so what is Toby doing now
So what is Toby doing now
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Who its this faggot?
making tumblr shit for nu males and landwhales
Probably retreating into some hidey hole far away from the internet so he doesn't have to gaze upon the cancer he's wrought.
Ask him yourself. He actually responds to normal emails.
Toby Fox the creator of Undertale an indie RPG game about furries and shit which has sold in 1,7mln copies on Steam only
Ok, nothing relevant to see here
What does a person like this do when they become fucking rich overnight?
Literally who?
Fucking 18 yo models raw at his boat.
I would be so interested of a series of events that happen with instarich people like a documentary or book. Seeing Notch and his depressing behaviour, its fascinating to me.
Pretending he ain't rich as fuck.
Regretting making Undertale
Daily reminder that this guy has nothing on the based dingaling
literally aryan
Laughing over Andrew Hussie's rotting corpse.
living out his days as a one hit wonder
music for the homestuck game i guess
nothing wrong with that user
I don't understand why LISAfags get so triggered any time Undertale or its developer is even mentioned. Both games were enjoyable for different reasons.
Are you bitter it wasn't as "successful"? Did you actually WANT The Painful to actually get the same attention as Undertale has? Did you not see what a rabid fanbase full of idiots and children gets you?
either lock away inside your house or burn all the money on stupid shit.
>budget game on dead medium.
>after steams cut
>after Taxes
>after recouping development.
I'm sure he made out ok, but I can guarantee he is not rich as fuck, not when compared to other indie fucks.
I'd imagine he's on the verge of suicide, considering the monster he created; like the guys who made the atom bomb.
Because Dingaling is husbando material
Making music for a dead kickstarter game about a dead webcomic
hopefully shaving his moutsache and side burns
*teleports behind you*
watch your mouth stranger
He became fat user
That seems like a fair enough reason. Don't know if he's still as fit as he used to be, though.
Austin gained weight
Game development and twitter shitposting ruined his body
still would
Laughing at Andrew Hussie.
>ever coming out
It's dead, user.
revelling in all that autism bucks he got from his lame half-baked game
Where is Hilda Now?
Spend most of it on a mansion and get fucked over by property taxes. Probably get addicted to some expensive drugs too.
that's sad, it looked alright :c
Probably this.
He'd probably hole up somewhere and order absurd amounts of anime and webcomic paraphernalia.
>indie dev
>no publisher to take profit
>sold nearly 2m on steam alone
>doesn't take into account the humble bundle/whatever store front he used that doesn't take fees
He's got millions in cold hard cash. He's not the elite, but he's really really well off