Guess the metacritic score.
Guess the metacritic score
Other urls found in this thread:
"professional" gaming sites 10/10
user reviews 6/10
its my last two digits
Since you're gonna see all that game has to offer within 5-10 hours.
8/10 "Professional" Reviews
4/10 or 5/10 User Reviews.
Because the vast majority of professional reviewers literally never have to pay for the games themselves they never address money spent over time spent.
Is 60 dollars worth for a 5 hour open world experience?
I'm gonna go ahead and guess it will get a 88, even though it's a boring piece of shit that loses its luster and gets too repetitive 2 hours in at best.
People are going to love it since it's open world and normie's love that stuff. I'm guessing mid-80's to mid-90's """"""""""professional"""""""""" reviews and low- to mid-90's user reviews.
>absolutely breathtaking
>an unique experience
>so much to do that you will never get bored
>a fresh feeling from other games recently released
>my wife son literally can't stop playing
>my wife son
nice meme
50-60 if they fuck up
expect "no multiplayer" to appear very frequently
Somewhere around 75. The game will be forgotten in 5 days.
Ugh, I mean come on. We've already explained this. You do... things, ok? Just, just fuck off, alright?
A BILLION (1000000000)
It'll get praised for the artwork, the music and for being ambitious, but people will criticize the lack of multiplayer (and the lack of things to do).
In the 70s at best. Less if the reviewers played for more than 5 hours, aka already experienced everything the game has to offer.
Almost every person who has sat down with the game for 45-60 minutes has liked it but the common theme among all of them was they had no idea what they were supposed to.
it's not japanese so it can't be perfect
Reviews are going to call it a breathtaking fresh take on the industry. They're going to say it's unique and new. There's going to be countless reviews that capitalize on the marketing bullshit about "infinite playtime" and say that it's amazing that they've only played five hours. Also they're going to talk about the incredible diversity in fauna while posting an accompanying picture of a generic dinosaur, possibly another picture of another generic dinosaur. Finally leave it with
>10/10, only got bored 3 hours in
Hey man, calm down, my mother's son loves this game.
And it'll actually pretty pretty good
It will actually pretty good what?
Never change Sup Forums, you hipster piece of trash.
>Hating on games before they even come out
>Yet the only games Sup Forums is generally hyped for are always trash
Its pottery.
I have to play it, because there is nothing comparable.
It sounds like the game world will be full of bugs and glitches.
wow, what a constructive and informing post.
you literally just shown Sup Forums that you are superior to them. guess its time to move on, hunt bigger fish. Have you tried the pond known as reddit?
I hear it has quite the big catch.
Good luck!
>Creators literally say they aren't making a game for everyone to enjoy
>Literally state the kind of game it is and what they're aiming for to be a more relaxed experience
Meanwhile at Sup Forums
>Director "B-But we literally just said what we were making, we even said don't buy it if thats not what your into?"
I will not rest until this board is in flames
I never said I was superior to anyone, fuck,
iv shitposted just as much as anyone.
I just find it hilarious how ironic it is that the board that generally has shit opinions about any game that hasn't come out usually is only generally hyped for games that turn out to be trash.
Don't say it isn't true.
im going to like it
i enjoy procedurally generated worlds and this game aims to give you a sense of wonder and amazement
stay asshurt because a game isnt cowadoody in spess
sounds like someones regretting that pre order
*dips bedora*
nice post
Same as this:
8/10 for gaming shills
Probably about 7/10 for consumers
Exploration games are niche so 7/10 will be easy for them.
