What happened to Sarif?

What happened to Sarif?

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he lined his suit with the wings of the fully equipped Area 51 fruit flies

>2 years later
>looks younger

Is it me or does Sarifs patch under his lip looks tagged on with microsoft paint?

He really doesn't, he looks about the same but the render in the OP is obviously more detailed.

They probably modeled him on the new VA.

The fruit flies got to him

He lost both arms now?

Some fruitflies attacked his throat and changed his voice permanently.

His clothes got fancier.

Daamn look at that classy man, I wish I had a boss like him.



youtube.com/watch?v=sO2WIFTm7n4 Fruitflies conspiracy got him.
He knew too much.

Wasn't he on Panacea when the thing went kaboom? I guess that's when that happened.

Can someone link the new VA for him? I watched a couple of gameplay reveals but haven't heard him so far.

His voice was so fucking unique, what a shame it had to be this way. Fuck.

Look son. Augmentation technologies are like a fucking drug and I love it. First it was on arm and one testicle. The it became two arms and a whole genital replacent, son. The illuminati trained fruit flies to whisper to me in my sleep. They told me to creat Sarif industries or they'd steal my semen. Adam. Aaaadam. Stop. Hey come back in not finished! AAADDAAAAAAAAAMMMM.

Or he just replaced his arm with an aug arm.
Remember that if you choose Sarif's ending it is implied that humanity became augmented just for the sake of progress.

Nevermind I found it lol


What the fuck.

I want real Sarif back.

Not gunna buy without OG sarif voice, game feels dead and lifeless without him

Old Sarif sounded like an obnoxious alcoholic middle aged piece of shit, too much like a real boss. Made me uncomfortable.

it's not him
real sarif died
this one is an illuminati plant because they know Jensen has a soft-spot for him
trust me I'm an eidos developer.

>one testicle
I have to know
Why only one?

Sarif should have died at the end of Human Revolution


he looks like dario cueto

Got his dick blown off.

This so much. The VA was just too distinct and suited his character perfectly.

>yfw you thought Sarif was going to betray you at some point
>he was actually a bro the whole time

Real Sarif went too real. He went too deep.

So what happened to his company after HR? I imagine getting new augments would be outlawed since they put augmented people in prisons and shit.

Fucking kek



>Tfw you will never have Sarif as your boss

He seemed like a really chill dude.

>eidos spelled backwards is sodie

>no Stephen Shellen voice acting

It'll never be the same.

I know people are just going to respond with "fruit flies xD" but I do honestly wonder what he's been up to since Human Revolution. That was his last acting credit on IMDB. Maybe he's gone off the grid again, he loves being a hobo.

I love Sarif but I think I'd trade him for Malik in the sequel

maybe he got spooked.

>everyone had wide shoulders and small heads in HR
>now everyone has narrow shoulders and large heads
What the fuck is happening lol

It took too long for this to be posted.

>literally cut extra body parts off of adam just to test muh augs

hey user mind if I crash at your place
no hobo

I'm Belltower

>people still believe that he was being real when he was talking about Area 51 fruit flies

The fruitflies got him. Smoked too much weed.
>Was fired over this

he's been replaced with a body double

dr. pavel?

He got augmented

Eidos only wanted to pay him 400 dollars for a few voicelines. which seems alot for a couple of lines but he said flying over there costed more than the paycheck so he passed.

how could he possibly not be hellbent on revenge knowing that jenson blew him the fuck up?

Replaced one testicle with an SSD to transfer his genetic memory faster.

Later on he got the second one augmented so that he could do a Raid 0 setup.

I hope we get to murder this fucking cunt in MD

>tfw Jensen is a canon cuck

>''Jaron Is that you?''
>''Not Exactly''
Fucking bitch was jumping on that sandniggers aug dick and you know it

>double bed in the room shes staying in

You won't. They'd be barraged by SJWs if they let it happen. They'll just kill her off-screen.


Can someone make his body even smaller?

I haven't played in awhile. Didn't she cheat behind his back with a few other guys? I think you find email with a few people with her implying they at least went to dinner?

>going to dinner with another male means she's cheating on you
wew calm down with that paranoia you fag
you must be really possessive of your girlfriend, I pity her

He looks like Nathan from Nathan for you with a goatee and some gray hair

i don't have a girlfriend, retard

kek, why is that fucking power stance used so much?

I can't remember the email but she basically flirted with the correspondent that implied more the next time they met and that it was a good first date.


I can see why and I'm glad you don't.

>that cock attachment design in the computer files


He lost another arm?

>Gets swarmed by fruit flies
>Turns into raging faggot


>Replaced one testicle with an SSD to transfer his genetic memory faster.
Explain to me how this works and why it requires the use of a testicle specifically.

who /haven'tseenanygameplaybecausewanttobesurprisedwhenthegamecomesout/ here?

Sarif For You

>Old Sarif sounded like an obnoxious alcoholic middle aged piece of shit, too much like a real boss.
I know, right? The guy was brilliant.

When HR takes place I thought Jensen and Reed had already been through their breakup.

They're clearly still interested in eachother but it's not really cheating.

Why is everyone's head so out of proportion to their body in this game? Jensen has the same problem.

You'll be surprised indeed, by how shit the game turns out to be. What's been shown so far is extremely disappointing.


Ehh, cant be worse than invisible war.

I called it when the sequal to HR would be an interqual between HR and DE1, so it should be interesting to see how jensen will finally die (or in the next 2 games)

If only they focus more on the big picture it should be good

The video someone posted in this thread is the first I've seen, and all I plan on watching. It provided me with enough to know that this game looks similar, but upgraded enough to satisfy my curiosity.

This. I love the character but he's a bastard. The only bros are Pritchard and Malik.

>there will never be a nucl3arsnake anime

>Pritchard and Malik
Are either of them back?

Is it canon that Malik survived or not?

>People will actually buy this tripe over No Man's Sky

Yeah remember when Sup Forums said this about HR? Boy

yeah and it only changed because of the beta leak that eidos put on Sup Forums
which won't happen again

Where did this health regen meme come from? The original was the one with health regeneration.

I've heard in one of those videos that Sarif just offers you a side quest, it'd be a shame because it was a memorable character. Like most of them were memorable.

We'll never see Malik again.

Here is that attention you so desperately crave.


That was an augment that you had to get and still costed energy im pretty sure.

The voicing agency at Eidos never called Stephen Shellen back for this game.
He went on a Facebook rant about how every agency started avoiding him once he put up the Fruit Flies video, which he claimed to be a joke.
He is also not listed in the credits of DXHR or DXHRDC, and was very miffed about that.

Sounds to me like these companies are legitimately afraid of the Illuminati.

>shellen did all these rants as a joke
>it turns out he accidentally uncovered the truth


I know that this is an edited version, but those vlogs can't possibly be the sole reason he had a falling out and isn't in Mankind Divided.

>mfw Human Revolution is the Persona 4 of Deus Ex
>best game
>tons of spin off based on it
>best protag
>only good game in the series

guy had no cock.

do you have more gifs like this?

how can a man be so wrong?

If only he knew about /x/. His memes were just too strong for the normies.

>he has a fucking shower head for genitals