This is just sad.
This is just sad
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You're right, the fact that he's too busy buying PS4 games with your tax money to afford meds for his mom is actually sad.
We really did him wrong...
I ain't clicking shit, what did he do damit.
He spends all his money in stuff even when they were economically unsafe. That wasn't on us.
If the snorlax didn't taught him the meaning of "limitations" that is not our fault.
Got his mother to beg for money
Yknow, its a shame he didn't become like lazerbot, what a waste
They beg for money every other day now and people keep giving it to them. Kind of disgusting.
>tfw you are going to end up like Christ
Bets on when Babs is going to kick it?
New Saga when? Getting sick of tomgirl Chris
Cant understand shit and this feels scripted as fuck
oh my fucking god
can someone just take out this merry bastard, christ this is low even for him
nailed on a cross
Why do people give him money? It's not a worthwhile investment and it doesn't produce any worthwhile or entertaining content.
If they think they're helping him, they aren't. Chris is going to lose what little concept of financial responsibility he had to begin with if someone is always going to bail him out.
If they're trying to troll then it's fucking retarded "trolling". That's nice a hot girl "pranking" a neckbeard by sucking his dick.
I thought she was a Snorlax?
If he starts a patreon to start up sonichu again, would you donate?
Age, financial instability, and degradation will do that to a person.
Reminded me of this.
She must be pretty sick if she lost that much weight.
only if he makes a consistent schedule and we pay him per creation.
I'm not paying that fuck $3 per month fuck that.
I'd give him $5 for COMPLETED issue.
So I'd basically give him $5 every 2 years
Why doesn't Chris just get a job?
The Wendy's I frequent has a literal down syndrome guy who can barely walk that goes around and wipes tables and mops the floors. Even if it's minimum wage, he probably pulls in at least $200 a week.
What's Chris's excuse?
Chris got FIRED from Wendys.
Is he fucking pointing a gun at her or something holy shit
>S-stick to the GOSH DARN script or i'll do it, I swear to Sonichu
The downie is more qualified and probably a better worker.
If he would wake up and realize that he could easily work at McDonalds and scrape up patreon money by putting out consistent work he would be able to live comfily.
Is it just me or does Chris seem alittle... Off?
Jesus, she's lost a lot of weight.
What is the story behind this... guy
(not a Sup Forums regular here)
Laziness and horrible attitude. He'd probably yell at children and get fired.
People on welfare can't get full time jobs but he could collect welfare along with working a part time job. He'd be in a much better financial position if he did that.
I'd buy her game
You're in for the ride of your fucking life.
God, I miss the times when the 360 kid was a thing.
>a barely functioning downs is more functioning in society than Chris
CWC worked at Wendys, he got fired for scaring children
Here you go:
that was quick, thanks
>Please send donations directly to us via PayPal to my email address: [email protected]. Thank you.
Don't make me say it, op
Hi there~
Barbra needs braces
Barbra needs braces
me in the back
Jesus fucking Christ
[Hot Head by Death Grips plays softly in the background]
>Everyone else then adopted the same system
desu I like WoW's system because it actually gives you rewards for completing challenges
Needs Chris's face shopped onto it
When will Barb die?
Meanwhile Chris will continue spending money on stupid shit like dildos and sex dolls
I have a headcanon that Chris is really from a distant planet called Chrysdon, a place with a dying sun. So a great scientist placed his son in a red and blue striped capsule, and fired him Earth, where he was found by Bob and Barb Chandler. But, the Earth's yellow sun causes severe autism in Chrysdonians. I can just imagine Chris being heralded as the one to carry the torch of his race, then his father looking down from heaven, weeping at what he unleashed.
>Laziness and horrible attitude. He'd probably yell at children and get fired.
That made me realise that I have never seen a footage or recording of him in public.
How does he behave in public?
>Implying she hasn't already
>Implying Chris is not doing a 'Weekend at Bernie's'
He gets banned from almost every store he goes to. I'll let you fill in the gaps.
My sides are in orbit.
I thought you was joking, You wasn't
He gets paranoid and accusing people of being trolls
sometime next year
shell be fine
Jesus christ you might be even more autistic then Chris for coming up with this shit
You can get fired for scaring children?
Fuck maybe I shouldn't try get a job.
He screamed, "JEW!" at some manager of a game shop once. There's audio of it somewhere because Chris himself recorded it, thinking the internet would take his side.
this. Hookers are expensive where i live.
The same people who donated to him also donated to Mighty No. 9.
people with down syndrome are more accepted than low functioning autists, especially in a restaraunt environment where social skills and work ethic>everything
not saying that chris or anybody else autistic should just give up and never try getting a job but people with down syndrome don't have it the same as autists, schizos, and whatnot. people see people with downs as kinda cute and more tolerable, while people with other issues are just kinda off and can unnerve people
>a very special Charlottesville boy
I feel really fucking sorry for barb for having such
a fucking failure as a son.
How come she hasn't commited sudoku by now?
If you work with or around customers you should probably avoid making them uncomfortable.
Do you think Chris browses Sup Forums.
Has anyone ever vydiad with him?
Considering how she melted her weight away, it doesn't look like she has energy to much of anything.
Holy shit he is Sup Forums incarnate
So this is how it all began.
Why would he browse a site that trolled him into Oblivion?
stockholm syndrome
He's also incredibly egotistical and thinks he has millions of adoring fans all over the world from his comic.
Fuck, the amount of weight she lost is insane.
Doesn't he think that Sonichu is actually real?
Yeah, I know these. I meant any recent footages of him, and besides that famous gamestop pepper spray one: Any videos of him in court or anything?
What happened to his case by the way?
I rememebr he got fired from that kind of job ocne due to bad behaivor. So no, he is just so unable to follow orders or be nice to costumers that he'd get his ass fired in a day.
>If they're trying to troll then it's fucking retarded "trolling"
I think that's what it is. It's like the idiots who give money to shitty game developers so they can stream them for irony.
Because hes autistic user this is how autistic people think REAL AUTISTIC people not meme autism.
There's the magic man who literally no one knows. It's been a mystery for years but the only male friend in recent years he had was in a few videos and probably played some games
it's like watching supervillain origin story
Better than trolling him into Skyrim.
He estimated it at a billion once. I don't think he knew what a billion was.
Fuck, she really lost all that weight. Good for her I guess. If she was really lucky maybe someone would break into their house and kill Chris.
she is like 40 now, no one is buying her games anymore
>implying Sonichu isn't real