I just played the first 30 minutes for this. Why do people it? Is it this bad overall or should I keep going?

I just played the first 30 minutes for this. Why do people it? Is it this bad overall or should I keep going?

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literally who: the game

>Why do people it?


You may as well keep going since it's so fucking short you can finish it in around 4 hours.

>Why do people it?
What did he mean by this?

why wouldn't people it. it's fantastic

I don't get the question.
But I think it was one of the first DC games and
was ok for it's time.
But it wont change much.

If you like it keep going if not just stop man.

I've it for many years now. Although I it JSRF more.

I mean, If you dont like it, you dont like it.

But you must understand it's a product of its time. Personally I think the sequel aged like fine wine.

This game is the only reason people even bring up soundtrack, or music in videogames these days. Too bad the actual game is a sack of garbage. just like every other Sega game

>Why do people it?
thats good bait. I'll be using it

i got to 2nd level and stopped playing because its stupid. have to do a big tag in an area with 3 cops that you cant avoid.

You suck then

Sounds like you just need to git gud.

no, u do. u didnt even play the game


Jsrf is better but is overly easy

but thats not how it works. have to stand still and can't make the cops leave, cant just driveby tag. ur dumb lmao

>Why do people it?

Why not? They pretty much it.

>the game is giving me a hard time
>therefor, the game must suck

Bait the cops away or do your tag one spray at a time, retard.


Future is the good one, this is just shit

baiting doesn't work, theyre too fast. and even if it did, thats just bad game design and very boring, dumb faggot.

>theyre too fast
Jesus Christ git fucking gud.

>im bad at video games.
Go back to mobile you shit stain.

inshallah git sum better taste and 1v1 me in good game, shithog
u too

The atmosphere / characters / overall vibe of the game is very reminiscent of Splatoon. "SUPER COOL!" for 1999. You had to be there.

the cops only spawn after you've tagged a certain amount of times. i think you're supposed to work out a route where you get all of the big tags out of the way before they have a chance to bumrush you. idk

i see. makes sense

Even if you don't aren't you able to knock them down quite a ways so you have ample time to spray them?

Actually it doesnt even take that long to even do the entire tag

I just saw jsrf at my local game store yesterday, along with other things ive wanted to play but never got an xbox for, like outrun 2, stubbs the zombie, ninja gaiden black, and panzer dragoon orta. How do these games run on 360 if anyone knows? At least jet set since this is a jet set thread

its good, you have shit taste. go back to playing COD and Uncharted

Finish the tutorial before you offer an opinion.

I've been told JSRF plays on 360, but I'm not 100% sure.

Pretty sure Ninja Gaiden Black works and I know for sure that Stubbs does.


They're both good games but they're almost entirely different games at the same time. Both do radically different things with the same basic premise, and as someone that likes more arcadey games JSR appeals more to me

Outrun 2 runs pretty well but there's random frame drops

Only the standalone version of JSRF runs well on 360. The one that's bundled with another game (Sega Rally or something like that IIRC) runs like shit.

Also, for Outrun 2, just get the PC version.

All this pots are great and all.
But anons, for real. Why do people it?

you can use a 360 to play it

it has slight slowdown and drastic slowdown in highly populated spots (like that one levelw ith hundreds of people)


people like it for the art direction, the music, and the idea of the gameplay. The gameplay itself isn't very good, but god damn, those beats are funky.



cool, sounds good for stubbs and ninja gaiden black.

ah fuck, thats the one I saw. the bundled one. i think it was jsrf and sega soccer slam or some other type of sport game. god damnit

you do have an xbox right user? right?
just softmod it and download the game


Literally Underage: The post

People only think Sega games are shit because they've never played anything arcadey before.

Second level is a casual filter but the game is legitimately held back by its wonky physics and collision detection. Fucking god tier game otherwise.

I can confirm the standalone JSRF runs like shit too, at least for the PAL version. Half the game's in permanent bullet time.


Also JSR designs > JSRF designs.

is this the birth of a new meme?

I won't even consider the possibility that JSR isn't a literally flawless 11 out of 10 game. won't even entertain the thought


Games sucked a lot more back then. People like it for being different most of all.

JSRF girls are waaaaaay hotter though I think they should have just made Mew the same but with more defined breasts and a real skirt instead of that bra on the outside shit.

Jet grind radio fool

this game has no fucking physics. feels like i'm playing a shitty bootleg unity game


No, just making fun of retards.
Fuck off for the of it.

Spotted a 7 year old.

Every time there's a JSF thread, there's at least one guy who complains he can't get past the casual filter and probably never did the tutorial.

