ITT: games with shit gameplay that get excused by Sup Forums

ITT: games with shit gameplay that get excused by Sup Forums

pic related not even a Superfag, RoS a best

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>he doesn't play the Wii version

The gameplay is still slow as shit and is still "lock-on and circle the enemy until the die"

get ready for 50 replies boiling down to >muh atmosphere >muh scans >muh feels >muh first person ADVENTURE

Metroid II sucks

Nice post OP

You probably didn't even finish the game, faggot. I preferred the pseudo-linearity and evolutions. That first time you face an Omega without the Screw Attack is a nightmare

Literally the same shit you get from Bungie shills on why they think ODST is good "muh atmosphere".

>gameplay is all about gunfight as this is nintendo's halo killer
this place always manages to surprise me with the new depths of autism it reaches everyday

Yeah that lack of control was pretty weak, even I personally liked. I always saw it as gameplay based on puzzle and exploring before combat, so I gave it a pass.

Moving slow as shit in general is still a bad thing. If you never played a traditional Metroid game you might not understand

You got your nostalgia goggles on bruh, confusing level design, shitty music, extremely repetitive. All the Metroids work the same just with varying health and speed, Omegas get a lightning attack or something. I love the Metroid series but RoS and OtherM are the worst two. Hunters doesn't count.

It's been a while since I busted out my NES copy of Metroid, but I remember taking it slow and deliberate.

feels ruined singleplayer games

I literally finished it early this week. Never played it until this year since I heard to play it after playing the modern titles.

Hit points on different evolutions change, Omegas were fuckhuge (you should know that if you played the game or even played Fusion), level design encourages map drawing, music was fine and even great towards the end

I've never played a Metroid game slowly unless I was in danger of dying. NEStroid may get a pass purely because of it lacking a crouch function making some enemies virtually indestructable until later on

The last great Metroid game was Fusion.

Zero Mission was pretty good atmospherically. It was different and a bit handholdy but was solid

>tries to make a thread about a relevant topic hitting on Sup Forums's hypocrisy
>Sup Forums just wants to bitch about Metroid
Faggots, all of you

I've played the game multiple times asshole, stop alluding that I didn't. The game is clunky, exploration is not fun especially before you get space jump. Trying to spider ball everywhere and getting knocked down in the huge rooms is tedious. As far as music goes they did what they could but it's inferior to all the other games except for OtherM I don't remember the music in that one.

>Just an hour ago, I decided to start playing the Prime trilogy again
>Already having a ton of fun just into the Chozo Ruins
Nah OP. Your taste is shit.

You certainly don't sound like you played it that many times. Saying that Omegas had lightning attacks is an extremely blatant of this. While its true that one of the evolutions (Zeta I think) did, the final boss of Fusion was an Omega so I don't know how you could possibly make a mistake like that. Also, why would you play a game multiple times and still hate it?

I play games for the gameplay and Prime's is slow and simplistic as shit. The bosses are a joke as well

you are probably to young to ejoy games with good gameplay

pic semi related

>mfw I booted up Dolphin the other day, started MP3 for the first time in whenever
>my only wiimote is full of fucking battery acid and the buttons don't work


Metroid II is older than probably all of Sup Forums, fucktard.

he probably never played RoS on a real gameboy

I doubt he even realizes RoS == Metroid II and is just here to project because he's triggered at the thought he might be too young

I played it as a teenager, didn't have anything else to do. The Omegas in II and the one in Fusion are way different from each other, I couldn't remember which evolution had the lightning, but they all take essentially the same strategy because they just fly around erratically.

The only difference is that Omegas in II fly and shoot fire balls (since they're just bigger versions of previous evolution, Gammas) whereas the Omega in Fusion had a paralyzing slash

Not every Metroid has the same strategy. Omegas sit back and shoot fireballs then rush you. You either gtfo of the way or Screw Attack into them to force them into the ground until they back off. You don't do that with any other form

No need to lie, just don't post stupid shit and no one will suspect you of being underage

First of all, I'm 24 dumbass, second, everything about the Omega in Fusion is different, it's one of those unbeatable battles until SA-X comes around, it doesn't fly and you kill it with the ice beam, not missiles. It's also a lot bigger. You're retarded if you think II is better than Prime. They did what they could on the Gameboy but Prime is superior in every aspect.

>RoS a best
What a fucking contrarian. 2 is trash.

You can't be fucking serious.

Here's your (You)

Wii version sucks. The original is much better and polished.


I seriously doubt you've played it. Stop spouting memes.

