Are they right?

Are they right?

Yes, we were punched in the balls with Fallout 4.

They're definitely correct, though that fallout comment is surely a joke.

I really just don't get it, it was mediocre in every way.

>people who normally wouldn't play RPGs falls to the hype and plays the game
>blown away by the game because its new to them and consider it to be the best thing ever
>this becomes the norm when talking about this game
>people who haven't even played it will sing its praises because that's the only thing they hear about it

Are we talking about FF7, Fallout 3 or Skyrim here?

Mods make it good.

I will always remember buying it on release date filled and returning it to gamestop 3 days later because I hated it. At least I know I hated it for my own reasons and not because everyone else liked it.

>Considering there are people out there that still playing Skyrim after 5 years.
>Considering how Skyrim is still the rank 1 most played singleplayer game daily.
>Considering there are 50000 mods for Skyrim
>Considering how there are 2 big Skyrim threads on Sup Forums right now.
>Considering how Todd still shills Skyrim with his toddposts

I think Skyrim was a huge success.

They punched the previous fans in the balls with Skyrim lightly and then REALLY HARD with Fallout 4

If Skyrim 2 or whatever goes the fallout/masseffect hybrid route it's gonna turn out like a piece of shit.

I loved oblivion. I thought skyrim was okay at best. Maybe I just got sick of the formula but the game felt incredibly stale and lifeless and just didn't have the setting or quests that oblivion had.

Umm, yeah. I have so many mods that make skyrim fun now.

I mean, hell. Last time I played, my Khajiit follower stopped me in the town center, and peed in my character's mouth because there were no other toilets around. Fully animated too.

Mods made the game's shelf life extend by a drastic margin. What a time to be alive.

mods don't fix terrible writing though


Led dit likes Skyrim. Sup Forums likes Skyrim.

What does this mean?

What are you talking about? Yes they do.

How? Is there a mod that replaces the entire thieves guild questline with something that actually makes sense?

I dunno.
Skyrim for me was basically as wide as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle.
also wtf no kajit gf why

Yes, actually there is. It also change change which city the guild is located in as well.

I guess they are since Skyrim had virtually no hype

>but the game felt incredibly stale and lifeless and just didn't have the setting or quests that oblivion had.
>the setting

Oblivion's setting is the most generic European middle-earth clone ever though. At least Skyrim's nordic theme is somewhat refreshing.



Mods aren't the original game.

The mod argument has no place in this particular discussion.

So, no. Skyrim didn't really live up to the hype. At least not to me. Worse quests, a more simplified RPG system, and a generally less interesting world.

Again, IMO.

he's spot on about the quests though, that's pretty much undeniable

When OP delete his thread

All of them.

FF7 is actually good though. I hope you weren't implying otherwise.


It's still like the third worst Elder Scrolls though.

Second and first go to Arena and Online. Opinion varies on which is which.

Speaking objectively, I agree. I think that it was a downgrade of quality in terms of quests. Especially for guild quests. Hell, the combat wasn't even that improved on.

However, with modding, it became one of my favorite games of all time.

Mods can make any game better. Doesn't mean that the base game was anything good.

>no toilets around
>instead of peeing in the grass, he pees in your mouth

Where is the logic here

I wasn't very impressed with Skyrim, it didn't really do anything innovative that the previous ES games didn't, it was more watered down than anything. I got bored of it after about 30 hours of dicking around, still never completed the main story. Tried to mod it and come back to it, but I just wasn't having any fun. I find Morrowind to be a much more enjoyable experience, I'd probably find Oblivion more enjoyable if I went back to it, provided I mod it.

>>instead of peeing in the grass, *she pees in your mouth

Because I allowed her to. She asked lol

Skyrim had some interesting quests. Some Daedric ones and non-guild sidequests were good. And the Dragonborn dlc.

Skyrim was very disappointing, I fell for the hype and it did not meet my expectations, not even close.

Fallout 4 was about as "good" as I expected. Worse in some ways, better than others.

Weird. I was massively disappointing in FO4. Way, way more so than Skyrim.

Where skyrim was a step or two back, FO4 was 10 leaps backwards.

Fallout 4 felt like 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. Skyrim was all backwards steps for me.

Sup Forums hated Skyrim when it came out

It means we are now full of newfags

I dont understand your way of thinking. Sure, the quests in Skyrim weren't the best, but the dialogue choices in FO4 were abysmal. At least in Skyrim you can tell people to fuck off and not have that be a 'sarcastic acceptance' option.

Not to mention the amount of inane ambient quests. The huge lack of places in a giant map(IE the whole unused ocean).

It may have been because I am a huge fallout fan, but for me FO4 was an actual terrible experience.

Buyers remorse is a little late. All of Skyrim's quests are shit.


Redditshitters don't even bother to at least pretend that they don't visit reddit any more. I'm not upset, I'm just dissapointed.

Fallout 4 lived up to the hype

I expected better gameplay and hoped Bethesda would finally be called out for being shit.

It had the best gameplay of any of their games and maybe the worst reception. Perfect.

Skyrim was all super boring, the quests were pretty average at best, Fallout wasn't any better or worse in that department.
The combat is better in FO4, but the dialogue is definitely worse, moreso for having a voiced protagonist.
The building aspect was sort of neat, but felt like a half-finished concept, still Skyrim had nothing like it.

Also, when I say FO4 is better, it's by a somewhat narrow margin. It's like saying ME2 is better than 3.

I understand what you are saying, but I would like to say two things. One, you can't compare the combat between the two. They are vastly different(and 6 years apart)

Second, Skyrim did have a building aspect in Hearthfire.

Nice meme

I bet half the posters here still have the leather journals they bought before release, thinking Skyrim would have enough depth to need them.

Skyrim had a lot , and I mean a lot, of problems, but I still had a lot of fun and think it's a good game.

Biggest problems were the retarded storylines for the different factions and the lack of depth you should expect in an RPG- things like in that funny "Dreamboy" picture someone will probably post ITT.

>60fps cap
>mouse accel
>shit combat and gameplay


Never played and of the DLC so I wouldn't know that, but certainly it wasn't present in the vanilla Skyrim.
I want to add I found some serious game-breaking bugs in Skyrim, which while I'm sure are present in FO4, I haven't encountered any yet.

Just about everything in Fallout 4 felt mediocre or half assed. Quests, dialogue, main story, settlement building, crafting/weapon modifications, dungeons, etc, it all felt so lackluster. The only thing that really improved over previous iterations was the combat, but it wasn't anything incredibly amazing. The only two quests that really stood out to me were the Silver Shroud and Ironsides, but even those weren't anything truly amazing, just a little better than the others. I had fun with the game, but it felt so half-assed.


>Mods make it good.

Skyrim didn't have any replay value without mods, there wasn't really any purpose replaying since you can do whatever you want without anything major changing except for the civil war. It had the exact same hype as fallout 4, but skyrim actually delivered something where as fallout 4 was a let down from the start.

>please belive me when I said that you can turn a cavalier into something decent.

I got skyrim from some thirsty youtuber raffling it off for views right when it got released. I got bored of it within like 4 hours. I would honestly rather play oblivion.