Fuck you... FUCK you! FUCK YOU!!!

Fuck you... FUCK you! FUCK YOU!!!

I tried to keep loyal to Team Fortress 2, I fucking tried and you know what? Wasn't fucking worth it!
As a valvedrone I've bashed Overwatch in every thread I saw, making bait "tf2 > overwatch" threads, mocking it's lack of debth and SJW pandering.

While I was shilling, blizzbros were having fun, even first day of the beta those unlucky had the tbqh top tier animated porn.

I was telling myself
>its fine, it will surely flop, its just the shillbots from r*ddit
but it kept doing better and better. Then I told myself
>just wait for tf2's matchmaking update, it will surely revive the game crushing overwatch
It came out and its absolutely shit

Then pic realated came out, damn shes cute, I broke out of the hugbox and went on to watch some overwatch gameplay, damn it looks FUN

My delusion has stopped me from trying to get into the beta or even trying it out in the open beta. Now I'm miserable and sad, already sold half of my tf2 and dota2 hats and am thinking about getting overwatch tonight

FUCK you valvedrones, Im a free man, stay miserable in your furrysuits seeding mlp episodes. Now its where the real fun begins...

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would someone sit here and write all this out just to shitpost Sup Forums?

becouse tf2 is a dead game and I finally realised it

Nobody gives a shit, don't bother posting here again you waste of life.

>op genuinely thought this was funny throughout the 2 minutes of typing this pointless shitpost
How old are you?

Your opinion has all the value of bird shit, next time you want to share an opinion think hard for a moment, realize you're about as smart as a dead frog and turn the computer off.

>it's still active


I know, I was like you guys days ago, miserable steampoof but its all clear now, just let it happen and you can experience real joy again

nice thread op


You know, you can play both, playing one doesn't mean you can't play the other.

>mad tf2 players

i'd be pretty upset too if overwatch's playerbase consisted of 13 year old furries/bronies

yes, theoretically I could fuq the puss or get pounded in the ass but in practise it doesnt work

>implying you can't do both

This thread is some absolutely top tier shitposting. 10/10. Enjoy your 300 replies and lots of delicious (You)s, OP.

>This obvious b8 and falseflag thread
Nice thread faggot OP

>i can't come up with an argument so it must be shitposting/falseflagging!

nice thread op

Wait, I don't know nothing about Overwatch, but this new char isn't old? Or there are skins that change the char completely?

Dumb faggot I have Overwatch and you guys are the epitome of cancer. You call tf2's population cancer but you shills are the exact same as those bronies/furries.

>the denial is real
what is it? the 20ping 100m long flamethrower scorching your anal holes?
the devs will never again give it the polish it had during development, its liek that guy pretending to be a little girl, sad and pathetic

Yes! In the basic skin shes an old lady, but this skin is qt af
Legendary skins even come with different animations, not just pallet swaps

I was like you too, OP, I even fell for the tickrate meme.
Turns out Overwatch has a faster tickrate than TF2 and the whole meme was just propaganda some drone made to stir up shitposting.

TF2 isn't dead but that doesn't mean Overwatch isn't fun. I'll never understand this brand loyalty shit people pull with games that resemble each other. ASSFAGGOT players are the worst in this regard, it's like it's illegal to play two games.

Consolefags and Franchisefags are assholes.

>implying any of those fags actually get affected by the tickrate, but thats what happens when trash players discover those le top players meme words

>the current year
>unironically breaking rule 6
enjoy your 3 day vacation

good to see summers actually read the gibberish

Im actually activley trying to help my fellow tf2 tongs to wake up

no one cares faggot.

you cared enough to come in and reply :^)

What do you blizzbros think? Should I get the Origins edition or not?

Personally I skipped it. You get some skins, some of which are nice, but honestly, you don't see your skin anyway.

They arent obtainable ingame other than through the origins ed, are they?

Don't think so, don't care. Personally, don't think paying 20 euro for one skin pr character, which you might not use anyway, is worth it.

