>Adding all that up, the stock market has judged that Nintendo today is worth about $12 billion more than it was a week ago.
>Adding all that up, the stock market has judged that Nintendo today is worth about $12 billion more than it was a week ago.
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so when's Nintendo going to just drop everything and go mobile/3rd party? clearly its more profitable for them and they have no real talent when it comes to hardware.
Can filthy gaijins buy Nintendo stocks?
When the input methods aren't shit for anything that isn't simple.
So never.
They do like making real games, remember.
Mobile is a fad, and interest in mobile games are already declining since the last two years, in the long term run, no one should turn to mobile completely, only get some while the market is there
Third party is another story
>Niantic is making more money than Nintendo
Buyout when?
not as long as shiggy is there
he loves being involved with making consoles and games even when nobody likes them.
If the people that replace the upper staff don't have that mindset than they probably will go mobile first
It's traded overnight in japan's markets.
not to mention, now is the worst time to buy.
It turns out that Nintendo knows how to turn on the money faucet any time it feels like it.
Nintendo is planning to grow stronger and be more relevant to the general public
>Universal Studios theme park deal
>Pokemon Go and DENA games
>Merging Handheld and Console divisions for the NX
>Possibility of movies
But will Pokemon Go surpass the Wii when it goes global?
Nintendo were dumb fucks not getting in phone "gaming" before
>nintendo just spent e3 showing off botw
>launching a new home console in 2017
>It's traded overnight in japan's markets.
I have no idea what that means
>not to mention, now is the worst time to buy.
Obviously I wouldn't buy now. Just something I want to keep in mind the next time they hit a slump.
>Mobile is a fad
A fad is not supposed to last 5+ years
As of right now the biggest things that are holding Nintendo back are:
>NoA's shitty marketing
>Treehouse pissing people off left and right
>The gap of understanding between the Eastern developers and producers to the Western consumers (amiibo Festival, Federation Force, Color Splash, etc)
>Miyamoto going senile
Anything else?
INB4 consoles
Holy fuck why didn't we all buy ninty stock right before the US go release?
You should've bought some back in 2013, you would have a lot of money by now.
It's getting artificially pushed by creating a "nerd culture" group that upgrades phones every 3 months, but overall it's due to end in a short time
>The gap of understanding between the Eastern developers and producers to the Western consumers (amiibo Festival, Federation Force, Color Splash, etc)
Fucking this
This shit is going to drop after speculations on the next three months will go fuck itself
That's silly.
What will replace it? People still need shit to do while the wait for things away from home.
Trying to cater to both casual and harcore audience with their games instead on focusing on different user-base for each product
I don't think Nintendo is stupid enough to assume the Go gravy train will last forever
Shitty price/cost to earnings ratio. They're at 161 when the healthy mark is between 18-21. It's insane how oversold they are
means now they can fund projects they wouldn't have gotten approval for because of economic risk. i look forward to the next Splatoon
Seriously, mobile is just something for them to fund their console projects.
Plus, mobile gaming is super super high risk. One minute you've got the top mobile app on the market.
Next minute you can't manage to hook people no matter what you do.
Mobile gamers don't care about developer names, they don't care about developer history, they don't even care about quality. They care about what the latest and greatest trend is. It's much less safe than catering to the audience you've already amassed over the years, which is why Nintendo will never leave the hardware market.
Stay mad sonyggers and other "why won't Nintendo go 3rd party" autists.
>Hear about Nintendo producing mobile games
>Shrug it off after hearing it's just for relevancy and that it can help bolster IP awareness along with serving casuals so that the system can focus on "core" audiences
>Read Miyamoto saying that games are no longer a leisure product and that Nintendo has been making games with too much content lately
Getting skeptical again
>Mobile is a fad
you're an idiot if you honestly believe this. that's like saying internet business was a fad just because the tech bubble popped in the late 90s. guess what didn't go anywhere? just because things slow down after an initial bubble doesn't make something a "fad", it means things stabilize to actual sustainability
>fund their console projects
Citation needed
There was literally 0 economic risk in Spla2n after the enormous success of the first game. It was an instantly guaranteed franchise after that.
It outsold Bloodborne 2:1 with like a fifth of the amount of hardware sold.
This is probably the only time I'm happy to see this meme.
The world must be ending.
Okay, I'll reword that
Fund their console projects / put into their warchest.
Because pokemon go has probably already paid itself off for them.
Are you from a parallel universe user?
you're assuming mobile games have to be massive investments the way AAA games are. protip: they don't. mobile is a different strategy.
Nintendo's still going to play it safe.
