What was worse the ps3 launch or the xbone launch...

what was worse the ps3 launch or the xbone launch? do you think microsoft will be able to turn around the xbone like sony did with the ps3?

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As shit as the PS3 launch was, the Xbone launch actively pissed people off .

>do you think microsoft will be able to turn around the xbone like sony did with the ps3?
I would at least say it's in the realm of possibility.

Depends on what you mean by "turn around". If you're meaning sales wise, no fucking way. Sony was down at most maybe a couple million during the entire time Microsoft was in the lead with the 360, and that was after releasing a year later. PS4 literally has twice the user base of the Xbox One.

PR wise. Xbone. Sony execs said a ton of stupid shit like how PS3 was going to kill PC and run 1080P 120FPS but nothing was as retarded as Don Matrick telling people if they didn't like online they can get a 360. MS have been slowly turning it around despite shitposters claiming they aren't and they will have likely cleaned the slate by the time Scorpio rolls around.

Financially, PS3 left an $8 Billion hole in Sony on a product with a goal to make a profit. Not a sunk cost project like the original xbox huge. A profit leader and tentpole product. Xbone didn't lose money because it was a cheap laptop PC with cheap parts and the BOM for the console itself was hilariously low. Along with high title attach rate, it's been profitable and also made more money than the entirety of Nintendo last year.

Both were disasters. Sony sunk an unreal amount of money into trying to salvage the PS3 that investors didn't want a PS4 or at least to spin Playstation off into it's own business to protect Sony. (Which was the wrong answer since it was film and music who were poisoning Sony all along after the hacked e-mails)

xbone. the ps3 release was miguided; the xbone release was actively hostile. sony treated its customers with ignorance; microsoft treated its customers with contempt. there's no question xbone was worse

The Wii U launch was worse than both

what was worse the ps3 launch or the xbone launch?
Dreamcast and Wii U.

>do you think microsoft will be able to turn around the xbone like sony did with the ps3?
No. They haven't got NEARLY enough first party studios to massively overtake them on exclusives like the PS3 did last gen from 09 onwards, and the PS4 relaunch + NX guarentee that there's not going to be too many people looking to pick up another console for at least the next two years.

Xbone will finish the gen still pretty hard behind the PS4.

PS3 still had exclusives, Microsoft are jumping ship and letting PC have everything.

Console market is different than PC market, no one is going to sell their Xbone and buy a gaming PC. Just like how people brag about how many games PSX had despite a shitton of those being on PC.

>PS3 still had exclusives
After a couple years it caught up and was great yeah but the PS3 HAS NO GAEMS meme started for a reason.

Not saying the xbox one is much better though Forza was the only exclusive franchise I gave any shit about (Halo has been long dead) and both are going to be on PC now. The extra $100 price tag for the forced meme peripheral kinect was also a horrible marketing decision. Especially seeing now that kinect has been completely abandoned.

blu-ray movies don't count as games, user

Xbone launch was the worst launch in history

>No. They haven't got NEARLY enough first party studios to massively overtake them on exclusives like the PS3 did last gen from 09 onwards

Sony spent an unreal amount and ended up closing most of it's studios like Studio Liverpool, Zipper and Incog along with domino effects on studios like Eat Sleep Play and Superbot downsizing or closing down along with Evolution being shut down lately and Supermassive games electing to go Multiplatform, never mind burned bridges with The Chinese Room, Then you have Guerilla's future dependent on RIGS and Horizon Zero Dawn, Media Molecule spending ages on a Playstation Move game that's forever in development that may spell the end for them if it doesn't sell and the constant dumpster fire that is Polyphony Digital and it's not looking too bright for Sony 1st party. Or even 3rd party console exclusives as the exec behind them is just after leaving Sony (Likely the blowback behind SF V finally caught up to them)

Sony invested in them but their 1st party studios are shrinking like crazy lately to the point where they might just shrink down to a core of ND, Sucker Punch, Studio Japan and sub-contract out to third parties instead.

Wii U launch

Sony was able to survive because they had a loyal following from the PS2 and PS1. You can't say the same about Microsoft because everyone knew how big of a failure the 360 was by the end of the gen.

