How can men even compete?

How can men even compete?

How can women even compete?


english: "Nooooooooooo!"
japan version: "Iyaaaaaaaa!"
russian version: "Nyeeeeet!"

like a good old days

Robot chad

They don't

after nine elevern


I can reproduce. Robots don't have the juice.

>implying your genes are worthwhile

They literally cant, machines can thereorically have metallic dicks that produce more measure than a biological dick can ever produce in a woman's vagina.

By going the Deus Ex road and enhancing their bodies

They cant, synthetics are vastly superior to organics in every way.

He gonna bust a nut



She can't realistcally be arm candy to a robot, that's not something to show off. It's like walking around in public showing off a dildo.

Also, you can't get the best of the best robot, when other women have exactly the same robot.

Thus two of the biggest reasons for women to be with a guy; to be able to show him off and to be with the best guy so she's better than other women, becomes impossible with a robot.

Is it ever established how the robonigs reproduce? That's kinda a big barrier to a robotic uprising.


>Implying that it wont be men being all over robotits
>Implying will be happy with a robot unless it brings an income

by giving up on human women and fucking robot girls.

They don't

Should have showed her the video about Electro Gonorrhea, 'the noisy killer'

Robosexuality is a sin, and I wont be a part of it.


Jeeze, Metabee looks a lot different than I remember


>wanting King's Row shanks
>being a traitor to your own kind

Robochad is no true omnic. Why would you ever fuck a filthy human? You'd have to program me to do that shit.

How can women even compete?

How can women even compete?

God damn the story in Overwatch is fucking awful. Especially regarding the robots which is supposed to be a central focus of the lore itself.

Robots become sentient and go crazy because ???

After an allegedly horrific war against robots, they suddenly want to discuss peace because ???

A single robot gets killed by what a very evil and heinous organization but robots aren't peaceful enough to acknowledge that so they go evil and crazy again and wage another war.

Robots are super evil killers but we never see this because all we get is them painted in a sympathetic light making the anti-robot responses in game come off as confusing.

Robots lack all emotion due to their shitty designs. Seriously, you'd think at one point they'd try looking like humans instead of legos.

All of this gets written off because "lol the story is SUPPOSED to be bad just play the game"

I'm nearly 100% sure everything related to the robot war is a holdover from Project Titan (their cancelled MMO) when the folded all that stuff into Overwatch.

i pull this out my asshole
>God damn the story in Overwatch is fucking awful. Especially regarding the robots which is supposed to be a central focus of the lore itself.
this is ture
>Robots become sentient and go crazy because ???
its probably that anubis ai or some shit
>After an allegedly horrific war against robots, they suddenly want to discuss peace because ???
because they're not controlled mind control by evil ai anymore or some shit, also they fucking lost and thats what you do when you get your ass handed to you
>A single robot gets killed by what a very evil and heinous organization but robots aren't peaceful enough to acknowledge that so they go evil and crazy again and wage another war.
robots are fucking dumb i guess, dont worry black people do the same thing so the whole metaphor is pretty solid
>Robots are super evil killers but we never see this because all we get is them painted in a sympathetic light making the anti-robot responses in game come off as confusing.
i mean there's bastion but otherwise most omnics look like fuckin punks
>Robots lack all emotion due to their shitty designs. Seriously, you'd think at one point they'd try looking like humans instead of legos.
>All of this gets written off because "lol the story is SUPPOSED to be bad just play the game"
this is true

By becoming cyborgs

motherfucker have you never seen robots? obviously they just order their kid through the mail

maybe it's actually the robot's fetish.

>Implying you could ever get a qt fleshy gf

daily reminder

>tfw robo waifus will be a thing before robo-husbandos
no priorities whatsoever, homos and straight women

Does anybody else find this a little TOO ridiculous? I think they jumped the shark a little here.

That's because the men who find themselves wanting spend their time building what they want. Women never go without, there will always be men available for them. Homos are just degenerates that are desperate.