How dense are you overtards?
OW will NEVER have the custom gamemodes tf2 has to offer.
>dodgeball, prophunt, vsh, szf, parkour fortress, stop that tank, surf, randomizer, x10, balloon race, freak fortress, the hidden, vampire slayer, jump, tower defence 2, bombermod, tf2ware, slender fortress and so many more
You'll NEVER have it, not a fraction. All you're playing is a shitty version of PAYLOAD and CP (with how many, 8? 9? maps?). And you paid 40$ for it. Some retards even 60$.
Shill in hell faggot.

>putting this much effort into flame-baiting

You could've simply make a thread with an image saying TF2 < Ovrwatch and gotten the same replies.

This should be 404'd though because of the flamewar bait.

>different animations

They swap the models and particles at most, the animations are still the same. That's why Young HUMAN Genji has retarded knuckle blades still.

>le costom gamemodes
c'mon, we both new half of them are dead, the rest is either people talking with eachother instead of palying or furries trading

have some dignity and let go, its not worth it

12 maps with more to come for free. Don't forget at launch TF2 had 6 maps.

Don't compare the content of a game that's had almost a decade of updates to a two month old game.

Rock on dude!

do it OP, overwatch is great fun

TF2 is literally just for hat autists and furry RP at this point

Overwatch will never last as long as TF2 because no dedicated servers so no real sense of community, but it's definitely worth the money

RIP TF2, you were fun for at least 3 years. You died like a chinese mmo though, and for that I don't feel so bad leaving you early on.

tf2 doesn't have dva

Let it embrace you.

I don't play this game but I keep seeing pictures of this bitch in the catalogue. She a new character and broken as fuck? Also, is there porn yet? That's mainly why I keep a glancing interest in it.

>we changed some values and uploaded fan made maps totally 100% not dead and also totally not a brony meetup game

embrace perfection

This hero is just going to remove double Luc
Meta will stay the same otherwise.

Both games aren't worth playing right now cause they suffer from the same issue.

"We want matchmaking in our game, even at the cost of making matchmaking so horrendous this game is fucking unplayable."

Thanks Jeff Kaplan you fucking kike.

you must feel good not having to join servers with NOOB/NEWB in their names


>shitty recreations of other games in a decade old engine

ikr? gotta wait some more for those top tier ones

i belive overwatch is doing fine but the experiencei had with tf after the update was the worst i've had
played +10 rankeds
not even bullshitting 8 of them had a leaver in the middle or near the end of the match, queues took forever (one got me to singapure and had to paly with +300 ping)
its like online play still isnt really a thing


Let it go user. Overcucks are beyond help. You know the phrase "never go full retard?"
These people did it. It's not worth it. Just report, hide, and ignore.

Fuck off Overwatch forum sliding shill.

Fucking cancerous game for kiddies

What the fuck is wrong with OP

>playing overwatch
>playing overwatch because they released a shitskin character
wew lad

>y-you guys don't have ebin bumble cars and rubber duckies and ebin bread memes like we do!
>c-checkmate, overcucks!

Only bronyfags care about your shitty gimmick game modes, fucboi, that's why tf2 is flooded by them

While i do like overwatch, I don't like bad bait ruining it's name.

t. Pinkie pie pony fucker

Immensely happy that i do not find myself joining those servers anymore, or EGO servers cause of that stupid fucking family friendly rule.

With Overwatch i spend the vast majority of my time dead regardless of any "advice" given by devs or the playerbase, and i pretty much chose not to play cause it was that or keep not having fun or be punished for not having fun.

With TF2 its matchmaking came out i got a steamroll first game, second game a hacker steamrolled us and i was left talking to grandma about drug abuse and fighting back the bolshaviks, and then matchmaking broke and wouldn't find anymore games.

yes yes blizzdrone we know you are super into diversity at the cost of good design. I read you loud and clear.

