Pokemon GO

Is she right?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is satire isn't it

And another garbage thread.

Last time I checked, Pidgey's don't say "Ratata!"

Because I care much more about pokemon than I do faggots.

Fuck off with you mental illness bullshit homo negro.

i love you


But I'm a girl

there's a difference between pokemon and trannies:

i want to fuck pokemon

Pokemon Go clone where you catch genders when?

Unfortunately not.

It's a webcomic about a 9-year-old imbued with all the victim mentality of a fully grown SJW.

I don't remember a single pokemon name beside Pikachu, Mew and Mewtwo though. Why are trannies so fucking retarded?

This would make sense if tomorrow Gamefreak decided to rearrange all the names so Nidoking is now Dewgong and Bellsprout is Kabuto.

Memorization isn't hard it's when you take a norm people have had ingrained into their heads for decades and then tell them differently all of a sudden.

Nice threads.

Haha dude I'm gonna screencap this since its such a good response.

Sweet fuck I came here to talk about games, not trash made up 'gender identity*

Because pokemon don't change their names and identities. I'm not going to remember 50 different peoples preferred pronouns. Get over yourself.

>OP pic

Because Charmander don't go "pika pika" retard.

Is that seriously from the author? I mean isn't it kinda making his character look bad?

i'm sorry snorlax

>I came here to talk about games
You came to the wrong place

Pokemon only say their names in the shitty cartoon and some spin offs.

In the main canon they make animal-like cries and noises

Don't steal other peoples jokes you fucking faggot

Not too complicated. I just don't give a shit. You aren't a special fucking snowflake.

We live in such a ridiculously passive aggressive world now it's ridiculous. Who gives a shit.

Mental illness,the thread


Same thing happened when OW was released, with 6+ threads going on at once. Just deal with it like I have

epic post reddit thank you i will save this and post on /r/Sup Forums as soon as i can

>implying the faggot who makes this thinks he's ever wrong

I think the one where he's talking with his Dad in the car is probably worse since he's arguably more obnoxious in that.

Fucking saved


Check your privilege.

Oh, what else do we talk about here then?

Yes. There is more. Read the bad webcomics wiki pages about... him...her...it...they
The horrible miscreation.


Why would I want a game where I can only catch 2 things.


Pokemon are animals with hard, rigid, objective definitions and are easily identifiable on sight. You might as well wonder why kids can name all the animals at the zoo.
Gender identity of special snowflakes is blurred and muddy, especially when you take closet cases into account. Pronoun preference is *personal,* like all preferences, some want you to use them and others don't and we can't be expected to read their minds.

Does a charizard scream like a magikarp?

Yes.Go find something else to invest your energy in than bothering with people you probably never even see.

I have a tranny friend and this is almost exactly how encounters go. It's fucking annoying as shit. She/he can't go a single day without getting into an uproar about some bullshit she/he could have avoided. Like "Oh I wasn't sure which bathroom I should go into just now" while we were at a casino with some friends. Well...maybe you should go into the boys bathroom since you still look like a boy. Or just got into the women's bathroom and face whatever possible shit you get from it. You brought this on yourself. To make things worse he is a MTF tranny dating a FTM tranny so I have to call him by a girl name and call her by a boy name and use those pronouns even though they look like the gender they were born as. It gets on my nerves and I have to fucking hesitate anytime I'm talking to them or about them so I don't slip up. Fuck all that.


Now fuck off tumblr.

Entitled cunt. I hate this comic's creator, and the comics he/she/it makes.