Actually Saturn was, at least in the US.

i miss shitposting about kaz

The PS3 was limited to like 20 countries.

it's not like microsoft's first party devs are doing any better

>mfw rare

>constant dumpster fire that is Polyphony Digital
Yeah Gran Turismo has honestly been pretty irrelevant after GT3 when Forza started. The Forza games have been vastly superior since the series started.

If Forza never existed GT 5 and 6 would still be complete shit and GT Sport would still be a trainwreck.

>The Forza games have been vastly superior since the series started.

for absolute casuals, sure. forza is one of the most arcadey, casual racing games around. i'm sure it does sell a lot better, though, because casuals eat that shit up like it's madden with a racing wheel

>Rare were nominated for the E3 2016 game of the show award
>"Not doing any better"

user, I...

not that guy, but sony still have like 12~ first party studios (not including all the sub-teams they have) as well as a dozen and a half second party ones, plus the best third party relations in the industry

I wouldn't go worry for their exclusive output unless one of the giants of their company like XDev of Japan Studio go down, until then they still have literally more studios than MS and Nintendo combined and will continue to churn stuff out just fine

>all of the sudden E3 awards matter now
>When Rare hasn't released a halfway decent game in god knows how many years

This desu

It's impossible to really gauge just how many games Sony is able to work on because half their studios have at least two teams, and some like Santa Monica and Studio Japan can have anywhere from 5-8 projects going at once.

>for absolute casuals, sure. forza is one of the most arcadey, casual racing games around.
Horizon sure, the main series no what the fuck are you talking about? This is coming from someone who had played GT since the first game up until GT4.

>Thinking E3 awards ever matter
Sure was right for Evolve wasn't it?

The Rare from the N64 days I care about all left and is making Yooka-Laylee now. Almost no one of importance from Rare's golden years still works there. Their new game does look cool though.

Evolve died because it's publisher got greedy and started creating DLC and micro transactions out the wazoo, not due to its game design.

>This is coming from someone who had played GT since the first game up until GT4.

you really need to play 5 anbd 6, then. the physics models were vastly, VASTLY overhauled for 5 and more so for 6. gt6 is absolutely on the top of its game as far as realism is concerned when it comes to console racing games. forza's interest has never been in being terribly realistic so much as it's been about "fun" (not that that's exaclty a bad thing, it's just more casual).

forza is for people who just want to put the game in a drive expensive/flashy cars. "ey cuh let's play some forza cuh that's a good game. i'm all about that zonda shit's tight." that's what forza is for. gt6 is for people who want a more realistic driving model and want to build a garage of cars they mod and maintain. forza is flat-out about a a more casual experience.

> do you think microsoft will be able to turn around the xbone like sony did with the ps3?

No because they would need the Japanese to help

Yeah running around to find a monster for 20 minutes is great game design.

>but sony still have like 12~ first party studios (not including all the sub-teams they have)

Most are just working on Shovelware or VR Mini-games like Studio London though. Also its more like 8 these days.

>as well as a dozen and a half second party ones

Sony's started cutting ties with 2nd party like Ready At Dawn and winding down indie programs including two head of indie publishing in Sony between 2013-2016 leaving Sony recently.

>plus the best third party relations in the industry

The ones who were so pissed about neo they leaked the dev docs and specs? Please don't repeat Neogaf astroturf and Sony PR lines. Especially since Sony left indies in a ditch to die lately and a lot of developers are not happy with them.

Santa Monica is now only a one team studio and Studio Japan is only a concept studio and not a full production studio

Technically the PS3 launch and that's only because Sony lost so much money on they system that they never recouped.

While it eventually sold for a profit, per unit, they never made back the massive, billion dollar losses they took by selling the game system at a loss.

>guerilla games
Doing well with hzd so no need to get rid of them.
Dreams work with a controller so not a move game.
Theres no way they will ever drop them. Gt is still sonys biggest franchise.

Then on top of that there is santa monica studios which is the biggest one of all with gow.

I would say of all three sonys first party is still the strongest along with their relationship with 3rd parties especially with kojima joining them


They were vastly overhauled to be shit and boat like. My Mazda 3 doesn't handle like the GT 5 and GT 6 version since it handles incredibly agile in real life and the GT version is a fucking boat. The physics were shit and a bunch of memelords at GT Planet are buttpained that PC sims have completely eclipsed GT in handling and physics model and GT is an outdated Simcade with shit physics.

