What are some games in the style of H.P. Lovecraft? Preferably more obscure, but all are welcome.
What are some games in the style of H.P. Lovecraft? Preferably more obscure, but all are welcome
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Lovecraft's spirit is antithetical to the spirit of games. Games are all about employing mechanics within delineated systems of rules to achieve a desired goal. Lovecraft's fiction is all about how nothing works, life is a horror, and you're never going to get what you want unless what you want is death. "Lovecraftian" games are by and large just aping the superficial sci-fi trappings of his work.
Darkness Within is a good one.
>Lovecraft's fiction is all about how nothing works, life is a horror, and you're never going to get what you want unless what you want is death.
So basically, E.Y.E?
fallout 4, far harbor
I heard he was racist as fuck.
Everyone from his time was racist as fuck.
You heard right. He was so racist he doesn't even like Welsh people.
Here are a few:
-The Last Door
-The Lurking Horror
-The Hound of Shadow
-Alone in the Dark (original game)
-Shadow of the Comet
-Prisoner of Ice
-The Dark Eye (1995 adventure game)
-I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
-The Black Mirror series
-Darkness Within parts 1&2
-Eternal Darkness
-Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
-Chzo Mythos series
-Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
-the Penumbra series
-Amnesia: The Dark Descent
-Sunless Sea
-Darkest Dungeon
Penumbra series, highly recommended
Bloodborne is probably the best Lovecraftian game on the market.
Xeenophobic more like, a condition he was aware wasn't the norm, even at the time where racism was the casual way of the world.
Married a Jew, softened with age, loved his cat Niggerman, etc.
>my face when revisionists called him Tiggerman
Maybe if Giygas actually couldn't be beaten.
>inb4 some autist says Bloodborne isn't lovecraftian because ayys and insanity
In one story he implies black people lay eggs. In Reanimator he describes a black boxer who dies and it's like he's talking about something completely not human. Though he does give him a fucking sweet boxing name:
The Harlem Smoke
this, also the new sherlock holmes game coming out next year seems like it's gonna go heavy into lovecraft themes.
Call of cthulu is obvious, it starts off great then kinda shits the bed, but it's worth a shot if you can get it to work.
Have any anons played sunless sea? I heard that's pretty love craftian inspired, but i don't like boats, so i haven't looked into it at all.
Fuck off, Cthulhu gets punked by a ship.
Cthulhu is shit-tier.
>dark souls or bloodbourne
love this meme. just lets me know everyone here is underage and think lovecraftian = weird fish monsters
do you know what actual "lovecraftian" shit looks like? Xen in HL1 is a good start
Most people are racist. They just didn't hide it back then.
>bloodborne is not lovecraftian
It's inspired by Lovecraft, but it isn't very Lovecraftian. It's too "pulp" for that, seeing that you go around killing eldritch horrors with brawn. Lovely game, also love the Victorian Gothic and Universal/Hammer horror influences, both which aren't that Lovecraftian either, but compliment his influence nicely.
Bloodborne is actually pretty great if you're well read in Lovecraft and not a retard who thinks it's because of tentacles.
It's alright, but slow as fuck. Half the game is captaining your extremely slow ship around and the other half is reading.
Why has no one else played Deathstate?
I'm the only person here that mentions it.
At least he had one good moment.
The slaves should be Wojak
This is the most hipster thing i've heard all day. Game is basically the Shadow over Insmouth (The fishing village IS basically Insmouth), with elements of the Dream Cycle.
I've heard Bloodborne has some Lovecraft references.
But DESU I've never read any of his books.
Maybe someone can recommend me one of
his works??
Heard the same.
Did you know that an Ex-Nazi played a big role
in the invention of spaceships?
And that's one of the biggest inventions in human history if not THE biggest invention.
No on really wants a Lovecraftian game, they want a dark fantasy game with Lovecraftian aesthetics. Really, Lovecraftian is a visual genre now, more akin to steampunk than anything.
A real Lovecraftian game would be like Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, if you removed a ton of the action, added a lot of puzzles, and made the end bosses unkillable, unknowable, and you commit suicide.
