this is you. this is how you sound in real life.
This is you. this is how you sound in real life
Other urls found in this thread:
both are massive idiots, whats the point of this
>that meme arrow
seriously, fuck this
Stopped reading the second he used the quotation arrow.
He's not in a 1995 usenet board and he's not posting in Sup Forums. Fucking retard.
All I read in that overly long response is "I'm a fat fuck that hasn't seen my knees since I was 6."
I like walking, now I can catch pokmans while I do it.
The meme arrow is what is most damning, not his opinion itself.
I still use them in email, but yeah, using that anywhere else is usually a way of signalling other autists from Sup Forums.
>I like walking, now I can catch pokmans while I do it.
How the fuck do you walk without looking where you're going? Playing Pokemon Go is an inconvenience to literally everything you're doing, including playing Pokemon Go.
>I'm a better person because I played more pokemon games
The maneuvers a man's mind have to come up with just to feel special never cease to amaze.
Oh look another /vp/ thread.
>implying I honestly speak with anybody in the real world
When I go to work I put on my normie personality and when I get home I stay home until I have to work again.
>Playing competitive Pokemon
Seriously, why? Why not invest your time in competitive vaping instead, since it's just as productive, but far more entertaining.
>in real life.
But that's facebook.
meme arrows are part of mainstream internet culture now. fug off.
>pokemon isn't casual Dudebro shit
Wasn't there a fast food chain that sold gold plated pokemon cards or some shit.
>competitive vaping
mein sides
>meme arrowing outside of Sup Forums
I don't care how convenient of a way of expressing a statement or idea it is, fuck that shit.
On the sidewalk, looking up every few steps to reassess my surroundings? My nose isn't buried in it and it vibrates when something is nearby
1)hold phone in hand and walk.
2) feel it vibrate
3) stop and catch pokemon
4) repeat
its simple really.
In Kids' Meals, yes.
What's the point of this thread?
it's all over youtube nowadays
To mock vp, I'm assuming
t. memekid
You do realize that's how people quoted each other even before Sup Forums was a thing?
If you weren't fucking underage you would know this
who are you quoting?
>I´m getting too wise
Yeah, that´s what all wise people say.
Why would you start shit just for the purpose of starting shit?
Yeah but who are they quoting?
>I think I'm getting too old/wise for popular culture
Christ on a bike.
Thanks tips, but he wasn't quoting
He's right though. Except that he's part of the problem since he uses facebook.
Just make perfect mons or play on a simulator.
what's that pic about user?
the first half was just fine but then it took a turn for the worst
>I think I'm getting too old/wise for popular culture
You dont get it right? We don't WANT YOU HERE. I don't fucking care what you retards do in RL. Use your fucking pokemon board.
Seems like there's two camps here, the ones that can't stop telling you about the weedle they caught with the cops or the ones that have to tell you why they don't play this game (usually due to their superior IQ).
The only winning move is not to play.
I don't give a damn about mainstream internet. It's still a fucking major warning sign towards faggotry and it needs to stop.
I want to jaamu it in Anzu
I don't care if she's like 5 foot nothing and barely 80lbs I want to destroy her
>That one person that constantly complains about Pokemon Go and telling people to get a social life
>It's always a girl
pokemon is not the type of game you should get elitist about.
>wanting to not have warning signs that tell you if someone is a faggot before you talk to them more to establish a friendship
Anzu is for cute and pure, not for sexing.
Make a facebook post about it
jesus christ just play it if you think its fun and dont play it if you dont
>implying he was quoting
This usage of the meme arrows was born here on Sup Forums, in fact I remember when people started using it and later it spilled over to the rest of the web.
When will this
>doesn't know something I know
>must be a 12 year old
meme stop?
It's just as cancerous as being a 90s kid and it really makes you look like a faggot user
Because everybody knows you're supposed to lurk before you open you big dumb mouth you daft cunt.
I'm going to spend 4 hours breeding HER if she doesn't drop the sassy attitude
>you will never be Pokemon masters
this nigga
The salt from Sup Forums will never get old
problem is the guy in the image wasn't even quoting someone. it was a Sup Forums implying arrow.
>girls with a passion for competition
Why do I never meet them? Where are they when I visit local Tr4sh events? Why do my cool friends always have lame GFs?
Not like Pokémon is the pinnacle of competitive vidya but man, how hard is it to find a girl with just a little autism for it?