>Now I'm miserable and sad, already sold half of my tf2 and dota2 hats

fuck off child go back to your mlp trade servers you belong there OW doesn't want your kind of filth


oh man im laughing, Nidhogg had more staying power

keep your XD racism XD there

>20 tickrate

enjoy being gripped and shot behind walls.

Valve saved TF2 with the new update. I'm having a blast.

>No potato hitboxes
>No ultimates
>No 30 heroes to balance.

This is dumb, i had to point that out.
Overwatch is cheap and boring and worst of all blizzard doesn't care at all about the people playing it, I've Serbs tons and tons of forums of people complaining about the game crashing and blizzard just going "it's not our fault, you fix it"

there's a 1 class limit now

>no ultimates

>mfw Steamshills think this is a good thing

none of the things you listed was even included in his post

>needing a literal "press this to win" button so you can feel good about yourself
Do you also think this is acceptable too?

left is your typical tf2 player's semen demon
right is the newest character being introduced to Overwatchâ„¢ completely for FREE

make your choice NOW!
>dem ebin shitskins amarite xDD
fuck off natsoc
>no potato hitboxes
you need to actually play with real people before opening that discrace which is your mouth
>no 30 heroes to balance
jokes on you faggot, tf2 has just 9 with half of them being shit and the rest being a spamfest
its still not even balanced to this day and you would know this if you actually palyed the game

>One shill to shill them all
Seriously where are the mods?

They have some different voice lines sometimes.
Although some that need different voice lines like younger versions of the character don't get them. But they would have to re-record every line with a different voice actor that matches the old one but younger and that sounds like a pain too.

>No 30 heroes to balance.

it's better to have 695 billions fucking unlocks to balance together?

Enjoy that spy running at sanic speed
Enjoy all those demo playing quickbomb launcher
Enjoy the pissrifle buff

tf2 balance is completely garbage tier.

Because summer. Because every 13 year old thinks they need to start threads.
That's what you asked for and that's what you get.

12 maps.
So far
And free map and hero as well as game mode updates.
Sounds like a good deal for $40



how old is she?

I actually don't care about hitboxes but what is your reaction to this?youtube.com/watch?v=N-aQTmb6QpI&feature=youtu.be


>Being this triggered over a game which is a decade older and still manages to have a better tickrate.

>playing competitively in a vidya game
>frog poster
>implying tf2 competitive is better


Friendly reminder that this fucking shitstain which calls itself b4nny is in charge of the balance now

theres no coming back, theres no light at the end of the tunnel
embrace pixar's newest game taking its place, OVERWATCH

>posting porn
>posting mlp porn
WEW lad. Gods work.

>being loyal to a company
>being this retarded

You can play both at the same time. However tf2 is objectively better, I hop on Overwatch occasionally because my friends are normie-tier fadfags.

>I actually don't care about hitboxes

Of course you don't. You can't aim. How would it be fair to play a FPS that required you to aim?

This, everyone worth their shit stopped playing TF2 few months after launch. It was a good game until then tho.

how can I be triggered by an old game that I've already played for about 2500 hours?

Tf2 is done, nobody but hobo, third world Brazilians and children want to play this in 2k16.

Wait they can't both be shit?

You can't hit squat even with auto aim on :^)

>one of the very VERY few playable elderly ladies who actually look old in ALL of gaming
>retarded teenagers fawn over her young skin instead

Fuck you virgins

Go outside, fuck you

Did you watch the video or are you just here to post frogs?

KYS retarded fetishist.

>Tf2 is done, nobody but hobo, third world Brazilians and children want to play this in 2k16.

At least they know how to aim ;^)

Or they could simply remove things like the voice filter on Reaper's and Genji's voices.

That would take effort though.

Did they de-noobify Hanzo? Great news really.
Now de-retard Roadhog next.

>young women are pretty

Is this a startling revelation to you?

I wish legendaries changed more shit like hanzos. Change reapers ult to green with nevermore or something. I'm generally disappointed with most legendaries because pf this.

It's on the PTR so who knows what will make it to live.

Get it OP its fun I'll play quickplay with you and enjoy that sweet sweet bonus exp.