What was worse the ps3 launch or the xbone launch...

what was worse the ps3 launch or the xbone launch? do you think microsoft will be able to turn around the xbone like sony did with the ps3?

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As shit as the PS3 launch was, the Xbone launch actively pissed people off .

>do you think microsoft will be able to turn around the xbone like sony did with the ps3?
I would at least say it's in the realm of possibility.

Depends on what you mean by "turn around". If you're meaning sales wise, no fucking way. Sony was down at most maybe a couple million during the entire time Microsoft was in the lead with the 360, and that was after releasing a year later. PS4 literally has twice the user base of the Xbox One.

PR wise. Xbone. Sony execs said a ton of stupid shit like how PS3 was going to kill PC and run 1080P 120FPS but nothing was as retarded as Don Matrick telling people if they didn't like online they can get a 360. MS have been slowly turning it around despite shitposters claiming they aren't and they will have likely cleaned the slate by the time Scorpio rolls around.

Financially, PS3 left an $8 Billion hole in Sony on a product with a goal to make a profit. Not a sunk cost project like the original xbox huge. A profit leader and tentpole product. Xbone didn't lose money because it was a cheap laptop PC with cheap parts and the BOM for the console itself was hilariously low. Along with high title attach rate, it's been profitable and also made more money than the entirety of Nintendo last year.

Both were disasters. Sony sunk an unreal amount of money into trying to salvage the PS3 that investors didn't want a PS4 or at least to spin Playstation off into it's own business to protect Sony. (Which was the wrong answer since it was film and music who were poisoning Sony all along after the hacked e-mails)

xbone. the ps3 release was miguided; the xbone release was actively hostile. sony treated its customers with ignorance; microsoft treated its customers with contempt. there's no question xbone was worse

The Wii U launch was worse than both

what was worse the ps3 launch or the xbone launch?
Dreamcast and Wii U.

>do you think microsoft will be able to turn around the xbone like sony did with the ps3?
No. They haven't got NEARLY enough first party studios to massively overtake them on exclusives like the PS3 did last gen from 09 onwards, and the PS4 relaunch + NX guarentee that there's not going to be too many people looking to pick up another console for at least the next two years.

Xbone will finish the gen still pretty hard behind the PS4.

PS3 still had exclusives, Microsoft are jumping ship and letting PC have everything.

Console market is different than PC market, no one is going to sell their Xbone and buy a gaming PC. Just like how people brag about how many games PSX had despite a shitton of those being on PC.

>PS3 still had exclusives
After a couple years it caught up and was great yeah but the PS3 HAS NO GAEMS meme started for a reason.

Not saying the xbox one is much better though Forza was the only exclusive franchise I gave any shit about (Halo has been long dead) and both are going to be on PC now. The extra $100 price tag for the forced meme peripheral kinect was also a horrible marketing decision. Especially seeing now that kinect has been completely abandoned.