>the Japanese team had to step in to salvage the American box art
At least it's reversible.
>the Japanese team had to step in to salvage the American box art
At least it's reversible.
Other urls found in this thread:
the same artist did both covers
>I had actually sent the work in progress files to the BD2 Art Team, and immediately, artist Yusaku Nakaaki and art director Yusuke Naora began making some tweaks and recommendations.
Mat Kishimoto - Senior Product Marketing Manager at Square Enix America
Who are they looking at?
Americans can't do anything right.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the logo being too far up.
your the only one
It's not just you.
Here's my 5 min edit.
The nips did it all you mongoloid
>covered up all the important shit in the sky
This is why you don't get paid to do art.
>vague figures in the sky
>still visible regardless
>This even after I butchered the Trial of Titan demo and failed to redeem myself afterwards.
>By the way, I am still not sure what happened. I can do better than that, I promise!!
The hack who made a fool of themselves at E3 made this box art
>This is why you don't get paid to do art.
You pretty much described the official box, it's fucking atrocious
Why did they let artists play the game instead of a play tester? Not his fault. It's on Tabata really.
But their faces which are the only distinguishable parts of them are still clearly visible
They're important enough that the official design isn't covering them up meaning it's an important part of the image. You fucked up man.
I agree but you don't just start covering up shit like an Arkham City GOTY box.
Still can't do that shit, might as well have slapped the logo across Noctis' hip.
>not white background with the title of the game and a stylized character with gradient colors
EU only.
>Day One Edition
Feels good to be master race. Too bad FFXIII broke the tradition even here.
Are you FFXV-kun? You sure do sound like FFXV-kun.
where the fuck did the color go
what were they thinking
>make this more dull so people don't notice the box
>start covering up shit like an Arkham City GOTY box
>puts the game's logo in the only spot that makes sense so its not stuffed like an Arkham City GOTY box
PC graphics on the left.
Console on the right.
>This even after I butchered the Trial of Titan demo and failed to redeem myself afterwards.
>By the way, I am still not sure what happened. I can do better than that, I promise!!
>Mat Kishimoto
When will this guy get fired? He's so fucking incompetent.
There is no full high res version yet :(
>day one edition
When will this fucking meme end? What the fuck does that even mean? Just a way of saying you bought a new copy?
It's annoying because they fucking put it on everything now. I just want a regular ass copy without that shit on it.
>By the way, I am still not sure what happened. I can do better than that, I promise!!
They need to kill this guy.
I'll take the stupid Day One Editions over the preorder DLC though.
How fuck did they not realise this guy has no idea how to play the fucking game before they let him on stage? With the director no less.
>day one edition
You mean what used to be the one without any stupid fucking logos or slogans all over it? Now it has to be plastered on there defeating the purpose of a first edition altogether?
They accidentally put up that Europe was getting the white background reversible cover on the official FB page earlier today. Disappointing it's not the case, but I'm not too fussed, I'm getting the Deluxe steelbook anyway.
looks better.
The title in is far too top justified and leaves an excessive amount of empty space between the characters and the title. It ends up looking like a really shitty Word header.
Whereas is centered better and is more aesthetically pleasing. It manages to keep focus on the characters and the events in the sky without coming off like cover art you'd expect from OC donut steel. Sure it covers the stuff in the sky, but the key features of said stuff is their faces, which are still clearly visible; the rest is just trivial blue smoke which isn't the focus of the image.
I legitimately can't figure out why this isn't the box art, it's leagues better. Like surely at some point during the concepting phase they must have toyed with the placement of the logo over the artwork. What fucking convinced them that having it sitting awkwardly at the top of the box was a good idea? It makes the whole thing look off-centre.
I miss the simple logo box art.
The Japanese get the logo-on-white-background as a reversible cover, NA and EU get black background.
As long as it's anything but OP's pic, I'll take it.
>Thank you Mat!
>That was great!
Why does that piss you off? Years down the line those games might be worth more on eBay.
Collector's editions will be worth something. A box with "Day One" on the cover is meaningless because they print them in the thousands, if not tens of thousands. I still see Dark Souls 3 Day One Editions on shelves, even though I bought that game almost four months ago.
yeah I can't wait to sell my ''day zero'' copy of call of duty advanced warfare for $200 on ebay
this has never, ever been the case.
Does that apply to consoles too?
>logging in with this console gave you a cheevo
>the only other 'perk' was a different logo on your controller and "premium black packaging"
Deluxe Edition>'b' side>JP box art>>>western Boxart
what is even going on on in this pic?
I've always liked it, and I just think this box art fiasco is generated by all the negativity that has been surrounding Final Fantasy XV threads for a long time.
Even though it's just a fucking box art who's purpose is to just show off. If you want to make sense of it,I think it looks like they were driving with Cidney and stopped to see the knights in the sky, and monsters spawned, so everyone got out to fight except for Cidney and Prompto, who was using it for cover, and by battle tactics they all ended up where you see them on the cover. Cidney was behind the car, and she crawled out to take a picture of the knights while they were all ending their last action from the battle by coincidence, leading to the cover of the game.
what the fuck are you smoking
Wtf is the deal with all the different box arts and why does America always get the worst ones?
I understand that there are some cultural differences and all that but for the most part who fucking cares. Why wouldn't the company just wave money?
Not that box art isn't fading away in general thanks to digital.
You mean why does Canada get the worst one, we know why America gets the worst one because you're the worst country and your only culture is from invading Mexicans. Why do we have to suffer?
dude really good weed actually howd you know.
Too bad they can't salvage it from being a shitty game
Too pussy to leave the monarch and have an identity crisis. Way to go ice nigger.
I'm pretty fine with the box art really
Queen Elizabeth is our queen
The maple leaf our emblem dear
The maple leaf forever
God save our queen and Heaven bless
The maple leaf forever
wtf is that in the background?
My XIII came white with logo, I got the collector's edition. White and logo is master race
Europe is getting white and logo as well as Japan, they announced this earlier today
be excellent to each other
Okay now don't post it I samefagged for you.
The left one is the new one
No one gives a fuck.