ITT: Uncommon and rare vidya artifacts you wish you had

ITT: Uncommon and rare vidya artifacts you wish you had.

Maybe a concept controller like the boomerang PS3 controller or even just old games you wish you owned.

This is timely, since they apparently just found an american version of it, but the 64DD sounded so damn cool back in the day.


still debating whether or not i want to buy it

i paid 200$ for one though

A SF2 cabinet would be great except for the price and space and weight and shipment

Best fucking GB ever...

USB Saturn controllers actually made by SEGA with proper parts from real controllers, none of that chink bootleg shit.

>circle pad

Nah, it's shit.


I used to own one of these, then it disappeared without a trace with my copy of Advance Wars 2. to this day, I blame my faggoty nephew who just got into college

The only other thing I owned was a copy of Vagrant Story that I could've jewed over on Ebay back in the day for about $50, but nowadays you can just get it on PSN

The PC ones are all over ebay. I think there is an old SEGA factory somewhere still pumping them out.

Shut your whore mouth.

You shut your whore mouth, I rather die than use a piece of shit circle pad.

I know it's not rare but I always liked the look of the yuropoor and jap SNES' more than the one we got here in Freedomland.

Is your nephew's name David by chance?

It's literally the best D-pad

My buddy had a saturn. The user's right, the controller sucked dick.

>It's literally the best D-pad

>black PS1
Wasn't that the Japanese Programming PS1? Any person can buy it and program games and submit them to be small games part of their magazine?


>Not only do I have it, I USE it.

>A decade of use is starting to wear off Natsume's contact info on the back, but whatever. Having this awesome thing on hand all the time far outweighs possibly ebayfagging it in the future.

Faggot deleted his post, what a bitch.

It was all about the internet, hence "net" yaroze. Demo discs were mostly a euro thing for NY games, but there are some nice compilation discs out these days so you can try shit from Japan, where they actually used it to make decent shit.

The biggest success story in my mind was Devil Dice, a Yaroze game that got a full budget release, and remains one of my favorite PS1 games and one of the greatest puzzle games of all time.

I'd settle for rummaging through my grandmothers house to find the veritable mountain of NES games she had. Every popular game she had and kept bringing them home from thrift stores even during the ps2 era.

I'd be amazed if my cousins didn't nab them all and sell for them to a pawn shop for drug money though.

Nein! it's Louis

Your cousin sounds like the worst person. Ever.

If you have any more info about obscure PS1 stuff, please share.

That tommy hilfiger game boy

Those are cheap knockoff shit, like everything from China.

go to japan and i guarantee you will get one of these bad boys no problem

I have a Saturn with the 2nd model controller and it is the best D-pad on the planet.

Your buddy must have been stuck with the first model, that one sucked.

>t. Someone who never played with a Genesis controller

If you really think the Saturn one is better you pretty much have abnormal hands or some shit.

Oh, and don't get me fucking started with that 3D version abomination of saturn controller.

>yfw trying to get on the web page

Honestly the controller is the best part of it and you can get those new for like 90 bucks or used for half that

I was just glad they released the controllers separate

wow never thought devil dice came from the net yaroze graveyard, i remember playing some terribly shit games on euro demos, thought no good ever came from that

64DD is one of gamings biggest wasted opportunities. If they had released it in '97 and had more titles, released it in the US and actually supported it, shit would've kicked ass. Too bad they wasted the opportunity of Mother 3, that Zelda sequel, and everything else for Mario paint and f zero expansion.


I only ever saw one copy of this online, and it sold for over 300 dollars. Some day I'll have it.


You literally only need that if you are

A. Poor
B. Live in Asia

I actually own a Chinese VCD of Days of Thunder

Omg so kuwaii user, i d buy it