They want to bolster the already popular IPs.
No need to have IPs like F-Zero and Star Fox holding them back.
Also, Splatoon was a success and a sequel was obvious user
No, I'm pretty sure you are.
4.4 million copies sold, and that's only including physical copies (japs love digital in recent years for one thing, we can probably assume it's over 5 million sales total when digital is included)
neat ... so where are the videogames?
You're fucking lying
You have to be
That kiddie shit sold probably 200k copies AT BEST
user, I'm sorry to tell you this but... Splatoon had not got a first game, it was a new ip....
i meant a new IP that breaks all expectations like Splatoon did
This, Nintendo has stated many times in the past they don't go all in on unproven markets and don't dump all their eggs in a single basket. They know mobile is not sustainable long term, they know the market is volitile and only a tiny, tiny handful of apps actually make big money. They want to exist in another ten years, going full mobile and dropping dedicated hardware would do nothing but put that in jeopardy.
Never. As others have pointed out, their mobile games initiative are just for disguised marketing purposes.
We're talking about a Splatoon sequel. I'm saying that Spla2n, aka a sequel, would have 0 economic risk because of the huge success of the first game.
>Kimishima actually did it
- Pokemon Go user.
>still no splatoon 3ds
i don't care how gimped down it is. i just want something. p-please nintendo. let me give you some of my gaijin money. i just can't (and won't) spend the money on a wii u just to play splatoon
Explain the Call of Duty/FPS fad then. There's no set time as to how long a fad lasts.
>yfw nx is short for Nintendo cross platform
>Wii was HUGE
>Wii U tries to ride on its success
>Amiibo Nintendo IP mobile games are pretty huge as well
>NX will try to ride on their success
I hope Kimishima won't fall for this.
>There was literally 0 economic risk in Spla2n after the enormous success of the first game. It was an instantly guaranteed franchise after that.
It outsold Bloodborne 2:1 with like a fifth of the amount of hardware sold.
Because of that "was" I thought you implied it was spla2n that outsold Bloodborne and you thought there was another one
you're fucking delusional. splatoon was a HUGE deal
So get the NX handheld model when it comes out and wait for Spla2n, they're not going to waste time trying to make a port that would be hard as fuck to get running on the 3DS.
So it's a hybrid?
it doesn't have to be a direct port
>“We are going to be far more aggressive in using our IP, and not just stop with licensing, as in the past. The first example is amiibo. We want our IP to better reach more children, and smart devices is just one vehicle.” — Shigeru Miyamoto
It won't be anything, Nintendo developers are moving on to get games ready for the NX launch.
You make purchases just before big releases. I'm putting away cash to buy before Zelda releases.
>wii makes a huge profit
>they try to copy that with the wii u
>it bombs
>mobile makes a huge profit
>they try to copy that with ???
IIRC Kimishima said mobile and NX will be distinct
Hell the guy knew the Wii U was going to bomb
I have more faith in the rumors that it will be two separate consoles, but with the same arcitecture. Then built around Nintendo trying to sell every game twice, once for the handheld and once for the TV console.
I really, really want a hybrid, but it's not Nintendo's style. They'd have to admit they can't reach old heights in both console and handheld, and Nintendo would never do that. They still believe the handheld market is just as big as it used to be, and that the right gimmick will bring back all their lost audiences for both TV and handheld console.
To make a hybrid would be admitting he market has changed, and that nintendo is no longer as relevant as they used to. Nintendo doesn't believe that, and would be too proud to admit it. If we ever get a hybrid, it will be by a company that doesn't have a history of dominating both markets.
Human existence is a fad according to you.
Nintendo won't go Full Mobile you stupid fuck. The worst that can happen if they not making new Handheld Consoles and focusing on Mobile Games. They will keep making Home Consoles even if the NX fails
This was before Pokemon GO happened
>nintendo wifi connection
>old dpad
>2 (two) face buttons
>mobile phone rated by ESRB
they did not even try
gaijin game; nintendo jp isn't going to care
Thinking a bit more, they'll probably go for a model similar to the one used for Sm4sh. However, the hardware between the handheld and the stationary will be more similar, so it's no more demanding that developing just one game. They will probably release a bunch of games for both consoles, but split in half, or at least with limited content in each. If you buy and connect both games, it will unlock more content. So you can buy 2/5 of a game, and get a barebones experience, or you can buy both versions, and get 5/5 of the full game.
This is probably more Nintendo's style.
Perhaps you can change the numbers to 3/8+3/8=7/8, with the additional 1/8 locked behind amiibos.
They'll care when it releases in Nippon.
