Insurgency, CS:GO, or Battlefield 4?

Insurgency, CS:GO, or Battlefield 4?

Help me pick. I want to buy but can't decide which is best

Red Orchestra 2


>Rage/Highly Competitive

>Casual Fun
Battlefield 4

whats wrong with combat arms?

Dirt cheap fun, arma without big ass maps, operator as fuck.
Pretty good, get it for vehicle warfare.

Would also suggest rainbow six siege.

Just play project reality
It's shit.
Pretty good fun +progression to keep you playing.


Best balance between realism and fun besides Red Orchestra



never played insurgency.

Get BF4. CSGO is shit


This is also a really good choice though. In fact maybe even better than Insurgency.


Insurgency is too confusing.

I'd say battlefield 4 is the best of the the 3 with the most content, but costs a shitload for how old it is.

Insurgency is good, but gets old quick.

CSGO is just plain shit.

Battlefield 4 is better overwall

Try getting a triple digit IQ someday chump.

Battlefield 4 is the one you'll have the most fun with from the start.

BF4 is actually a really good game now. 33 maps, boatloads of weapons, higher tickrate servers, awesome new gamemodes that merge Titan Mode + Conquest Mode + Rush Mode into one.

Get that.

I mean I can say shit too.

Try playing an actually skillful fps someday?


*BF4 PREMIUM good goy edition is alright now

If a simple game like Insurgency is to complicated for you, you are dumb.

The fact that you suggest getting CS GO instead, which Insurgency is literally just Counter Strike realism edition anyways reveals just how silly you are.

Yea that, I forget I have premium.

Predator 2 best Predator.

>watching Predator 2 as a kid
>that sudden nude scene with those big titties
>she runs around naked showing pussy and ass during the whole firefight

Gud film. I should rewatch someday to see if it holds up to my childhood memories.

I hope the success of Deadpool makes Hollywood make more R-rated action popcorn flicks.

This, Rising Storm and RO1 is probablly the most fun I've had in a multiplayer FPS. Good combination of tactical and arcade without being to autistic.

Cs:go, insurgency, bf 4. In that order. Red orchestra 2 is better than all of them. If you have 40 bucks, buy RO2 and CS:GO. I have around 230 hours in each, shamelessly.

I haven't seen it, are there naked big titty bitches involved in gunfights in Deadpool?


download Project Reality instead
it's free and better than all the other games you named

bad company 2
it's cheep and still rolling