>You will never go to your mailbox and open up a freshly wrapped gaming magazine and rush back in to open it up and learn more about your most anticipated game for the first time
You will never go to your mailbox and open up a freshly wrapped gaming magazine and rush back in to open it up and...
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egm was the worst
Nintendo power and psm were good
All those amazing free demo discs
Centerfold game posters
The yearly swimsuit edition
I got a lot of faps out of those as a kid with nothing but 56k internet.
Wasn't the 32x Doom port shit? Why are they acting like it's a good launch title?
>tfw had a hand me down 32x from a fleamarket with a copy of doom for $10 in 1994
>It was my first time ever playing Doom
>I didn't know there was a PC version until 1997 when i visited my rich cousins house that had a pc
egm was the best
Psm (the one with the eyepatch smile - face logo) was the best for early spank bank fodder
>Old Lara
I still have this sticker on my memory card
millennials will never know that feel of free disc demos
had the sticker that fit over the disc cover on our ps1. ah memories
>get playstation underground
>comes with the holiday 2004 demo disc
>play viewtiful joe 2 demo
>it wipes out my entire fucking memory card
thanks sony you fucking faggots, there goes my 100% in ffx-2.
So many fond memories growing up and looking forward to getting my Nintendo Power or PSM delivered in the mail, taking it to school and sharing it with friends, or just reading the magazine over and over until I practically had it memorized. The random articles, interviews, previews and reviews were so much fun to read. Also discovered quite a few gems thanks to them (I'm looking at you SotN and Xenogears). I genuinely miss it. Gaming journalism was legit back then, and wasn't corrupted by SJW nonsense yet. It's sad to know we'll never go back to those times.
I miss gaming magazines.
I still have all my old gaming magazine, i wanted to post some pic for nostalgia and shit but Sup Forums didn't seem to care
>i wanted to post some pic for nostalgia and shit but Sup Forums didn't seem to care
do it
Millenials did grow up with free disc demos, you retard. I had a whole stack of PS1 demos.
I would get Nick Magazine
>Be really really excited for Pokemon Stadium
>Go to the store and buy every magazine with Pokemon Stadium information
>Lay them out on the floor and absorb every screenshot and article until the day the game came out
Good times. heh... heh...
Don't forget the ads.
Holy shit, I thought all my options were dead.
I'm mostly a sonypony, and the multiplat magazine in my country I used to like as a kid is long dead, as well as the Playstation magazine. But there's another that was really good but only for PC/specialized in PC so it wasn't very interesting for me to buy those, but apparantly it's become multiplat (probably to fill the gap).
I'm not gonna start buying it every month like I did for a long period when I was a kid, but shit, I'm gonna buy it now and then. Reading a magazine is fun.
I did that with the Vice City reveal PSM magazine article
>Gaming journalism was legit back then, and wasn't corrupted by SJW nonsense yet.
The same was true for gaming in general.
Too many feels
Extra feels
Man, i to this day used to buy videogame magazines but suddenly one day they just stopped printing all of them in my country, fuck this shit i like reading on paper too you know.
Pete & Pete was so weird I loved it
I have pic related out RIGHT now.
The theme song was the shit
I was so hyped for that preorder of WWF Attitude for the N64 in 1999.
I will always remember the silly cover looking back now of the EGM dreamcast issue saying that 9-9-99 would be possibly the biggest day ever in gaming.
>is your family cuckoo
Why did I laugh
Kids will never have the amazing feeling of being pandered to sexually by developers to get you hype for their games. They will never have that feel.
I feel sorry for them.
Goddamn, I miss the days when you could actually sell a gaming mag with swimsuit clad video game girl on it and no one wouldn't give a shit.
>instead you go onto 15 different sites 10 times a day to get little scraps of info
I hate what game journalism has become. there's just no more care/thought anymore. no more fun interesting articles. it's just everyone stealing from everyone else and all saying the same shit.
Well what do you want me to post? Here's a review of parasite eve in the meanwhile, even though it was an european magazine it would often talk about import titles so i learned (and then pirated) a lot of game otherwise i would have never know about
Man i wish i could find the issue with the FF8 preview, not only i was coming out from the hot heel of FF7 but it was literaly the first magazine i bought
I have an issue with the preview of the dreamcast, one with mgs2 review... A lot of them came with article about obscure and idiotic japan only game like one where you play as a traveling cook
>go to grocery store in the summer and pick up a gaming magazine and a shit ton of candy and soda
seems like there's less and less reason to leave the house these days.
