In a statement on Steam, Valve business authority Erik Johnson wrote:

>In a statement on Steam, Valve business authority Erik Johnson wrote:
>“These sites have basically pieced together their operations in two-part fashion. First, they are using the OpenID API as a way for users to prove ownership of their Steam accounts and items. Any other information they obtain about a user’s Steam account is either manually disclosed by the user or obtained from the user’s Steam Community profile (when the user has chosen to make their profile public). Second, they create automated Steam accounts that make the same web calls as individual Steam users.”
>“Using the OpenID API and making the same web calls as Steam users to run a gambling business is not allowed by our API nor our user agreements. We are going to start sending notices to these sites requesting they cease operations through Steam, and further pursue the matter as necessary. Users should probably consider this information as they manage their in-game item inventory and trade activity.”
>He added that Valve does not have business relationships with any Counter-Strike gambling sites, and that they have never directly received revenue from them.

Based Valve saving the kids and cracking down on gambling. Lets all thank Valve, guys.

>realize they just might get in shit
>go into damage control
yes goy, valve is on your side when there is a potential for light to be shed on them

There's nothing illegal about betting digital skins

It's underage gambling. Hell, it's tax evasion too.


Valve are only "cracking down" because the situation was outed. They were likely very aware of it but turned a blind eye to it because it was in their best interest.

This so much

Yes but what does this mean for my ASSFAGGOTS skin betting sites? Is dota2lounge gonna get axed as well?

Yes. Everything is getting axed!

>Valve are cracking down on something they knew about and that made them money, but then started causing them negative press

Should've done this shit years ago. I don't want Valve to ever make a game again.

>people whine and complain so much about other people having fake hats and guns that they want and will never have that Valve has to say that they don't have shit to do with non-Steam transactions

Chuck E. Cheese is underage gambling and tax evasion.

>gambling business appears around their microtransaction system
>clearly illegal because it doesn't take any measures to check the age of users
>valve gets publicity, key/skin sales, and user engagement from this business while at the same time being able to shift the blame to them whenever anybody actually bothered to care (house always wins, and in this case the house wasn't necessarily the gambling sites)
>suddenly h3h3 exposes everything
>valve suddenly in spotlight
>"uh....we never approved of this and will send Cease&Desist letters immediately"

it's so obvious that valve is only shutting the gambling sites down because of the gambling controversy blowing up and making it to mainstream media, otherwise they'd continue conveniently ignoring it and feigning innocence because technically it's the sites fault for misusing the API

Chuck E. Cheese is a valid and legal business that is taxed on its revenue. Try again.

The tokens and tickets are taxed?
The prizes are taxed?

And CSGO Lotto was a Florida LLC and paid taxes.

>It's underage gambling
There is literally nothing wrong with gambling, if kids are too stupid to be reasonable then they shouldn't be on the internet.

>Hell, it's tax evasion too.
Gambling shouldn't be taxed to begin with, it's fucking retarded.


Yeah I hate how all the arguments about gambling skins is THINK OF THE CHILDREN too. Kids are retards and the parents even more so for not checking up on what their kids are doing.

>copy paste a public statement
>gaming journalism

why do you faggots insist of posting this shit here?

The way it was run and advertised was evidently against the FTC. Chuck E Cheese isn't.

All legit gambling sites ask for identification when you register an account. By law gambling businesses can't offer service to minors and have to put some minimal effort into making sure no kids are on there. Just like how liquor stores can't sell beer to kids with no id and then raise their hands and say "oh, he said he was 18!"

Native advertising is extremely common so I don't really know wtf the problem is.
The only difference is that he was directly connected to it so that COULD create grounds for suing but that's your only grounds for it. The "gambling" part is not against the law at all.

>Native advertising is extremely common so I don't really know wtf the problem is.
The problem is that the advertising done wasn't adhering to the rules laid out by the FTC. Youtube videos do count in their rules so that's why Martin is in trouble. Criminal trouble is what's the maybe.


Sounds about right.

Valve don't need any thanks as clearly their little "crack down" is not something they do out of moral decency but out of necessity for business.

Pic related, a scum bag.

Why don't they just shut down trading and make skins free or significantly discounted?
That way the market will fall to pieces and all the faggots who ruined CSGO will get it in the ass.

But there is nothing wrong with gambling, it's the natural selection at its finest.

Trading was a mistake

>tax evasion
>he genuinely thinks that people should pay the goverment for playing games with each other
Kill yourself.

>being this much of an edgy teen

>Blizzard bans cheater within a week.
>Valve takes years to send warning to gambling sites just because Valve might get into trouble.

No, the business is taxed.

These sites don't report, or are overseas and operate internationally, therefore, tax evasion.

>he thinks gambling is morally wrong

>he thinks resposible adults should suffer the consequences of some kid being retarded

>he thinks gambling should be taxed
So which flavour of a faggot are you?

But unlike a liquor store, the only thing the gambling sites and porn sites do is ask you if you are over 18. That's it.

Parental control software is a thing.

It's not my fault some retarded kid is doing retarded shit and his retarded parents don't give a shit.

It's because of this shit that I have to have trade and market wait times (no smart phone) as valve only added that shit when people started to do shit like betting.

Who's blaming you?

>let's suck valve's dick for doing what they were supposed to on day one


By cracking the gambling sites Valve is clearly blaming everyone for gambling, while there is literally nothing wrong with gambling if it's done responsibly.

Whatever you want to believe I guess.

How exactly are you going to control it so it's done responsibly? If anything, baiting addicts is what the gambling site owners want.

>getting angry at children for being uninformed
addict behavior. I wouldn't expect any less from a degenerate such as yourself.

Valve is just cleaning their hands of this whole mess because people are suing them over it.

>Valve starts cracking down on their illegal shit after they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar

>"B-based Valve...."

Daily reminder that you'll never be a retarded gambling addict.

look at this mans house, scamming millennial valve kids bought him that house.

why aren't you successful like him Sup Forums?

>How exactly are you going to control it so it's done responsibly?
Parents are the ones responisble for their kids. Using the Internet is not obligatory, if the kid can't act responsibly then he shouldn't have access to it.

I don't give a fuck about some kid being an addicted to gambling, it's not business and I sholudn't suffer because of it.

What's next, are we going to ban cars because some retarded kid thought he can drive and caused a crash?

>millions of people put money on the line to win shitty weapon textures for a shit game
just bring the crash already

>Lets all thank Valve, guys.

Valve has known about all of this for years. They're only starting to care now so that they can look like the good guys before people start calling them out for enabling skin betters.

The problem is the game is largely played by and marketed to children

Game is, gambling sites are not. Big difference.

>marketed to children

I don't see any csgo ads on cartoon network.

This. The number one rule of gambling is that the house always wins.

Gambling and then complaining that you lose is like pissing on an electric fence and complaining about the shock.


i'd rather live adequately and not have the FTC/FBI up my arsehole.