Answer honestly you filthy Mexican/Spaniard.
my alien translator seems to be broken so i can't help you
You get to pick who to save later, just tell them to shut up.
kaidan dying is canon
kaiden is an absolute faggot
fuckin kill him
nothing changes, it's a BIOWARE game
If you don't import a save Ashley appears.
does the upside down question mark mean its an answer
welp im saving ashley, thanks guys
No, if you don't import a save you always save the one of oposite gender. So maleShep saves Ashley always and femShep saves Kaidan always.
>not playing on an imported save
people think that the devs picking a default option means that it is now "canon"
despite the fact that if you pick fermshep kaidens alive but oh well
English motherfucker
kaidan dying makes more sense because he's the tech specialist so you send him to take care of the nuke, and as a soldier ashley would make a lot more sense infiltrating with the stealth team. so in that case ashley is much easier to extract because there's fewer geth to deal with and no Geth Prime. also kaidan mentions that the nuke is armed, so no matter what happens it's going to explode.
Esta decisión no importa, la de más adelante decide a quién salvas.
Fucking gringos I swear.
But ashley deserves to die
and she will eventually. but whoever dies on Virmire will be remembered forever not only by humans but by krogan. do you want people to make statues of ashley?
They're both really fucking terrible and I wish both of them were dead desu.
I'm not ready to replay this series yet and I don't think I ever will be. Still mad.
Not mine because she doesn't suck krogan's quad and shoot them at my orders.
Kaidan is pretty cool silent boy who's little into tech and bio but doesn't do anything special to deserve save over Ashley.
the forced human teammates were always the most boring sacks of shit. i wish i could have killed both of them and i wish i could've killed jacob, miranda, and that jersey shore douchebag too.
She calls the geth "Flashlights" in ME3
She deserves nuclear fire.