Adult RPGs

Whate some adult RPGs that isn't aren't RPG Maker games?

I've already played Skyrim and Corruption of Champions and its clones to death.

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Play baldurs gate, Neverwinter, Icewind Dale, etc

This looks great! Downloading Neverwinter nights right now.

I haven't really tried them, but crpg combat doesn't seem too fun. Hopefully the adult content will hold my attention for long enough.

The fuck does that even mean? Are we talking just 18+ rated RPGs like Witcher 3 or actual porn RPGs?

If you get the unofficial patch and don't mind a little edge, pic related is the goat comfy.

>Skyrim and Corruption of Champions
What do you think?


By adult do you mean porn, or do you mean retail games rated M?

>Skyrim and Corruption of Champions
What do you think?

Any sort of lewd or pornographic content. Preferably the latter.

ADWR will ruin you

there will never be anything as great

Please don't hype me up on this, I'm in class right now and can't check it out. Is it better than CoC?

is it lewd at all?

what happens or is it all text-based suggested stuff?


wheres the best play to buy neverwinter?


It's a 3d RPG that is fun enough without any lewd content, I play it regularly on a pure playthrough.

The lewd content is scattered throughout the game at the perfect amount where there is some build up.

Most of it is through writing in a dialog window while your 3d models are either blacked out or playing an animation.

And Shin Megami Tensei main series game. Give Nocturne a shot.

GOG or just pirate it

SMT has all its titties censored though

Violated Heroine.

We're talking about the same SMT that has a dick chariot and a women clad in literal boob armor?

For more adult NWN mods check here


Fucking spazz. If it were Aleph he'd just DANCE FURIOUSLY and win them both that way.
Or get Hiroko do dance embarrasedly with the same result.


I didn't know the Doom Guy was in them japanime videogames.

It's all text with written descriptions of what's going on.

We're not kidding. It's going to ruin adult gaming for you.

You'd be surprised.

Any Pokemon roms that add sex into the game people can suggest? Preferably with humans, not pokemon or pokemorphs.

Man, 2 was such a disappointment
Also the entire game I was hoping for kinkier shit but it stayed pretty vanilla
Still a great module

Are you as bummed out as I am about Demonheart?

That really had potential. I would have patreoned my soul away if she didn't switch to her shitty VN

Inbf mods delete thread because adult games arent Sup Forums related.

>a little edge
I avoided nightclubs like the plague, great game otherwise.

>Arizona Department of Water Resources

Uh, I guess that can be lewd.

why the fuck did she switch to VN anyway?
it was going great


You have to romance someone for most of the content in the 2nd part. There's some stuff toward the end that's pretty good. It could definitely have used some sexing up. It probably didn't help that it was so much more linear than part one. I still enjoy it.

Yes. It was off to such a great start. I can't believe she even got here sexless VN funded.

Oh well let's hope the Dark Paladins of Knox guy comes through for us.