Even NFS Shift had better car physics.

Its game design is shit.

Launch, or reveal? Sony had the worst launch with PS3. Xbone was kind of eh at launch, but was still better then PS4. And now Xbone is better then PS4, unless you really like Niche Japanese games. PS3 took a good 3 years before it was really worth it, and that was after massive price drops, like $600 down to $250 plus a bigger hard drive and better controller.

Reveal is a whole other story. PS3 was laughable, but people were still looking forward to it. While the Xbone showed just what Microsoft and Sony were really planning for consoles to become in the future, total DRM boxes. Had MS been more subtle about it, then it could have gone off well enough, and Sony would have followed suit. But it didn't and it gravely hurt Microsoft, and will possibly cost them this entire generation, but that's a bit premature since you never know they could turn it around.

Now really the WiiU reveal and launch was pretty horrible in it's own right, but that is another story.

>Doing well with hzd so no need to get rid of them.

Releasing a Zelda clone in the year of actual Zelda is going to leave them in tears. Especially when the gameplay looks like your average Ubi-Soft game.

>Dreams work with a controller so not a move game.

And it's still going to sell nothing, Never mind that Move is reccomended.

>Theres no way they will ever drop them. Gt is still sonys biggest franchise.

Why was GTS considered one of the worst games of E3 and not shown on stage at E3?

>relationship with 3rd parties

This neogaf meme needs to stop since they just paid activision and kojima more for exclusive content and now are preventing Kojima reaching true potential on PC.

Wait how did Sony sell a $600 console for such a loss? What did they put in it? Was it the Bluray player that drove up costs?

But it would've survived for much longer if it didn't include $130 worth of micro transactions than if it did. It may have bad design but it has a unique concept compared to other first person games.

>Most are just working on Shovelware or VR Mini-games like Studio London though.
Not really, no. The vast majority of the PSVR-only games coming out are third party exclusives, only a small number are Sony-made.

>Also its more like 8 these days
Nah, I counted before that and just double-checked. It's 12 at the moment.

>Sony's started cutting ties with 2nd party like Ready At Dawn and winding down indie programs including two head of indie publishing in Sony between 2013-2016 leaving Sony recently.

Ready at Dawn chose to end the exclusive relationship, not Sony. And having a single initiative/team lead leave to pursue dev work after three highly successful years isn't a sign of anything bad unless the replacement is shit.

>The ones who were so pissed about neo they leaked the dev docs and specs?
You mean that single anonymous source that said they were upset about it? The sole one in a sea of leaks from a ton of different places?

Sorry m8 but there's no real evidence more than a single leaker did it out of spite.

>Please don't repeat Neogaf astroturf and Sony PR lines. Especially since Sony left indies in a ditch to die lately and a lot of developers are not happy with them.

You're just talking out of your ass now.

Additionally, we already know for a fact that SSM is still working on multiple projects and SJ still acts as a sorta umbrella term for a shitload of dev teams ranging from Team Gravity to Team Ico to JSEDD.

the physics weren't tuned for standard def cars in gt 5/6 (the 3 is a standard def aka ps2 import car). you have to drive the 5/6 exclusive cars

>now are preventing Kojima reaching true potential on PC

Okay, so you're shitposting about Sony being in poor shape because you're a sad sack of shit who cares about platform wars. Gotcha.

They were shit simcade physics on the premium as well.

Real physics, get Assetto or rFactor


Do what you are paid for and name the 12 then, pajeet

still better than boreza

its a stiff competition but Id say the xbone launch if only because the ps3 launch was a gamblee that paid off in order to force bluray to win the hd format wars, whereas xbone had to backbedal after launch on all of its intended additional revenue streams

>hzd is a zelda clone with ubisoft gameplay
>Why was GTS considered one of the worst games of E3
>now are preventing Kojima reaching true potential on PC.

