest weapon.

What about Devotion points for it? Which one goes best?

ARPG nub here

>no armysumoner
What's even the fucking point


you'd have to look up a warder guide I can't remember the specifics

There are plenty of warder builds you can steal ideas from.

Artstyle really grinds my gears. It does fit the post/happening apocalypse theme, but I still stomach it. Otherwise, good game. My hoarding boner loves it.

Also, fuck PoE and D3 with their always online bullshit. I'm, at the moment, in the area with barely working internet and thank fucking god I cared to update GD. Guess those nights would be longer if I chose d3 or poe.

>crtl+f torch
>no results
ehehehe. RIP in piss.

What's your beef with Torchlight?

Played the second one with my co-op buddy, and it was honestly kind of, like, fucking nothing. Not bad, but nothing great about it either. Doesn't help that devs ditched it pretty quick either.
Rip in piss indeed.

Cheers guys

>Doesn't help that devs ditched it pretty quick either.
This is a lie.

I didn't play too much but this game felt like it was more about passives than actives, is it really like that later on? Kinda boring if it is.

Hack and Slash and ARPG are different. ARPG have stuff like build management, skills, heavy item drops, top down view.

Hack and Slash are mostly just more open Beat em Up.

Mediocrity: The Game

Artstyle was meh, story was trash tho

how shit is the character progression? In Titan Quests I stopped playing because I got no upgrades.

The devs still support it and they left it to the modders. They are working on Hob are night.

Compare it to virtually any other ARPG of note, senpai.

It's nice. I feel that drop rates are much MUCH better, and especially early on, I'm constantly finding upgrades.

Have you played since it came out of early access? Feels a bit smoother since but it's still no Diablo 3.

Unless you know what you are building I generally save some attribute points in case I find some nice gear and Im just a bit closer to wearing it. Otherwise there are some cool build guides out there you can mess around with. With some practice you will eventually just make a build on your own.

its much better and faster paced than TQ:IT but still kind of slow compared to something like d3 or poe. It's pretty hard at times, too, even with good gear. Not often I get challenged in these games.

Skill trees were fucked.
Terrible game balance (that was never addressed) was the nail in the coffin.
Pet system wasn't integrated very well, they were mostly an annoyance that got knocked down to 1 health instantly and prompted bothersome voice prompts.
The secrets and ambush events were cool.

They did not release new things for it, but they bug fixed everything, and we have mods made by the devs that add new tiles set.

They want the modders to be able to do anything they want. They were going to go and do Torchlight 3, but after Torchlight 2 rough devellopement and lack of funds, they could not do the "Torchlight 3 MMO" they wanted. Even more with Diablo 3 and Path of Exile kicking them to the punch.

Diablo 3 is not a good Diablo 2 sequel. It's an arcady ARPG that was simplified to the highest degree. It's literally a game that you play 20 minutes and you can go back to work. They made it hyper casual.

It's a lot better, you level up very quickly at first and the good useful skills aren't far, the itemization is great though there's a boring gap between lv58 to around 65-70 where you don't get anything.

>tfw nobody to trade legendaries with

what kind of game is this supposed to be? So far it looks like fez+borderlands, judging by screenshots

The boxart on those games is pretty good barring D3. Malthael resembles a 'reaper of souls' vibe pretty well and d1-2 all represent what I imagine the devil would look like. Baal looks good, too, with how it looks like his hands are conjuring the fire on the II. Shows, imo, how much more D3 release was out of touch with the series.

Didn't ask D2 fans if it's ok to like a game.

>It's literally a game that you play 20 minutes and you can go back to work

Thank god for that. Work is the main reason I stopped playing MMORPGs.

how is the music in the game? is it memorable?

are there giant spiders in this game

It's an adventure game. Kinda like Zelda.



Music is alright. The ambience is very fitting and feels like a 'western' tune, complements the setting very well in my opinion.

Of course there are

MMO are built like that, except instances. There is no complexity in Diablo 3. It's way too open. You dont even have talent tree, you just use the build that correspond to the most complete set you have.

It's no Diablo 1 Tristram or Torchlight 2 but it's pretty good.

Spiders are in the game, but it's mostly cults members, mutants and spooky scary skeletons.

>It's way too open. You dont even have talent tree, you just use the build that correspond to the most complete set you have.

How is that bad expect from lore-wise?

Grim Dawn is Titan Quest
Path of Exile is old Diablo
Diablo 3 is gotta-go-fast-20-minutes-till-i-got-to-go

How is PoE different with the map system to D3? It's still 10-20 minutes game sessions

Because your character is not unique at all. You are not a specific hero trying to save the world, you just are Hero number 81828281 who use the same exact skills as hero number 8482482.

ARPG's are supposed to be about loot and building a character. Making skill choice meaningless is really bad.

Has this game been properly patched? I remember the mess Immortal Throne was back in the day, I have been waiting on this game. How is it?

what do you mean properly patched? its in a good state and they update it every month or 2, I have played about 80 hours in the last 2 weeks and have only crashed once.