Make a female mecha driver character

>Make a female mecha driver character
>Make her Korean intead of Japanese

I don't get this

>But user Koreans make lots of mangas too like noblese and such

Yeah but most of it is porn(not complaining there) or fighting mangas, I have not seeing a single Korean mecha manga yet. My guess is Blizzard just wanted to appeal to Koreans since is their second biggest market, but why not use Mei instead?

>China is taking over the film industry soon and video games may follow soon too so why not start now?

ah ok

Who cares you dumb faggot weeaboo? No one gives a shit about your "whyfoo".

Because "'muh diversity".
They're attempting to appeal to as many demographics as possible.

This is a prime example of tumblr and reddit ruining this site.

The insults are like some 3rd grader instead of the usual Sup Forums 8th grade insults.

What the fuck? The only way people would know is Korean is her bio, she looks white as fuck. Kill yourself.

You realize autistic Koreans are most of Blizzard's playerbase

They made her Korean because they felt like it. There you go.

I'm guessing in the future video games took the next logical step and were turned into RL arena shooters and shit. There's probably a lot of mech teams and since koreans play a fuckton of videogames why not make a korean

She's a nod to blizzard's Starcraft players

Yes, because your quality thread about shit no one gives a fuck about because you get off to anime samefaces is really inspiring.

Please tell me more about how you're improving Sup Forums by spreading your /jp/ cancer to Sup Forums?

>Doesn't excercise at all due to being in a mecha
>Plays video games all day
>Eats doritos and does the dew
>Isn't fat

explain that shit

Two japs are enough

if that's all she eats it's not much calories


Then why not put her in a dragoon power armor thing or something then? It'd be more or less the same thing, right? But all Starcrafty.

Mei looks like a white girl too, you can't even tell she's supposed to be Chinese. Which is weird, since when you look at the Asian guys (Hanzo and Genji's human skins) they're clearly Asian looking. Why are the Asian girls whitewashed?

They couldn't just make Asuka right down to the personality, make her a nip, and have the reference be that fucking obvious. Also they allready got 2 other Jap. Stereotypes so
is right.

At least the next patch will make her play like the first part of pic related, instead of the second part where the Defense barrier / AT field gets fucked and she gets wrecked.

Its funny how she's basically Asuka in playstyle too, you let people see failure instead of bosting away then you're fucked.

She's not piloting a super robot that's why.

I dunno, they probably had a dozen different concepts for her and just went with the mech through group-decision.

>this fucking clickbait of a thread
I swear to god if this thread reaches 100 posts

She's Korean because she's a Starcraft 2 player.

The Koreans, like many other countries, used unmanned machines to fight wars, but when the Omnic Crisis happened that wasn't a viable option. Koreas method of dealing with this was that they reworked their existing mechs to be piloted.

Of course piloting a mech is a complicated procedure that requires fast reflexes with computer interfaces. Which is why the three-year-undefeated, highest ranked Starcraft 2 player, Hana Song ("") was chosen as one of the pilots, because she has insane APM.

Her shield in game isn't even a shield. When she uses it she's actually shooting down every single projectile that goes into it, individually.

>but why is she korean
Because Starcraft 2 is huge in Korea.

>mountain dew
>not many calories

weekly liposuction

I can eat shit for days and not gain weight. My metabolism should start slowing down but it doesn't look like it will

I recall seeing some concept art floating around and DVA was always going to be in a mech. The thing was she was going to be like 14 or something, but she was aged up to 19 now. People believe this is due to all the porn Overwatch generated quickly, but who knows.

You people are fucking retarded

They wanted her to be a kawaii Japanese mecha pilot but they thought people would complain about MUH STEREOTYPES especially since the other 2 Japs are stereotypes so they thought to have their cake and eat it too by making her Korean instead.

You know the process of creating a character, especially at a studio like Blizzard, is to create like 6-10 different concepts internally and then you compare and contrast between them until you end up with the best one.

>spreading cancer to a throbbing tumor
Not much to whine about. Yet you do it so well.

Wait, but part of that APM is practicing the same game over and over until you basically live the game. Unless the entire mecha is controlled via mouse and keyboard with the same hotkeys as Starcraft, it's not like you can pluck a player out of the game and shove'em into battle. That's like saying "America as recruited the best Call of Duty players into the military and every single one of them are fucking awesome"

Her whole thing is that she's one of those autistic Korean Starcraft players. Sure, the joke could work with a Japanese person as well, but it works better with a Korean. Also, who cares?