1) it's fucking hilarious that you're bitching about neofag memes while spouting one yourself
2) if you're just an upset platformwarrior who wants to dhitpost about Sony doing poorly when by all reasonable standards they're dominating the market at the moment then please say so in the future to save people bothering typing a response to your crying

People were fighting over PS3s when it launched

You would literally have to pay people to buy an xbone after their E3 shitshow

take your white supremacist memes elsewhere

And GT 5 and 6 sucked compared to GRID, DIRT and any other codemasters game that released last gen and even Shift 2 was better without even counting arcade games like Blur or Ridge 7

There's nothing more hilarious than a spiteful GTFag trying to claim it's still good.

Name the 12 studios and do what you are paid for, pajeet

>releasing a zelda clone in the same year
Hzd has a more focus on scifi thx to the robots. It will do well thats for sure but not as well as zelda due to it being a new ip.

If doesnt get more advertising sure but its still not a move game. Mm have a consistent track record so that should help.

Wasnt shown cos they had a separate event outside e3. They still showed some footage at the conference though. Even if its shit sony still arent gonna drop it cos of the brand.

>neogaf meme
Sony building closer ties to kojima while microsoft burn bridges with sam lake. Getting 3rd parties to make vr games for them and exclusive dlc on most games. They have the strongest ties with the majority of 3rd party studios.

>And GT 5 and 6 sucked compared to GRID

hahaha yeah fucking right that game was trash. delusional casual xbot detected

Japan Studio (multiple loosely connected teams)
Naughty Dog (two teams)
San Diego Studio (possibly two teams, MLB + extra)
Santa Monica (GoW main team, at least two small teams helping on other projects)
Sucker Punch
Pixelopus (unknown current project)
Guerilla Games
Guerilla Cambridge (a full studio, not just a team)
London Studio (god knows how many teams working on party/casual series)
North West Studio (multiple vr-focused teams)
Media Molecule

That's 13 studios, plus XDev is still running and they've plenty of second parties as well.

get out techbro nazi

>Japan Studio (multiple loosely connected teams)

Made Knack. Shit


Responsible for GT going to shit. Shit

>Naughty Dog (two teams)

SJW No Fun allowed Dog. Shit


From the creators of Bubsy 3D comes a boring version of Dead Rising. Shit.

>San Diego Studio (possibly two teams, MLB + extra)


>Santa Monica (GoW main team, at least two small teams helping on other projects)

Don't talk to me or my wife's son simulator. Shit

>Sucker Punch

Edgy Delsin the DUP Killah. Shit

>Pixelopus (unknown current project)

No one cares. Shit

>Guerilla Games

Never made a good game. Shit

>Guerilla Cambridge (a full studio, not just a team)

Making a shit VR e-sports game. Shit

>London Studio (god knows how many teams working on party/casual series)

Shovelware. Shit

>North West Studio (multiple vr-focused teams)

VR Shovelware. Shit

>Media Molecule

Little Big Flophouse. Shit.

So all shit. Wew lad. How could Sony ever stand up to Nintendo's line up with that pile of turds.

>GRID is trash

GTPlanet fag pls go and take your shit opinions on your simcade game with you

>Made Knack. Shit

Thanks for making it clear to everyone your post wasn't worth reading after just the second line :^)

Both were bad, but in their own way.

Sony showed off some god awful demos of games, poorly acted segments I'm gonna beat you and it's gonna hurt because I don't know and of course the infamous $599 US DOLLARS moment. Not to mention it was hard as fuck to develop a game on

Xbone fucked up by marketing the system horribly. Instead of hyping it up as this new generation system with new, cool features, all they talked about was TV TV TV SPORTS SPORTS TV TV CALL OF DUTY SPORTS. Not to mention always online, mandatory Kinect, and no used game play ability. That whole conference damaged the Xbone, and Don Mattick's fuckup is still being felt

assmad xfag lol sure forza is such a good game haha idiot

>"B-B-B-Buh knack was a good game!"


Sure thing bud, that's definitely what I meant. You're baiting me so hard right now :'^)

>"B-B-Buh forza!!!!"

GT and Forza are shit simcades. PC is where real sims and better simcades are. Kill yourself sonycuck.

Also back to Xbone. Their E3 conference, which was meant to redeem them after the reveal didn't go over so well either. specially it was $100 more expensive than the PS4.