I can at least hop on the train of your first two points, but I'm not sure what you even mean by the last bit, nor what that has to do with what I'm saying



>blonde hair blue eyed white girl dating outside of her own

I wonder who could be behind this

>blonde hair
>with those eyebrows
think again senpai

Underrated post

You do know the blonde people's eyebrows are darker than their head hair right?

Not that dark with hair that light, no. Naturally that doesn't happen.

So why does Zenyatta have 9 eyes when all the "regular" omnics have 3?

If i had the rumbler too i would compete :(

>They're not just friends

>implying robots don't have some stored chad juice

He has more spirit juice in him astrally inept one

Those are budda warts not eyes

His eyes are bellow the warts

Stephen Hawking actually said this would become a serious issue in the future.

Because Zenyata is the king of DPS and SPEEDY ULTS

maybe they actually love each other

or she could be a cylon


You can't cuddle a Omnic comfortably.

I mean, who would you rather cuddle? Zenyatta or Reinhardt?

I want to cuddle mei!

Definitely bara mode Reinhardt like in your post




I'd drape myself over his chassis and listen to the soft, gentle hum of whatever powers him.

I love robots.




>thinking the glowy bits are eyes

eyes don't emit light, they absorb it.

an eye that emitted light would be a really shitty eye

How often do you go outside?

good post

The more advance an omnic is, the more eyes it has.

Bastion, for example, being a mas produced early model of non talking omnic has only one eye, and is barely humanoid in shape

Normal Omnics have two to four eyes, most monks have sixish

Zenyatta has the same number of eyes as Mondatta indicating he is on the same level as Mondatta, both presumably being advanced enough to fly and control complected healing/damaging flying prayer beads

Basically, it's because he's robot Buddha

How CAN girls compete?

Horse here, not even we can compete.

Friends don't normally have their hands around each other like that.

Omniums make more Omnics.

All the character designs and their scale compared to the world scream MMO to me. Usually when you're creating a non-realistic visual identity for a game, you make it in a way that benefits gameplay, and there's no way Overwatch's in-action look is that uncharacteristic on purpose.

Grant us eyes?

They are eyes. Its the same as with Bastion, his eye is a large blue glowing object on the upper middle of his head

The holes underneath are so different Omnic to Omnic they likely were made by the Omnic themselves to differentiate themselves from the other Omnics, sort of like piercings

Also, they do look a lot more like human eyes, which is likely what they're trying to mimic. Since other Omnic models all have glowing eyes however we can be 99% sure that its the glowing dots on the forehead, not the slits on their face, that are the eyes

Fear the hard light

By god, fear it Torbjorn

they can't

the omnics living in peace aren't the same waging war in russia, you dumbfuck.

I want to fuck that meka

We have sperm.

We see it today. Women can fuck their dildos and hitatchi magic wands all day long but they always come crawling back to men for that sweet, sweet baby juice.

Check mate, niggears.

>what is synthetic sperm

Shit now I have to fap (I dont care if he's actually a boy)

you are not alone

no substitute.

She has six fingers in that drawing


This is amazing

How can women even compete?

Why should mankind entertain peace talks with an extremely small collection of buddhist robots when previously robots went ape shit and massacred humanity? Furthermore, why would the death of one of them spark another war?

>How can men even compute?

What was that she said again, Sup Forums?

oh god what


this did not take long to get weird

That sounds like it would cause a ton of birth defects.

I'm sure there's sperm banks out there for omnic/human couples.

Wow, this thread just took a turn for the absolutely compelling.

As long as there robot waifus for men too I wouldn't give a shit, I'd die before God went Sodom and Gomorrah on us anyway

>no female omnics
Of course the SJWs don't care about that

>God damn the story in Overwatch is fucking awful. Especially regarding the robots which is supposed to be a central focus of the lore itself.

It takes reading all the comics and watching all the shorts to know wtf is going on, next to no in game story

>Robots become sentient and go crazy because ???

The AI that control the centers the Omnics made in go crazy, and these AI control the other Omnics who get within range

>After an allegedly horrific war against robots, they suddenly want to discuss peace because ???

The AIs doing this shit got shut down, the no longer controlled human like Omnics mostly wanted peace, but where being controlled by evil AI