I remember enjoying the xbox one. But when I tried this on Dreamcast a few years back it was unbearably slow.

I tried playing it and thought it sucked really hard. I didn't play it back in the day so I probably missed the magic. Music sucked too.

I want to love JSR, but I think it actually controls like cold shit and the gameplay is clunky at best, boring at worst.

I'd agree if the interactions between the character and the environment was more polished. The gameplay concept and level designs are fucking ace but doing basic tasks like maintaining momentum and even grinding on rails is more difficult than it logically should be. You basically have to work around the game's weird-ass limitations to git any sort of gud at it, and for first-time players the learning curve is actually very high for that reason. But I think similarly of TWEWY - once you git gud at it it's flawless, so I get where you're coming from.

JSR does play like shit. JSRF is like going from ZOE to ZOE second runner.


Arcade games are shallow repetitive shit designed to entertain children for 3 minute intervals before they run out of coins.

Kiids these days just don't understand the concept of love.


t. Last of Us fan

Four elements...
There's DJ'ing
There's breaking
There's graffiti
And then there's the MC

I haven't played Future, but I got more enjoyment from cheating in JSR for infinite time and just running around the levels listening to the OST.

Don't mind me, just posting best song.


Makes them easy to pick up though, and they have to consider replayability since there would always be guys who pump quarters trying to get a new high score. With JSR that means few levels, but you replay them a lot to get a Jet rank, both in the main missions and side missions.

I want to try to like the game but I just can't because everything just feels so clunky. Maybe it's because my PC is potato

top of the food chain, devourin the competition

That's LITERALLY what you do in Future but without needing to cheat the game. It also helps that all the levels are interconnected with each other into one big world. It's more of an adventure platformer with objectives than an arcade game like the first one.

Abort mission cause it's the bomb like nuclear fission

I feel like I've been utterly disappointed in all these Sega "classics". I know this probably triggers long time sega fans but I feel like they became much better once they modernized and left the console space. Their first party console stuff always seemed sloppy as fuck and just boring. Theyre a great publisher but dont have the power to support a console. JSRF is better than jsr, phantasy star on anything but the dreamcast is great, sonic is better in 3D, yakuza is better than shenmue, valkyria chronicles is better than nights, billy hatcher is better than burning rangers and so on. I was pretty disappointed when finally getting around to playing Sega "classics". I will say that the original shining and shinobi games are fantastic though, and their modern iterations are nowhere near as good.

good taste

>games produced later are better
No fucking shit, that's how it's supposed to be

to go against them arsonists? now thats a bad decision

>Playing this Jap as fuck game
>All of a sudden

cause listen they steady dropping shit like a flock of pigeons

i only played through 5 levels through this piece of shit

i'm starting to miss playing Star Fox Zero

It was the exact same on Dreamcast. Like your character is skating through molasses in a zero G environment.

Yeah it makes sense, but you have autists who are stuck in nostalgia and cant accept anything new so idk. It feels like early sega games have no content and where rushed out so they could throw anything they had at nintendo and sony. So then you get a generation of fanboys who just say "m-muh arcade! its supposed to be 2 hours longer fucking idiot!" and theres just a weird disconnect. Sega post dreamcast was awesome though, i havent bought as many games this gen because theyve been downsizing and it just doesnt feel right without them.


Nice post OP

fuckin kek

>Why do people it?

This game wants you to like it so bsd with the unique sound and art but the gameplay is total shit. An exercise in frustration from the very beginning. Horrible, rail specific tutorials you cant skip. Wanted system thats completely broken, with police all over your ass and helicopters killing you in 3 hits with homing missiles. RESTART. Literal pitfalls scattered all over the levels that place you at the beginning of a map, forcing you to waste 2 minutes skating back. Its just...shit.

I remember another game I played like this as a kid, except I think it had hover boards. What was it? I think it was on PS2

>sonic is better in 3D
I was with you until this part. 2D Sonic is okay, 3D Sonic is abysmal.

please have my reply

Well agree to disagree then, since I find 2D sonic one of the worst games ever and an absolute chore to play.

You misunderstand what arcade-style games are supposed to be about. Yes they're short if you just play it once, but you're supposed to play it multiple times to 100% the game or simply to get the highest score you can. And keep in mind arcades dominated the 90s, to the extent where "arcade-accurate" was the holy grail of console gaming up until the turn of the millennium. As console games, arcade-style games are easy to pick up and put down and play with your friends. You don't need to worry about a 100 hour RPG story.

>Why do people it?

Not sure what to make of this Sup Forums meta shit but thanks for that reply my man

You can spray the helis dingus