>It's already cancer
Yeah, because you're still fucking here weeaboo. Great logic.

Yes, it's silly. So are many of the other character backstories in OW.

Mei does look asian. I used to think otherwise, but then I saw a porn flick with an asian that looked like Mei and it was obvious.

how video games and mecha even relate?

It's almost like the game is a work of fiction or something.

I dunno, I think the only really silly ones are maybe Winston's (genetically modified gorilla from the moon) and Zenyatta's (a robot buddhist monk)

Isn't this something the US military actually tried?

In any case a Korean mecha pilot is the most realistic option. If there's any company in the world capable of building battle mechas it's Samsung, specially compared to all japanese tech companies who have been belly flopping for decades.

>not Widowmaker and her "she's blue because they lowered her heart rate to make her a better sniper, also brainwashing"
>not Tracer and her wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff

>mfw I just realise all the Evangelion references on diva design

holy fuck, why she is not jap? this is weird.

As long as diversity doesn't mean shoving niggers and kebabs where they don't belong I don't see how this is a problem. "Muh diversity" is pretty much the whole theme of this game so it's not like it's forced and out of place here.
Besides, what's bad about adding chars from a bit more obscure cunts? I don't see anyone complaining about the medic chick being from Switzerland, and Switzerland isn't exactly the most relevant cunt in the world.
>inb4 plebbit/shill
I don't even own this game and blizzard can suck my dick

>Design two East Asian characters
>Brown hair
>Round, hazel eyes
>Light complexion
Blizzard sure nailed Chinese and Koreans with their NOT jet black hair and NOT chocolate brown slanted eyes.

And a fucking RTS player chosen to control a mecha controlled by two joysticks.

>Super Robots

wat, if anything Americans love super Robot more than Japaneses do, Japan is more into the political aspects and military aspects of mechas, reason stuff like gundam is so popular over there, even through the gundam is overpower itself, is not even close to a super robot.(at least in the UC universe)

You described me and I'm a skelly.

pharah has an evangelion skin too

Korean porn sucks too.

You ever read one of them gook webcomics on exhentai and such? It's all NTR rape and shit. And not even the good kind. every single one of them.

Just now?

The plugsuit? Defense matrix looking like an AT field knock off? White rabbit skin is basically the 3.3 plugsuit for Asuka (plugsuits music and visuals being the only good things about that movie) it even changes MEKA to be similar to the Nerve logo.

Jesus its got a huge -03- on it too.

Gundam, please lets not trigger /m/ and the perpetual eva hate boner. Her cuirass is eva ish buts more samus.

please post it

>that miku
my fucking heart

/m/ already agreed that the line between super robot and 'real' robot is pretty indistinguishable nowadays. Meaning you wouldn't be wrong to claim that a large percentage of Gundam and Mobile Suits/Armor are Super Robots in all but name.

>Pure autism

We don't get to see this a lot acutally we do.

>My guess is Blizzard just wanted to appeal to Koreans since its their second biggest market

Uh, gee, ya think so???

and you think you have anything to say about anything weeb related ever?
Suck a dick fagboy and let the big boys design shit.

>Gook manga
This is the absolute worst shit

Gooks are awful at paneling and there's always so much fucking white space
And what is with their obsession with NTR? They are completely incapable of making a story that doesn't involve either entering a video game or NTR

>just realizing this now

Nearly every character in the fucking game is derivative, either in gameplay, design, character, or some combination thereof.

Why the hell is an RTS pro chosen for Overwatch, the skill doesn't translate AT ALL. Even in comparisons of video games, pretty much NONE of the starcraft pros got anywhere in competitive fps games.

game would have too many Japs if they made D.Va one

that because /m/ is retarded, and even then you still see debates over what is super robot and mecha all the time there, is a flame that will never fade.

For me Mechas will always be sci-fi that your imagination allows you to think it can happen in real life, almost every military aspect of most gundams shows have this. You have to be a child if you can't see the difference between the sci-fi shows like Evangelion, Gurren Lagan, and Big O portraits as opposite to shows like Gundam, Macros, and code geas.

You really haven't see much super robot show have you?