I only wanted multiplayer of some description
Supposedly the universe in which you inhabit is supposed to be the same as everybody else's
If you're the first to discover a planet or species or the like you're given the opportunity to name it
On the off-chance that another player stumbles across your discovery it will have the name you gave it and tell them that you found it
The universe is populated with factions that you can team up with or fight against
All of this and I still can't meet up with my bro because they don't want people to easily figure out what the character model looks like
source: it's rigged, i'm an insider
>While No Man's Sky is no replacement for the problematic misogyny in the Black Lives Matter of our #Kony2014, it's by no means the CIS FUCKING WHITE MALE of our cuckolding fetish and GamerGate trolling San Francisco Bay Vegan Granola 4/20 someone please cum in my tight asshole and give me your bugs, I want them. 10/10
What did Polygon mean by this review?
The novelty and tech carries No Man's Sky for a while, but once it wears off there's not much to keep you.
>All of this and I still can't meet up with my bro because they don't want people to easily figure out what the character model looks like
Character models in Star Citizen look great, you should check that out with your bros.
The accurate and critical reviews will be balanced out by a lot of no-name (paid) review sites and deluded idiots.
not really interested in buying a game that isn't out yet after KF2
I work for Sony PR and can confirm this
See I can make up shit too
An amalgamation of every game design meme of the past five years?
Minimalist presentation (see: it's fucking nothing)?
But will the game be good after all?
the map is huge
Is this game going to be a cross platform experience or will it seperate PC and ps4 players?
What do you do in this game?
It's not the game's fault that it will be considered a masterpiece. All the mindless shitmunching drones are the problem.
65 average
with some 10 out of 10s calling it a masterpiece
and a lot of 5s and 6s saying its boring and you see everything it has to offer in the first half an hour but praising the asthetic
Its a singleplayer game.
What are you talking about?
You mean the names and shit?
It will be separated off course.
I predict a Bioshock Infinite reaction
>Citizen Kane of games
>mass hysteria
2 months later
>eh it's not actually that great guys
People are gona be so butt blasted
i still keep seeing people talk about the multiplayer in games media
and hello games have specifically said several times that nothing is persistent and there is no multiplayer beyond naming planets / animals
At launch 90/100.
Then all the troll website come out like Washington post and all other website that just shit on games for attention. bringing it down to 65-70.
It's Metacritic score will be less than the amount of KB in your image.
>no furry planet
This is going to be the game's major downfall. The developers are so fucking cryptic about gameplay yet so quick to enable Molyneux levels of "YOU CAN DO EBBYTHING!" that all the casuals hyped about it have already formed their wild fantasies about what they think is possible.
Then they're going to finally play it and realize it's a walking simulator in space, and aside from the initial boom of LPers making videos where they give planets HILARIOUS names (that will probably be deleted by the devs anyway), the game's interest will plummet shortly after release.
paid professional gaymen sites:
"A wonderful journey into the wonders of the universe" 11/10
>that nose
>bank shirt
oy vey.
i have a thing for frumpy women does she start masturbating?
since every planet resets to how you find it when you leave its atmosphere the most optimal way of playing is
Shoot the rocks on the planet
Take off and leave atmosphere
Turn round and go back and shoot the same pile of rocks
Doing anything else is inefficient and will feel bad after a couple days
The dedicated few who grind will not be getting any satisfaction from the lack of progression so will probably leave within a week
It will get 10/10s at launch
And be slated on Sup Forums by people regretting their purchase within days
Better game:
>since every planet resets to how you find it when you leave its atmosphere
What? Then what the fuck is the point in doing anything?
6.4/10 user reviews on Metacritic
Mixed on Steam with 63% positive reviews
what is the point?
they havent told us yet, id love to know
maybe its just naming different colored fish and longnecks
>land on planet
>find nice deposit of resources
>leave planet and come back
>resources respawn
It's too bad. I could say a game is shit, then have a game randomly selected for me, I've got better than a coin toss odds I will be right and the game will be shit.
I'd be cool with a game that is entirely exploration, but nothing I've seen from the game looks all that interesting to explore. Most planets seem to be rolling hills and shallow lakes, with a random grass color. There are no alien civilizations or cities. There are no deep gorges or mountains or volcanoes. You also move agonizingly slow and I don't know if there are tools to get around faster.