He is right though.
Stay mad casual normalfags.
>calling them """""meme""""" arrows unironically
I wish retards would go.
>I don't care if she's like 5 foot nothing and barely 80lbs I want to destroy her
I think that would make destroying her even more fun tbqh
>im actually agreeing with a gamur gurl
What a fucking world.
Sounds like Stan from the episode where he realizes everything is shit so it's perfect his friends name is Kyle.
I am 22 years old. I dont play pokemon GO but I have decent vision and am able to look at a phone while staying aware of my surroundings, only slightly hindered in my perception. Im sure that plenty of other people can also achieve this feat.
Mother loses weight by fucking son.
Wow, people are actually mad that normies get to enjoy pokemon.
Fuck me and my friends who were palls from gen1 are having a blast going around the town meeting people who play as well.
He has to aknowledge that the people who were the target audience for gen 1 are now 25+.
He's right.
Some nigger implied at me the other day.
What is there to even agree on? Literally a massive fucking blog on why they don't play Pokemon GO.
That's not real life dumbass that's Facebook.
A website full of people just as cringey and retarded as here.
Kill yourself.
This. Why do people insist on walking with their face buried in their phone?
He wasn't quoting, and anyway the majority of people who use arrows to quote people like that on YouTube or Facebook or wherever aren't doing it because they picked it up on fucking Usenet or something, they're doing it because they've seen it on Sup Forums.
Kill yourself faggot. Of all the sites you could browse: Leddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Normiebook, you choose the one place normalfags aren't welcome.
Get the fuck out.
I don't really understand this. t's just a matter of personal dedication.
I work 10 hours a day, 5 days a week and do kick boxing 4 days a week and I still find time to practice for a Melee tournament. This "I have no time for this" meme is pure bullshit. It all comes down to "I don't WANT to put time into this and it's all fine if it weren't for everyone in both camps playing the elitist faggots thinking they're better for either not taking the time or taking the time to practice, grind and play.
Imagine if the averae joe at my kick boxing Gym who's only there to lose weight was looking at me putting in tons of hours of sweat and blood to simply git gud at a combat sport and just said "LOL what a fucking nerd training so hard for something so useless what don't you have a life?" But people don't do that because kick boxing is a sport and it's all about stereotypes and status quo even though, to me, training hours in martial arts and training hours in a competitve videogame if that's what trully passionate you is the exact same fucking thing. f you TRULLYlove it, you'll find tie for it,if you don't,either clear your schedule a bitor you simply don't like it that much.
She does play on simulator but she prefers playing on cartridge. Go to and message etaoi (typing /w etaoi, [insert message here] in chat).
>too old/wise
He just had to get that wise in there didn't he
Its over man we already lost this a long time ago.
Sup Forums has been a normalfags shithole since forever and now with all the hype and people defending pokemon GO its pretty damn clear that there is no hope for this board.
Everytime that I feel that Sup Forums is dying I come here to feel better.
vape naysh
I bet he is less tan 24 years old.
Literally REEEEEEEEEE the post.
he's right though. i hate smartphones and how people are so obsessed with them.
>At a point where seeing people post about how "cringey" and "autistic" they think shit is make me "cringe"
Clearly I'm a level above all of you
Think i'll need sauce
Do you even need to ask?
>le normalfag boogeyman.
As far back as 2007 I don't remeber a time when there weren'T normalfags, the only thing that changed is people like you who showed up, starting blaming everything on normies, reddit and other scapegoats for you to refuse to admit you are every bit as responsible for the downfall of this place with your incessant shitposting.
got source for that? Google image search doesn't turn up much
Artist is takatsu but I can't find it anymore.
its funny how you cry about le normalfags dont exist and yet just one post under, this faggot doesnt know the meme gook pornstar. unbelievable.
>Both are massive idiots
>Implying his response was not good
I mean come the fuck on, it was even ironic you fucking retard, god this is why you will never get lay.
I know her fucking name, I can't find whatever video that came from you mongoloid
did you mean
"what's the deal"
>Real life
What the
>muh sekrit klub
Welcome to normies. This is what they do to your hobby.
actually people quoted each other with quotation marks you massive cunt
I found enlightenment due to playing Pokemon Go!
I lost 200 Ilbs! Thanks Pokemon Go!
Pokemon Go got me $160,000!
Got BO? Use Pokemon GO!