Are all Xcuck's this pathetic? The majority of people on Sup Forums own PS4's. A minority of them own and only use an Xbone. There is literally no reason to own an Xbone, specially when all its exclusives are coming to the PC anyway

I think the PS3 launch was more immediately disastrous but gradually repaired itself.

The XB1 launch permanently damaged the Xbox brand. It's never going to recover from it, and Microsoft has accepted that, shown by the fact that they're doing everything they can to make it completely irrelevant. Hell more than anything now the XB1 serves as a weening device to ease console gamers over to PC.

Dude, no one thought Knack was a good game. I own a PS4 and I knew it was shit. Launch titles are always bad. Literally the only good launch titles both Xbone and PS4 had were Killzone and Dead Rising 3

>The majority of people on Sup Forums own PS4's.

The majority of people on Sup Forums don't own non-nintendo consoles.

Look at any strawpoll if you require evidence.


>can't handle being told GT is shit by a mustard who plays real car sims

Cry more about your shit simcade. No one on Sup Forums owns a PS4. This is PC and Nintendo town.

No one, and I mean no one, not even the most hardcore sonyggers on Neogaf, thought Knack was a good game.

>PC is where real sims and better simcades are
And those are?

lol sure thing Nintendrone you keep believing that

>using a strawpoll as accurate data

Also you quoted the wrong post retard it was

yeah lol my grandma owns a wii, too. bet you feel real hard wagglin around that dildo like a good little nintendrone


>b-b-buh all they made knack!


Assetto Corsa (The sim Ferrari uses) and the version that won't be gimped on consoles since it has mods and rFactor 1+2 (The one real racing teams use)

GT is a garbage simcade. Sup Forums is Nintendo and PC town. GT Sport looks like the PS3 games and has just as bad a framerate. Kill urself my man

I didn't think Knack was a good game (in fact, I thought it was a pretty bad game) but it had a shitton of potential to be something great. You can tell the initial intentions were something way better (it's pretty clear they wanted it to be the next Crash/Jak style franchise for PS4) but past the pre-production stages it was just rushed and haphazardly thrown together to make it out in time for the PS4 launch.

>Literally shovelware: The development studio

No wonder Vita failed with trash like Gravity Rush on it. At least 3DS had good games

The Sega Saturn was a bigger fuck up than both, and that's coming from someone who loves that console.

I don't think Microsoft has a chance of turning it around. PS4 already has the install base. If I want to play with my friends, which console will I buy? Obviously the PS4, since everyone else has one.

I can never tell if the people on this site believe the nonsense they post or not. Its either well trained trolls or completely delusional morons with overly obsessive brand attachnent.

>Assetto Corsa

universally panned

yeah that was neat when it came out over a decade ago, not to mention it uses an engine from the 1990s lol. talk about old?? >b-but muh pc pride

>Its either well trained trolls or completely delusional morons with overly obsessive brand attachnent.

The latter, sadly.

>3ds has good games
Lol no

Do you even know what simcade means?

Your fanboyism is noted, though.

>Having to resort to lies because GT is a shitty simcade nowhere near PC titles


Wasn't the Saturn popular in Japan at least? If I'm correct, one of the few reasons it failed in western countries (besides the competition being too good), was the fact that we missed the best portion of its catalogue

Man Saturn and Dreamcast were in such fucking bizarre positions. They were both utter failures yet had shitloads of exclusive games that you still can't get on any other platform. It wasn't like they were small studio low profile titles either.


Simcade means Gran Turismo since GT is not a sim and has never had realistic car handling even on "Premium" cars :)

Is rFactor even a game?

>The sim Ferrari uses
If you think Ferrari uses the stock game you might as well kill yourself. The physics and simulation they are using are something you won't experience in your life as it is based on their own car and track data not some armchair driver programmers fantasy.

xfag TROLL. isn't it past your bed time, little noob?

It's an autism simulator.

>tfw you can never play your favorite JRPG again because your Saturn got stolen, the company never released it on other platforms, and no one can emulate it properly

It's what actual pilots use for training in between competitions, but it has multiplayer too. It lacks tournament modes or any sort of singleplayer campaign if that's what you're asking


bruh take your autism pills