It's more of a Beksiński visual style, but I figure it's close enough
Still early in production as well.
What the fuck man thats cool
Agreed. Whoever made the image really missed that opportunity.
He wasn't defeated, he just must have thought "Fuck this shit, I'm going back to sleep for few more millennia"
Also Cthulhu doesn't matter, his job is only to kill mankind. Any being worth its salt could do that.
>Ritual mating between old ones and humans
>formless alien species
>insight is learning eldritch knowledge
>frenzy is your brain being forced to learn
>dreamscapes being alternate realities
>with elements of the Dream Cycle.
This. When people think "Lovecraft", they think of stuff like "At the Mountains of Madness", while games like Bloodborne take way more from the dream cycle stories.
metroid prime series
Everything about that just seems really unpleasant.
Not that guy, but I think the game is a little more blunt force trauma than the themes in lovecraftian works.
Still takes tons from it.
For 400 dollaros. what is Silent Hill?
"The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath" is a pretty good one if you liked the themes of nightmares and dreams that Bloodborne has.
Personally, I'd say the best story to start off with is either "Dagon" or "The Statement of Randolph Carter". Both are relatively short, and carry the themes Lovecraft is renowned for.
>I didn't lose, I just wasn't trying
Cthulu is literally That Kid
Where in the Shadow Over Insmouth did the main protagonist go around slaughtering the townspeople and then Dagon, only to walk to another equally horrible place for seconds?
Also, Lovecraft's Dream Cycle stuff included the whimsy of dreams as well, it wasn't all just madness and horror. It was his more fantastic work, influenced mainly by Lord Dunsany.
>It's more of a Beksiński visual style
Is this bait?
That game Yahtzee made recently, creeping shadow or something
lovecraft looks like a guy I went to highschool with
That's kind of the point. Apparently I missed the pre alpha gameplay video that's up.
Giger is what comes to mind for some of the landscape, but a lot of it seems more biological than mechanical, namely the creatures.
SOMA is a sci-fi version of the Outsider developed by the same team.
Dead Space's Marker lore is really reminiscent of Lovecraft's work.
Its like an alien, futuristic version of the the shadow over innsmouth, where the culture of the marker and its religion consumes people into believing in a better end for your life, where in reality you end up being part of a hive mind of mutated corpses that will end up becoming a giant moon that eats planets
If that is not lovecraftian to you, i don't know what is
Nice, they're even on youtube as audiobooks in my
Thanks, user.
Scratches is pretty good and has a nice Lovecraftian mood.
>Most people are racist. They just didn't hide it back then.
I hate it how everything is politically correct now. You say one word that can be taken out of context and everyone will pick on you for it forever.
>being bitter AND racist
You sound like a real winner.
I was really disappointed with SOMA in that it only had one ending where none of the choices you made mattered whatsoever.
All the game I went through expecting something to come out of what I did, it's not that it's lazy to have only one possible end for a story based game, it's just that after all of the choices you make it's odd to not get at least a different cutscene.
Overall I thought it was alright for the atmosphere, but Outlast is much better if you like that sort of game.
Well, jews are almost whites after all.
If you want a great adaptation of Shadow over Innsmouth, play Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
It's an unorthodox FPS survival game and it has you running around like a headless chicken for the first half of the game. After that you get guns and... it turns into a vanilla FPS game with a tedious healthbar system (instead of a healthbar, you get damage at different parts of your body, and depending on the severity of them you have to use different items to patch yourself up, health kits include Band-Aid, sewing kit, bandages, etc. Yes, you have to sit down for the character to sew up his wounds.).
It's still interesting as fuck though, and was the first time ever that a game actually scared me.
Unfortunately it is a bit too buggy... might not even be playable on modern machines, it's over ten years old. Xbox exclusive, also on PC.
Favorite Lovecraft stories?
Mine are probably "At the Mountains of Madness" and "Shadow Out of Time".
>lovecraft thread on Sup Forums
Fuck off, Lovecraft hated everyone
Try Resident Evil 4 for the "backward striving people in a village worship weird shit that you're there to stop" plot. Not true lovecraft though, but few things are.
