What is the Demon Days of video games?
What is the Demon Days of video games?
hoping the 2017 album manages to top demon days. plastic beach was it and miss at 1st but the songs grew on me.
Plastic Beach is objectively better than Demon Days, but I'll always prefer Demon Days due to heavy nostalgia.
Shadow of the Colossus
It won't be.
I feel Demon Days has too much a nostalgia factor behind it at this point.
You can't top it because it will never have the same effect it did when you were young.
That said I just hope those two idiots manage their funds better this time around. YOU DON'T NEED BRUCE WILLIS TO DO NOTHING AT THE CAMERA, JUST TRY TO MAKE 3 OR 4 COOL MUSIC VIDEOS WITHOUT RUNNING OUT OF MONEY!
This guy gets it.
Also the answer is San Andreas.
god rhinestone eye could have been amazing animated.
Would we have gotten a video after that? I don't feel like they could just end this Well technically they did end on that but that wasn't the plan.
Plastic Beach was a lot better than Demon Days.
Meme game for a meme album
do ya thang was all we ended up with after that.
Bless your heart darlin'
lol no
I'd direct you to Sup Forums but this belongs in the
We also got a Doncomatic Video with that Castrato.
so a game with surprising depth but is passed off as shitty or immature? So basically any Sup Forumscore game?
So does your taste
>this man has a feat. on it
How to know when something is an instant classic
What does that even mean?
Holy shit they're not DONE? I thought they would have given up on this fiction band thing 2 years ago
this desu
>surprising depth
I liked Plastic beach better, I love Demon Days but I loved the style of plastic beach and the fact they tried to make a story about.
The Fall was shit.
I am a huge Gorillaz fanboy, it is my favorite band and I hated the Fall.
There was not one song on it I liked.
it's pretty easy to top garbage
Feel Good Inc. is overplayed but such a fucking banger.
I liked Revolving doors, and some other stuff but that song was the main one I liked from it
Well I'll be.
I'm really surprised.
Do you pronounce it Dew-Mile or Dew-Meal?
The Fall is okay if you just reconcile that it's not an album just Damon dicking around with his iPad. I mean the last song was literally just playing the Yodeling pickle app.
To all Rappers, shut up
And while you're shutting up put on a shirt
At least a button up
Same with that new Avalanches album, wildflower, instant classic all thanks to Daniel Dumile
Marvel vs Capcom II
Sonic 06
Their music would be great without the nigger rap verses.
Dew-mee-lay, he pronounces it on Doomsday, the song.
Don't engage him, he is well aware this is a shit opinion to have and is mining for a reaction
>Hating on Del, De La and Bootie Brown
Go fuck yourself.
>a weeb hating on MF DOOM
DOOM has better taste in anime than you, worthless weeb.
Thanks. I didn't know that shit.
willis did it for free to be fair
Plastic beach makes my dick wet, but all of their albums are good
That was basically a Converse ad
Plastic Beach>Gorillaz>Demon Days>The Fall
>Tfw someone will say I'm trolling
>Willis did it for free
I'm gonna need a source for that, if so what did these idiots waste their video funds on?
Sonic Adventure 2
it's good, but despite being way more popular than the original it doesn't top it.
You're posting anime so we all know you're being retardedly honest.
over rated trash that kids like? Call of Duty
Is Jamie Hewlett still bitching about having to draw Gorillaz over and over?
self titled+g-sides was the best but demon days played live is also up there for shit faced Shaun Ryder
I don't agree with your image, but I agree with your taste. Why did you have to be such a faggot in the end? We could have been friends.
No. Plastic Beach has several songs I don't like. Sweepstakes being the worst "Gorillaz" song ever, by far. Demon Days doesn't have a single bad song on it. I could listen to it forever. If I was forced to only have one album I could listen to for the rest of my life, it'd be Demon Days.
>call of duty
Sorry pal, your meme is out of date. Gonna have to write you a ticket.
As long as you can appreciate my superior taste.
he complains, but deep down he still enjoy it.
You could just say "I disagree" mate
Well since hardly anyone is posting games, I'm going to go with Beyond Good and Evil
Prove me wrong
Jet Set Radio
>kids hating on GORILLAZ
when I was younger trolling was a lot more subtle than this
Amarillo is a good one.
>Liking the original reason furries became a thing
It was literally a converse ad, which sort of makes it pretty subtle since the shoes are just in the background and used to beat 2D.
I became a furry because my older cousin molested me
That's not Disney's Robin Hood kid.
you mean early 80s and 90s cartoons?
Same here. Plastic beach was super mello throughout. Not a single song had the kind of subversive badass vibe that Clint Eastwood or Feel Good Inc did. Still pretty great though.
I've never seen someone correlate gorillaz with the birth of furries. What is your reasoning exactly/
A video game you really liked in middle school that you still like because it's legit pretty good?
For me that would be Bully
Timesplitters: Future Perfect.
>middle school
Fuck off, sport. This is the big kids club
What? Are you thinking of some other band?
I am unironically interested in why you think that. I'm by no means any sort of music buff, but Demon Days is probably my favorite album I've ever listened to.
I personally think stylo, white flag, and empire ants destroy any demon days song. Also the fall has a few good songs like Bobby in phenix and the parish of space dush
>over rated
meme harder
>Hating on MF Doom
>Being a weeb
It's like you're proud of having bad taste or something.
Merry christmas on advance
It's called Wildflower
>tfw Demon Days is my favorite album
M.F Doom is garbage
The only song I like isRapp Snitch Knishes and that's because Mr Fantastik does the majority of the rapping and the guitar riff is really catchy
Goddamn what an absolute pleb
Something just hipster enough for hipsters but not so far up it's ass that it gets no mainstream appeal? Shit, maybe undertail.
Albums = Autism
Thanks m8
My new plan is to get that and try MF Doom for the first time
I thought I might enjoy this thread, but I was mistaken.
T-thanks Sup Forums
Nigga, Gorillaz has been considered mainstream ever since Feel Good Inc was released. Literally all my normie friends listen to them.
Since when is Gorillaz hipster? Fucking kids on Sup Forums I swear
>normies listening to plastic beach & the fall
tell me more, user
Listen to Madvillainy and Vaudeville Villain if you want GOAT DOOM
And remember, all caps when you spell the man's name.
All your friends know that one song.
They wouldn't know one song from D-Sides or even Plastic Beach.
Your music scene knowledge must be really shallow if you consider Gorillaz even remotely hipster.
Are you serious? Look at the views on this video.
>Multiple platinum selling albums
You DO have one, don't you Sup Forums?