Its me again reminding all summerfags to please read pic related before applying a name and trip, as to avoid being filtered by other anons
Thank you that is all

>Mei is fat and has big breast
as a Taiwanese myself, I never meet a Chinese girl with big breast(unless they are obese), oddly enough Japanese womans are the only one's I ever notice with "thickness" or decently sized breast, same with korean girls, in Asia you have to go to Japan if you want a thick Asian girl.

let me see

Power Rangers(come and tell me this does not count fucker)
Mazinger Z when I was young
like 2 years ago I got a weird liking to this one with a giant red robot that used a tomahawk as a main weapon, forgot the name
Sousei no Aquarion(a punch that reaches the moon, tell me that not super)

>Not realizing the joke
God fucking dammit you people are retarded

>But user Koreans make lots of mangas too like noblese and such

But user, 3.3 is the best rebuild

Or you know, people who play the game and can hear her talk.

But I guess Sup Forums has too much important shitposting to do

It's the future, Chinese have enough to eat

Ragnarok. There, two.

It looks and sounds spectacular.

But it was the last chance to shove some decent character development that didn't rely on the original, and they didn't.

I like that Misato and Asuka have walled themselves off emotionally like Gendo did, but there needs to be an ova during the timeskip for shit to be salvaged at all.

It's literally a white girl speaking Korean. They're about as Asian as the average weeb learning to speak Japanese

I feel like she's cute and she'd still be cute if she was japanese but korean isn't bad also

>tfw no korean gf

korea sucks wish she was Japanese but she's the least bad of everyone so thats why I main her

>mfw American imperialists think a Southern separatist whore is good

First, you can't say mangaS you deepshit. Two, manga are japanese. Koreans write manhwas

sun ken-rock

>playing as trannies

Umaru of Sup Forums


what the fuck are you talking about?
she is a korean starcraft/e-sport player, using her vidya skill to pilot the robot, it has nothing to do with not being a japanese shonen hero

Son, this is a game where professional snipers joke about aimbots, and cowboys have belt buckles that say "BAMF". This is a fucking retarded game world. It's not serious at all (which makes the attempts to be serious in the promotional videos seem even more retarded than Blizzard's shit usually is).

Thinking about it will just make you angry. If you can't get over that, then I'd advise not playing Overwatch. I know I'm sure as hell not playing it.

Yeah, koreans are ugly. It's just pandering desu

Get back to your containment general fourty.

I thought the US specifically targets gamers to be drone pilots

how respectful is this nod

As far as I know Blizzard isn't very big in Nipland so by making her Korean they appeal both to weebs who don't care and Koreans who pour money on them.

because starcraft and GURL GAMUR waifu shit

>I don't get this
It's a fucking blizzard universe and she is supposed to be a starcraft 2 pro (aka korean)
There was absolutely no reason to make her white/japanese.

>But user Koreans make lots of mangas too like noblese and such

Koreans absolutely LOVE to rip off Japanese culture.

They claim they hate Japan but in reality they're the biggest weaboos in the universe.

Virtually from their traditional culture, custom, arts, sports and cuisine to modern technology, economy and pop culture came from or was inspired by Japanese culture. Fucking Koreans have done nothing original in their lives. Even modern China is more original and unique than Korea. is a joke on this reality.

Also she sucks ass and is pretty much a containment character for waifufags and she's not even best girl.

Korea > Japan

Japan still hasn't recovered from the early 2000's desu

You have brain problems, bro.

Seek help.

Is it weird this makes my dick harder? I mean Shinji I finally the pretty girl, he's happy. I want to make him even happier by sliding my dick down inside the crack of his ass and making him squeek while I kiss his neck and tell him what a beautiful woman he's become

This. Manwha sucks ass. Koreans are just like the chinese and only steal.

How does South Korea even afford a mech program? Especially when Dvs is blowing them all up.

It not so much as a ripoff seeing as how the japanese fucks have basically tried to force their culture on them alot of times in history. Also manwha is the shit because it has color and better character designs.

Japanese are literally, figuratively, physically, culturally and aesthetically inferior to the Koreans.

Get over it weeaboo.

Nips have ninjas and mechs

What does Korea have?

Pornography ban and Pay-to-not-grind MMOs

Koreans are gay

nurf dis

So you have a mecha? Can I borrow it?