How did this fail? It has a black woman in it!

How did this fail? It has a black woman in it!

too many men

pissy mras

wait there's a game too?

>video game adaption of a movie
>that is released before or around the release of the movie
>ever being good

It's like you're new to video games or something.

Say what! Minorities in my games! I'll buy this instantly, because what I care for in my game is representation, and now how good it actually plays!

it's a shitty console port of a game that should be 20 bucks and they are asking full price for it

it's not even an adaptation of the movie

>50 dollars for a fucking Sanctum of Slime reskin

Can this reboot do anything right

This guy gets itWe went from having a completely accurate Ghostbusters game written by Ramis and Akryod to a twin-stick shooter that had generic Ghostbusters using proton beams on mental ward patients and weapons that didn't function too differently.

Just redo what the Activision game did, or even rerelease it as an HD port for easy money that prints itself. Been out for over seven years now, meaning a new generation of people would be exposed to it, on top of people having nostalgia for it.

Too many people

>runaway ghouls
Oh did they change it?

That game was mint.
I'll consider it the 3rd Ghostbusters until they actually make a decent follow up to the 2nd film.

Making too many problems

Now that Ramis is gone and the rest of the owners are going full retard, that's likely the last we'll really have of the old gang.

Now we have this reboot, and plans for a 2050 cartoon (just enough to ensure the old cast isn't there at all), and Akroyd stating that they want to franchise Ghostbusters and milk it for all its worth.

When at the end of the day, people loved the chemistry of the original team and the unique world crafted from it all. That's what fans really want, and only that Activision game really delivered.

Kek, was this really real

Unless Ramis comes back as a ghost, ain't happening.

Why would they change it from spooks to ghouls?

>It has a black woman in it!
This is why, not even black men like black woman

spooks is a racial slur.

I actually want to play this thing, and somehow i expect it to be like the Ghostbusters game from last gen.

An i being stupid expecting that?

The King Kong game on PS2 was pretty good.

>full price twinstick shooter shovelware
pls don't

For what? That's got to be one of the more obscure slurs like spear chucker.

What? Since when? What the flying fuck? Is "box" derogatory now too? What the hell is wrong with people these days?

Lorenzo Music >>> Bill Murray

Well considering that this is the first I've ever heard of it, probably a lack of marketing.

Black person. They actually cut it out of Back to the Future on TV, that's the only way I found out it was a slur.

Hmm i wonder why a shitty mobile port failed...

spook has been a slur for a long time

off the top of my head it was used in Archer and Gran Torino as racial slurs and both of those are fairly popular

well it's no g or n word but it's still on par with the j word, c word and yes the s c word

>not liking Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie

>How did this fail?
>7 reviews
It's probably shit either way, but c'mon

Spooks has been an alternatie to nigger for a very long time.

Why don't they just make more shit like the 360/PS3 Ghostbusters game? Just take the audio from the Real Ghostbusters and make episodes from that into missions.

Nobody is offended by "jew" anymore unless it's preceded by "thieving" or followed by "kike rat" or some shit.

Spooks is literally used to describe ghosts or just someone who "spooks" around a place by loitering.

And the spider-man games.

Wolverine origins was alright.

Lord of the rings return of the king was cool too. One of the best couch co-op of that era.

>those genres

In what part of the world is it even used lime that?

t. Brit

J word is an afro american derogatory word not a pro hitler word

It's an Ok $5 downloadable top down shooter, that Activision decided to charge for $50.

I hope that means like user

The chronicle of riddick games didn't come out around the movie and those are pretty decent.

I think you need to go back to whatever website you came from, faggot.

They're good thanks to Vin Diesel, who insisted that they be good games.

You know you can say any word you want here, right?

And even is it? Jim Crow?

holy fuck


Even the actors consider it the third part i think

It IS considered the third "movie" and canon to the continuity.

Hell, there's even the IDW comic series that continues right after the game that's pretty good as well.

Has to be an America only thing then.

I've always known it to mean some kind of spy or 'scare' eg you spooked me.

I guess getting spooked means being fucked by a black guy over there?


Who you callin' a spook, peckerwood?

Are there any spook anons here?

Right here.

Isn't a spook a government agent with no id?

>those tags

I got my battlefront 2 demo with the ep3 dvd release

half spook here


Would you?


I love the 80s.



Who wouldn't?


Am I getting rused?

No, look that shit up. Spook is an old term for spies.

He meant jigaboo you damn jigaboo

Was not a fan of Ghostbusters but I still find it blasphemous to call the newest movie as well as this game just "Ghostbusters" as if the original was not evn a thing.

No, I meant am I being rused for it being a racial slur

That game was a gem in a sea of shit. Every so often you'll get a good movie game like X Men Origins: Wolverine and more often than not you'll get a horrible movie game like Iron Man

NIGGER you are on the wrong website

Oh, no. Probably just a U.S. thing but it's definitely an old racial slur. Now we just call them niggers but we used to get pretty creative.

It's a reboot

nobody gave shit to the Robocop reboot for that
It was a mediocre movie and was derided for being that, but none of this "blasphemous" naming outrage

Get out Danny Phantom.

Daily reminder that Vin Diesel is a Sup Forumsirgin just like us

Reminder that no videogame movie adaptation will surpass The Warriors or King Kong.

>movie games

ITT white neckbeard anti-sjws attacking a game with only 7 reviews, sorry the ghostbusters movie turned out to be pretty good and you need something to lash at

>The Warrios
Oh god why'd you have to remind me user. Now I want to play it.

>sorry the ghostbusters movie turned out to be pretty good
kek. how upset are you going to be when it bombs in the US?

Got a chuckle out of me.

>well it's no g or n word but it's still on par with the j word, c word and yes the s c word

I'm going to stick my d word in your a word if you don't knock that s word out Anonymous


And not much love to go around

>mash triangle to BEAT CHEST

I fucking loved that game

nope, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better though

The world is strange.

I'd rather play the Warios

I don't need to. I just need to sit back and laugh.

The only publications that have given it a review above a 70 are all far-left 'progressive' magazines that mention the all woman main cast as a selling point.

My personal favorite has always been tar baby. Spook, porchmonkey, and coon are good too.

>people spend 50 bucks on this just to make a meme review

>t. Brit

>people spend 50 bucks on this just to make a meme review

>buy the game
>make a review
>get refund

Spooks is also a slang term for CIA or FBI agents, so what's your point?

I didn't even know this existed.



Is the warriors worth getting on PS4? Never played it

King Kong???

Also there's a Hopkins movie where he's a teacher. He enters a classroom to introduce himself, sees that there are some vacant seats, then asks if the students are absent or if they are "spooks". Turns out the students that were absent were black, and his life goes down the shitter because he didn't know it had turned into a slur.