>slow movement
>lock on and circle the enemy while spamming fire

Yeah, it gets tiresome faster, and you can't comfortably sit down and play the fucking game without waving your arm like an idiot. Also, camera keeps rotating when you don't want it to be.

Classic Controller option would have been amazing.

Not who you're replying to but, the Wii version is missing the charge beam animations on the barrel, water effects and a few other things, they upped the bloom though for some reason.

you can use kb+m to play it you know.

I tried to get into it, played up until the ice boss but haven't touched it since.

Such a good atmosphere but the gameplay is so slow and awkward, plus scanning everything is a pain

>he thinks Metroid Prime is about fast shooting and killing shit

Go back to CoD my child

You know you can just use your mouse, right?

>I've played the game multiple times
>it's not fun
Sup Forums in a nutshell.

Kb+m is the worst input for videogames but you pretend it's better than a controller

No thanks, I'd rather play the actual Metroid games than the gimp'd halo shit you youngshits think is Metroid


Yeah. Tell me, just between us, did you really play it? Because saying "it's not an actual Metroid" makes you sound like a retard.

>Compares the game to Halo while also complaining the combat is lackluster
Your bait is becoming painfully obvious.

Not the same user, but just saying, Halo is a piece of shit when you put it next to Metroid.

primefags are going to fall for this, just like they always do

I know Sup Forums bitches too much, Metroid is my favorite vidya series and I guess I was autistic enough to want to play through each at least twice even though II is kind of a slog.

The bosses I played against were Plant Boss, Thardus, and Sheegoth, so however far that was. I dropped it because it was incredibly boring.

Prime 3's intro is literally CE's intro.

he was right

ITT: bait

Nice try

I love Metroid Prime. I think it's a top notch game.


Meh, it traded the sci-fi horror atmosphere of the other 2D games for the campiness of Zero Mission. Everything else is incredible though

I am playing Metroid Prime for the first time. Just returned to my spaceship after visiting the hall of elders and fighting some ghost chozos.

I dont think the game is as good as 2d metroids.
the game should have wall jumping, running, and more places you can reach by morph ball bomb jumping.
the thermal visor is a great idea
I dont think it is a bad game, but so far it seems like a puzzle game with little replayability to me.

perhaps a third person metroid could have everything the 2d metroids have but in 3d.

it is the metroid prime trilogy verysion on wii u (I am playing it on a crt with component cables in 480I)

the first two metroid games were slow as shit

fuck off back to the sonic fanbase if you want to constantly be moving fast you add ridden mong

The first one was slow due to its hardware. The second one was not nearly that slow and was more on-par with Super than you'd think. It also had a lot more mobility because of morphball jumping and spiderballing along walls while falling.

Fusion and ZM were the best at being fast and having the most mobiliity

Other M could have been amazing in that respect if Sakamoto hadn't jizzed all over it. I'd much rather prefer a third-person Metroid than a first-person.


Wii version has no fun speedtech. Casually, it's a lot better, but for someone who's played the game for almost 15 years, the GC version is just more fun.

Yes, and?

Give it a break. Prime has more mobility than any game save for Super. You just don't know about it because you haven't really played that much.

No. Fusion is slow and lacks any kind of momentum to the movement, which made Super so great and fun to play.

Literally no one thinks this but you. No one even thinks that Super has more mobility than ZM or Fusion.

>No one even thinks that Super has more mobility than ZM or Fusion
But it's a fact. Saying otherwise would be lying. But, yes, Prime actually has more movement options than either Fusion or Zero Mission.

having momentum =/= being fast

Plus, that's just blatantly wrong seeing as how there's plenty places in Fusion that you have speedboosting through to get by.

Congrats, here's your most contrarian opinion of the day award

The overall speed of jumping and running in Fusion is painfully slow. Speedboosting does not help remedy this. That's like saying Boost Ball in Prime makes it fast, when it's just a small part of it.

Explain to me how Super has more mobility than ZM/Fusion. Go on, I'll wait.

While you're at it, go ahead and explain to me why walljumping, speedboosting/running, and extended morphball jumping aren't part of Prime? and what replaces those components?

I still have no idea how you think Fusion is slow and you have yet to explain why.

>superfags criticizing prime for being slow when super metroid is the slowest, floatiest metroid game

Super and prime 2 are my favorite games, where did this notion the metroid should be fast come from? Shinespark autists?

where are all these metroid 2 fags coming from
metroid 2 is god awful
its worse than metroid 1, worse than metroid prime pinball, worse than the metroid prime hunters demo that came with the ds, worse than other m
it is hot garbage

>Shinespark autists?
Yes, actually.

>Super and Prime 2 are my favorite games
You have god-tier taste, my nigga.