Man, the day I found out about the computer magazine section of the Internet Archive was the greatest day of my adult life.
All those memories, not lost in time after all.
>Tomb Raider 2
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Breath of Fire 3
Truly these were the halcyon days of gaming. And they will never return.
Does anyone have that page where Felicia from Darkstalkers is called a big pussy?
wew lads
>Mario 3 Best Console Game Ever?
Yep, and still true to this day.
Wew Lads.
b-but Sonic...
Why do Pai and Julia have no tits, and Sarah and Christie have implants?
What you mean is never again. I did it every month with three different magazines from the late 90s to probably around 2008. I had dial up until around 2009.
That is, unless, you are so young that you dont even know what its like to buy a magazine.
>I have an issue with the preview of the dreamcast
Post that
Better than nothing, but it's just not the same as having the actual magazine.
Was going to say they got paid off to rate the 32X so high, but they gave the Sega CD straight 5s
What were they smoking?
>tfw e3 hype
I still get gaming magazines delivered though
> they keep tellibg ne to go digital
>Go inside buildings
And you STILL can't do that!
Allright, in the meanwhile
"The GameCube is here!"
Look at dat pikmin, dat Luigi mansion and generic basketball game
This is from July 2000.
16 years ago. Almost 4 months before the release of the PS2.
>can't find a single UK PS2 mag online
>the spics have their entire run scanned
Why is this allowed?
PSM was such a valuable source for fapping when I was a teen.
>Not english
No thanks
Here's one of the article about the japan only games with a pic from a random porn game (apparently for saturn) coupled with a joke about tuning the girl boobs
It truly was a good magazine
>tfw none of these killed Quake II
Old lara indeed
also the day ffviii launched and possibly pokemon yellow too
I love how much they loved Dino Crisis
How bout that new nintendo console?? The SUPER famicom. Looks pretty rad if I may say so myself.
>2048x256 resolution
Damn that's some really wide screen.
My god that game was so fucking dope. Underrated gem.
I forgot that they also had a small section about shilling board game so here's the one where they shill the Pokémon tcg back when that charizard card was the best thing ever
(Sorry for not posting the dreamcast preview i'm still looking for it)
i would unironically wear that GT jacket.
SHIT that gran turismo jacket looked amazing
>im the CHICK
And damn my phone makes big image files.
those fucking ears
I remember how every January, Nintendo Power would put out a catalog of merch. It was usually the only place to get ANY Nintendo items like T-shirts, toys, or soundtrack CDs.
Ah here you go
Tokyo game show 1998, lot of shilling about resident evil, blue stinger, sonic adventure and power stone
I remember reading about power stone thinking it was the most amazing shit ever, i was really happy when i could finaly play it on PSP years later
Haha I had this one
Where the fuck is the pic?
>taking it to school and sharing it withith friends
Hit me right in the nostolgia user. Freshman year of high school we had a home room period where we could do whatever for an hour and a half. Me and my two friends what sit around reading various game mags and discuss games. Good times.
Do you have the PSM makes the perfect rpg one? That was cool too. That nurse chick in the blood was fine as hell.
>rage faces
And here's a blurb about the pocket station, they were trying to make it big and created for it a mascotte called pocket muu muu but nowadays people only remember it for FF8
This bit here talk about a game called one-on-one which is a mixture of a fighting game and basketball
Also not pictured, a JRPG called meremanoid where you guide a trio of mermaids in an underwater adventure
I wish I still had all my old mags.
Here's some ad, this one is for a game called akuji the heartless, it's a game about a voodoo shaman going on a quest for a revenge after he gets his heart ripped out, not pictured, the other page of the ad with some dude dressed like the titular character (sadly it got ripped off)
>akuji the heartless
I remember that, looked like a fun platformer but I never actually bought it
Here's one for international superstar soccer, here in Italy soccer is like a religion so this game was fucking everywhere even though i fucking hated it
Anyway should i stop?
Turn your fucking light on
i miss thq
I remember seeing this ad all over back in the day. Never played the actual game though.
>Home Turf: The Streets
Better now?
This one is about the ps2 launch
"The mystery has been unveiled, the PlayStation 2 is not a myth anymore"
To be fair, blocky polygonal 3D fighting games were a dime a dozen on the PSX.
>I found myself looking for more exciting fighters, like the Tobals
Dan you intense faggot.
I miss when games were for males
Here's some preview about ocarina of time, smell those vintage beta screenshot
On the next page there is a reveal for edea (at the time they didn't even know she was supposed to be the villain)