Cool Air
Every time you post this I still can't comprehend your shit taste.
Funny thing is, here in europe, it's always white
lefties complaining about racism and ''fascism''.
>Well, jews are almost whites after all
I consider ashkenazi's as ''white''.
Like Einstein or Freud.
They lived in europe for atleast 1000 years.
and they're mixed with euro's and fought wars
side by side with their countrymen.
the case of Charles Dexter Ward is the most memorable to me, even if perhaps not my most favourite. I actually had to read that two or three times back to back to understand that what is happening is exactly what I thought was happening - all the little details adding up, etc.
Shadow over Innsmouth also had a fitting ending.
I remember that one where a guy finds some underground catacombs and had a cat named Nigger - I think it was Rats in the Walls, don't remember.
I should re-read his stuff, I actually have all the books.
In that same venue, Bravely Default can become pretty lovecraftian too.
especially niggers and kikes
No, I just don't see the point of picking on someone for something he said years ago, especially if they are his beliefs.
Sweet Ermengarde
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is pretty gud.
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
-HP Lovecraft, On the Creation of Niggers
>x isn't lovecraftian because you can fight against it in someway shape or form
right so its a nihilists' favorite writer, got it
I've only read some of his short stories so far.
I liked The Thing on the Doorstep a lot.
Infra Arcana
The Colour Out of Space, always. Top tier descriptions, immensely creepy, actual payoff but without explaining everything.
16 fucking storefronts in a row, jesus christ captcha
Rats in the Walls for Niggerman the cat.
Under the Pyramids for being the first one I read and for "Men should not have the heads of Crocodiles!"
At the Mountains of Madness for being the longform detailed meandering thing that it is, and for showing that it pretty much is the inspiration for all horror where an expedition of some kind goes wrong, providing us all with things that should come to be clichés.
Dagon and the music of Erich Zann
Good taste
Also good music to listen to involves Biosphere, William Basinski, Moordlust
>shouldn't matter because it was years ago
>but I believe it
And you contradict yourself too, good job. Way to perpetuate Sup Forums as the failed school ahooter stereotype.
What about the incredibly popular tabletop RPG based off of his novels? Where you go through the adventure the preconcieved notion that eventually everybody playing will die or go insane and thats ok because the game is about what happened before you got there. Games are a medium. They don't have to have any 'goal' to achieve. To be honest it would be fascinating to see some kind of Lovecraft inspired game that encourages you to survive as long as you can uncovering as much mystery as possible before madness inevitably claims you.
I'd be over the fucking moon to play something like that where I go in knowing that I am going to die. Not dark souls die-a-bunch-but-then-respawn but permadeath. I'd just have to know going in ahead of time.
Sadly, outside of a handful of indie games and weird foreign nuts like Ice-Pick Lodge most people making games make them solely to make the player feel good about themselves.
It probably wouldn't be 'fun,' and until we get people in the games industry and people who play those games to want things that aren't necessarily 'fun,' I don't think we'll get a true to form Lovecraft game.
Kadath was good, although a bit different.
Niggerman wasn't his real life's cat's name, but he was named after his cat, Nigger.
Stop being retarded. It's horror, it is in no way celebrating nihilism. If anything it paints just how awful a truly nihilistic universe is.
Literally all Dream Cycle stories (including The White Ship and Polaris)
The Strange High House in the Mist
The Temple
Through the Gates of the Silver Key
Infra Arcana is pretty great.
Infra Arcana.
>i want to play a game that isn't enjoyable
Don't give me that synonym horseshit, user. I said fun.
The Void's one of my favourite games but I'd never call it fun. It's enjoyable, but it's not fun.
>"and through an opening in the roof glittered the pale Pole Star, fluttering as if alive, and leering like a fiend and tempter. Methought its spirit whispered evil counsel, soothing me to traitorous somnolence with a damnable rhythmical promise which it repeated over and over"
>16 fucking storefronts in a row, jesus christ captcha
Try legacy captcha.
It's much better.
>synonym horseshit
>enjoyable, but it's not fun
what do you mean
The Super Mario World mod
oh fuck i'd play the shit out of that