Maybe this can show that not only kids could give a damn about their IP
>More locked content
the japanese don't touch gaijin games though
also don't the majority of japanese people use non android/ios phones? they've had their own weird conventions for a long time due to have having wireless internet for well over a decade before we ever got it
>hurr Nintendo will continue to bleed money on unprofitable business strategy forever for reasons
No dumbass that's not how business works, even if they can continue to survive console bomb after console bomb no sane company would continue to do so, if the NX is a failure of Wii U proportions they may very well step out of the home console market completely.
>amiibo festival
eh to be fair its pretty obvious that "game" was just some scraps they threw out for the wii u to get some use out of and earn a little money on the assets for the animal crossing wii u game they obviously had already in development and cancelled once it became clear the wii u was a flop, much like "we found a new creative direction for zelda so well have to delay it for another year" was just bullshit pr speak for "the wii u is a failure and were not releasing our biggest, most important and most expensive game in our history exclusively for that so well move its release date up to the NX launch date for a simultaneous release"
>USG: Was the original concept behind Amiibo Festival to create an Animal Crossing Game that involved Amiibos? Or did the idea come along first and then the Amiibo integration was something that added in later in the Development Cycle?
>AK: Initially when the Amiibo was announced, there was nothing really said about Animal Crossing Amiibos or any plans for that matter. But as the Animal Crossing team, we were confident that if there was one, it would be really cute... honestly, we just wanted Animal Crossing Amiibo. We wanted the company to make Animal Crossing Amiibo, so that's why we made a game that works with them.
says everybody in hindsight after every big jump in stock price they werent able to predict beforehand
Would Star Fox Zero have been a better example?
>Explain the Call of Duty/FPS fad then.
how is still selling millions of copies a fad
Is this the dawn of a new Nintendo renaissance?
That's assuming NX is even a home console.
>are moving onto
judging by their recent release schedule and past E3, "have long since moved on to" seems more accurate
Maybe. They should've taken the plunge into mobile a few years ago though.
isnt it cool what nintendo can do when they arent stubborn?
I hate the wiiU with a passion but pokemon is pokemon
whut? are you from some kind of weird parallel universe? of course android is huge in japan and obviously theyll care aboue pokemon go ...
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Fuck off WSJ. You're not as important as you think you are.
I wish it did a little better, or that Nintendo was interested in supporting it a little more beyond the initial release. Because the game has the potential to be something far greater than it ended up being.
If customizing the game board meant more, and if there were a few skill-based events, it could have been something special. But boy, it sure isn't.
>FPS fad
Yes, a 23 year old fad.
of course not every game nintendo make is good, I dont see what youre getting at; if anything, zelda botw is solid proof that they ARE paying attention to whats going on in western games development
just google the story to get an accessible link
>As others have pointed out, their mobile games initiative are just for disguised marketing purposes.
Yup. Pokemon Sun and Moon will be released just as the Pokemon Go fad is diminishing. The timing will be close enough that some people who didn't buy the previous 3DS Pokemon games will buy Sun and/or Moon.
I thought Japan was full of Applefags.
>paying for WSJ access by giving my personal data to google
thanks but nothanks
the game works cause:
1) it makes boring locations interesting
2) it makes interesting locations better
3) social magnet
4) its unique and not another shitty bejeweled/clash clone
also the map is the real world itself, geotags as gameplay elements are a great idea.
Splatoon did outsell bloodborne.
It's easy enough to look up, BB had 2 million sales in ~6 months, splatoon had 4 million in the same timeframe.
This makes me think that the stock market and everyone involved in it are fucking retarded for not realizing the monetary value of brands like Pokemon and Zelda to begin with. Pokemon GO being a huge success shouldn't be a "wow Nintendo must be a good company" moment it should be a "no fucking shit slapping Pokemon on a mobile game will print money, this is no surprise to any of us savvy investors" moment. Stock market investors are dumbass gamblers, every last one of them. They have no fucking clue what is going on at any given time and can only make money through luck and inertia.
it's about evenly split
best link I could find just offhand by googling
>nintendo once again dominates the market to the point where they can fund throw away projects for the gamers
>sony continues to try and claim they are more for the gamers than nintendo
>rehashing gimmick games and mediocre children's platformers
>real games
wew laddie boi
>Nintendo revolutionizes every genre they touch
>Even fucking mobile trash
It's more about them not understanding what the Western consumers wanted.
Breath of the Wild is an exception.
Remember the backlash toward Color Splash and Federation Force?
People are hoping that'd wake them up and that they can't just slap an IP to any game and expect people to act as if it were familiar to them.