>Explain to me how Super has more mobility than ZM/Fusion
You can run faster, and the running speed isn't binary. You can't turn on a dime when running full speed since there is actual inertia to your movement, something lacking in ZM and Fusion.
Pretty much anything you can do in Fusion and ZM you can do better in Super.

>I still have no idea how you think Fusion is slow and you have yet to explain why.
Because you're moving slowly. Did you not read that part or are you pretending to be an idiot?

Not even him but this is what Primefags think. I had more fun with the Halo games and 2D Metroids then I did for any Prime. OP is right Prime is not shit as he claims but its's slow as shit. As a FPS it's terrible and the platforming along with combat is shitty as well.

Don't start the thread with b8 then, retard.

>Prime has more mobility than any game save for Super.

Metroid Prime is the greatest videogame ever created.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Metroid II. I wish Nintendo had followed its ideas rather than remaking NEStroid via Super.

Also, how the hell is Metroid II so awful when everyone is literally jerking off to AM2R? No one would even want a remake if it wasn't at least an interesting concept.

Go spout memes somewhere else, faggot

Hardly. But, it is very good.

Nice b8


It's actually satisfying to shoot things in Halo.

>You can't turn on a dime when running full speed since there is actual inertia to your movement, something lacking in ZM and Fusion.
Because everyone loves to play as Luigi in SMW right? Fuck that noise, ZM/Fusion had better physics for a reason.

Also, you're literally the only one saying Fusion is slow. No one thinks that but you. Prove evidence or shut the fuck up about already

The whole point is that AM2R is taking one of the most dull Metroid games and remaking it so it's much more engaging and you get to experience the same story but with vastly improved gameplay in every regard.

I played Metroid II, and while it was fun at the time, it's not hard to realize how it got completely eclipsed by almost literally every Metroid game that came after it.

It has more mobility than super since you can actually move in a 3D space.

Compared to any 2D game Prime is quite slow and the platforming is bad. Don't even get me started on how slow the wall jump is in the Prime series compared to the 2D games.

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with Metroid II
There absolutely is. The bland, repeated environments are no fun to explore. Enemy design is pretty poor and there's no real challenge or enjoyment in killing them. Especially bad are the ones that stay on the ground, then fly up and fall down again in a wave like pattern, or the ones that simply fly around in a circle.
>I wish Nintendo had followed its ideas rather than remaking NEStroid via Super.
The ideas of Metroid 2 were all implemented successfully in Super, so what, exactly, are you talking about?
I don't think Metroid 2 is a bad game by any means, but it did some things poorly and Super Metroid improved on everything introduced by it.

Lol what? You can't even move side to side in a 2D game.

All that guy did was upgrade the graphics and add some fluff and A LOT of *lore* and minibosses

The only things lacking in the game were its color scheme and lack of map. The physics were proto-Super but without the shitty inertia.

I like the ideas behind the fluff in AM2R but it lost a lot of atmosphere

Also, the ideas of RoS were completely thrown out in favor of remaking NEStroid. The pseudo-linear progression was gone and so was the hunting of Metroids, both replaced with pain-in-the-ass backtracking. Also, enemy AI in RoS was exactly the same in Super.

That's like saying you'd rather pilot a lunar lander than a NASCAR to get from point A to B to C

>That's like saying you'd rather pilot a lunar lander than a NASCAR to get from point A to B to C
Are you saying you wouldn't?

it's not the first person aspect, it's literally the controller limiting their ability to make the game good.

>Because everyone loves to play as Luigi in SMW right?
I don't think there is any difference when playing as Luigi in SMW, but as long as the level design works with the movement it's fine. I think Super Metroid does this. Besides, it increases the skill ceiling.
>Also, you're literally the only one saying Fusion is slow. No one thinks that but you. Prove evidence or shut the fuck up about already

Fusion is just slower in general.

Did I say anything about moving side to side, I said the combat is shit, movement is slow even compared to FPS and the platforming is shit.

Ehh, name some good first person games that allow me to go fast/have good mobility? Only one I can think of off the top of my head is Titanfall when you're out of the mech

Is this bait?

>Also, enemy AI in RoS was exactly the same in Super.
No, because the enemies were different. Super had hoppers, for example, that jumped around the floor and ceilings. Those were actually somewhat interesting. There were zebeasians that jumped around, crawled on walls and fired lasers. Metroid 2 had nothing like that. The most interesting enemy except for the Metroids was the one with a face armor that you had to shoot from behind to kill.

>I don't think there is any difference when playing as Luigi in SMW
Might have been thinking of the gba release