Give me one authentic reason why you hate pokemon go if you haven't played it yet...

give me one authentic reason why you hate pokemon go if you haven't played it yet, without calling out on mobile app/mobile game and it not being in your country yet

protip you can't

I don't want to go outside.
normalfags please die

>you're not allowed to hate it for being on a platform that's terrible for video games

Back to /vp/ with you.

No battles.

Why is it terrible for vidyagames?

/vp/ shit belongs on /vp/ my man

>Talk about why it's bad without stating the main reason!!!!

Okay faggot.

>Terrible servers
>Frequent crashes
>Tends to freeze in the middle of combat or catching stuff
>Bugs that prevent you from catching pokemon
>Gyms can be beaten a little too easily
>Tap the screen like a retard to win
>Combat isn't even PvP even though it's marketed that way
>Can already be played from a PC and have the odds stacked against you
>Hatching eggs is a fucking chore
>Barebones as fuck for content

Am I missing anything?

>Having the same standars for all games
>Comparing a free phone game to AAA 70$ games


cant battle friends
cant battle at all? my friends and i all uninstalled when we realized we cant fight eachother. no point in catching pokemon if you cant do anything with them

A platform that's terrible for video games? It's literally just a touch screen. There are a ton of games that aren't garbage money sinks on mobile, like Terraria, The Room, Fruit Ninja, or anything from Telltale Games (Game of Thrones, Walking Dead).

Just because you don't like them doesn't make you right.

Last I checked they were releasing FFXI on mobile phones. Are you calling FFXI terrible, user?

No buttons = terrible input, and unless you shell out money for a multitap screen, you can't touch the screen in more than one area at once. So it slows you down as well.

Not to mention also brings up alot of issues, and points out that you're breaking global rules by posting pokemon outside of /vp/.

As a person that has played pokemon since the original, still do, goes for daily walks and lives in an area that is flooded with pokestops and gyms I don't really like playing that much. I love the app and think it's decently fun but the craze is too much. I hate having my phone screen open when walking, I have sight/balance issues so I can't be looking down at my screen all the time. My phone gets hot when you leave it constantly running like that to. The worst most valid reason for not liking it though is I like talking to the people I'm walking with and now that everyone is playing this no one is talking to each other. I get bumped into by so many people playing this and they don't even apologize because they are too busy staring down.

I think that's a pretty decent reason to not care for it past a very casual level.

I don't hate it, but I'll tell you why I'm not playing it

>Takes way too long to load - several minutes
>Doesn't even connect
>Complains it can't find GPS

Shitty app, needs more optimization.

>am I calling a rehashed, poorly optimized MMO terrible
Yes, yes I am.

>implying there is anyone on Sup Forums that hasn't played it.

There are two kinds of people on Sup Forums OP.

1. People who joined team Sup Forumsalor
2. People who chose the wrong teams and pretend they don't play pokemon go

Except every game I already listed plays and runs perfectly on mobile. I'm not arguing that Pokemon GO is a shit game, I'm saying you have a shit opinion for thinking mobile = inherently bad for any and all gaming.

I don't have a smartphone and I don't intend to get one any time soon.

Sup Forums shitposting belongs on Sup Forums my man

>settings aren't saved between sessions
>this game absolutely rips through your battery

It will keep Nintendo focused on making shitty gimmick apps instead of decent games.

I guess it doesn't matter much since Nintendo is only making shit lately anyways.

Half of those aren't even relevant or bad
>hard to obtain, or even legitimately bad systems

>complaining about eggs when the very previous point was you can play on PC

>using the general of "glitches" as 4 different points when half of them are fixed by now

>Except every game I already listed plays and runs perfectly on mobile.
Blatantly wrong. For one, games like Terraria are missing all of their content from the PC version. Second, why can't any of them run at 1080p resolution? Why do I have to squint to enjoy a game?

>I'm saying you have a shit opinion for thinking mobile = inherently bad for any and all gaming.
PC gaming does every single thing about mobile gaming better, except for being mobile, which shouldn't be an issue. When I want to play a game, I don't want to walk around. I have dedicated exercise routines for that. And when I'm exercising, I Don't want to be playing video games.

>tfw no Pokemon GO in the Britbong land

Why tho?

I live in the country. No gyms. No hot spots. No centers. No pokemon ANYWHERE

It's not a game.

Because you're too dumb to use a workaround.

I can hate whatever I want.

Even better, me and my boys can hang out at the park with bats and pipes and teach pokequeers a fucking lesson.

neither does Japan tho

I don't hate pokemon go, the reason I dont play it is simply because its mobile, refusing to accept that is all it takes is on you.

>give me one authentic reason why you hate pokemon go if you haven't played it yet

Because the fucking servers won't let me connect


>no battles
>no trading
>servers are shit
>shit compared to even the worst mainline Pokemon game

i played this game already when it was called ingress, it's an autism simulator where you compete with other autist about who's the one autistic enough to hold a virtual fort

This is sad. You know that you're too much of a fucking neet to do that.

>joining anything Sup Forums related outside of 4chin

I too enjoy cancer

at least ingress had actual gameplay and a goal, still retarded though.

It's Western-developed.

I'm not eleven.

No buttons.

>Not wanting to get fit while playing Pokémon

Stay fat neckbeard basement dweller

have to hold your phone out constantly to play it

I hate cunts that walk slowly staring down at their phone, I don't want to become what I hate

If you think you can get fit by walking something tells me you are the obese neckbeard.

>wanting to be distracted by a boring tap-to-win phone game while exercising
Enjoy getting hit by traffic when you look down trying to find a pikachu and inadvertenly don't see the road.

>get fit
>literally just walking around

how fat are you user

Because the idea of playing a Pokemon game where you can't battle other trainers, trade Pokemon, eats my phone's battery life, looks like hot fucking garbage, has awful music, and will be dead within a month doesn't interest me in the slightest?

Walking is actually a good way of losing weight and getting fit m8.
You can keep your heart rate up for longer than you can when running.

>losing weight
Not without diet
>and getting fit
You aren't getting fit with a PROPER diet on top of proper exercises

It's pretty shitty, even for a phone app

You actually think you will get "fit" by walking around your town, fat ass? If you're not running 10 miles a day you're doing it wrong. Based on your post I'm almost sure your body would explode Mcdonalds and American flags if you even thought about running even 1 mile.
Stay in your rotten home.

Well duuuurrrr

>explode Mcdonalds and American flags

Then you aren't getting fit playing pokemon go hurrdurrderpherp

>using words you don't understand the meaning of to sound smart

go back to /vp/

I'm not that user you originally replied to but I am on a healthy diet and I also walk around 3 miles a day.

>Needing some shitty nostalgia cash grab mobile app to motivate you to get in shape

>complaining about eggs when the very previous point was you can play on PC
One does not invalidate the other, as it's clear that it's from the perspective of someone playing the game through their phones in a legitimate manner. You're retarded.

It's a fun mini game I can play when I'm on my cycling routes, and it's fun to let it randomly plan my routes for me by making me search for rare 3-footprint Pokemon I don't have.

Outside of that, you should t take this game too seriously. It should just be supplementary to your normal outdoor activities and hangouts.

Also the potential for future updates is always great

I don't play shitty games for casuals and normalfags

no one cares faggot