What's the single scariest moment you've ever seen in a video game?
What's the single scariest moment you've ever seen in a video game?
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom
piano from mario 64
His mum wouldnt even fit in the screen
Fighting Clownpiece for the first time
I want to fuck that clown.
When kogasa asked me to marry her!
I screamed, kicked her face, and shouted "NOOO" as I ran away!
I'm so glad I helped her to feel happy, since I know she was just trying to scare me. Especially because she was bawling tears as I walked from her collapsed body. Bawling with joy at finally having scared someone.
What are some comfy touhou fangames?
Seeing Kogasa for the first time
It was scary falling in love
You clearly don't understand the touhou fanbase.
Bullying dorks like kogasa and youmu is a meme.
Hey now, that's my spouse you're talking about. Tread lightly, kiddo.
go away /jp/
you're taste is pathetic
gtfo, dork
nice thumbnail
autism meme
How would you respond to this?
it was originally a small gif, but i saved it incorrectly. So, maybe I did save the thumbnail, now that I think about it.
user, does cute = autism to you?
>Green dog
Does Sup Forums have the absolute WORST shit taste in 2hus?
I would give this stupid yamabiko a helluva lot more to be afraid of! WHAM! POW! BOOM!
I'd beat her straight up!
Dumb fucking mutt!
Its almost as bad as yours.
someone's jealous of immortality via platehood
which 2hu wud u fug
All of them except Youmu. She is shit.
Poor Kyouko she's going to be extinct soon
>This is due to the rumor that the truth behind the voices of the yamabiko are just the reflections of sound starting to spread among the humans of the village, so the number of humans who shout to them in the mountains has decreased. With many yamabiko losing their purpose in life, it seems they naturally became extinct.
Go over to the erp board in /trash/
Sup Forums has shit taste in 2hus yeah.
Best 2hu is ZUN
who is the ugliest touhou? Inbreed villagers, and talking animals need not apply
Everyone in this thread is a complete embarrassment.
I actively avoid scary videogames because I am a pussy, so it's probably the Dentist in Bioshock.
When this fucker decided to blink
Cookie is the miracle of the universe
What the fuck am I watching?
I will yell into the mountains every day to save the life of my dearest wife!!
Now for the sake of not being a useless fuck, I'll say that the first Bloodsucker encounter in ShoC is my scariest one. I don't play many, if any, games that'd be considered 'horror' games and whatnot so take that as you will.