You DID buy Tsubasa's game, right? RIGHT?
You DID buy Tsubasa's game, right? RIGHT?
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving money to nincensorship
Wow what a cunt. I'm glad it's sales are failing.
I thought GG was against this game due the censored cleavages and bikini. What happened?
>literally nobody cares about the tweets
I honestly pity people who utilize social media but don't get replies.
It is. You should pirate and uncensor it.
Yeah. I don't give a fuck about the idolshit, but the battle system is good and the game is pretty challenging on hard mode.
>buying censorshit
I did.
I played 6 hours in a row today and its alright I guess. The combat is easily the best part and the world the worst. The music is high tier, but I wouldn't say it's as good as say Dragon's Dogma. It's a very hit-or-miss soundtrack with modernish techno you'd find at your local club and dadrock. See:
2 questions, OP.
Who is best girl?
Where is the rule 32?
Nintenyearolds are fucked in the head.
It's just an elaborate falseflag which isn't very elaborate at all.
>They censored the game for being lewd!
Love this meme.
Music Fes?
There's a big music festival near the end of the game.
>i-i-i-i--i-ii--i-i-i-i-i-i-it's just a falseflag
>I ignore all the signs as long as it fills my agenda
Oh hi Cody
But the sign says Music Fes
Not FesT
They spend so much time cenosring that they cant do the actual translation work?
No, I'm pretty sure it's music fes. It's not important, regardless.
I think they explain the reasoning for the name at the beginning of chapter five.
The joke is that I'd have bought it if not for the lenghts they went towards convincing me not to. Thanks for saving me a few dozen eurobucks, Treehouse.
That's the most accurate Undermeme review I've ever read desu
Then he goes and pretends Splatoon is any better than Overwatch, what a retard.
>uses the word epic
>ends every sentence with an exclamation point
>not a falseflag
holy fuck, youve been posting this image in #FE shitthreads forever, give it up shill
>epic Fire Emblem mirages
I like overwatch and splatoon but splatoon is definitely more fun.
They're both pretty bad.
I don't see the point in posting yet another screencap of my twitter, are you upset that I won? Are you upset that Tsubasa's game sold more than any of your precious Japanese developed Sony exclusives in June?
It was ironic usage of the word epic, it's a parody of a tweet Randy Pitchford made about Battleborn. It's humor, meant to lighten up the account and show the funny side of the #FE fanbase.
They're both good.
So tell us why they censored the game
I don't buy waifu weebgames.
They didn't.
No vagina bones. JUST
>tfw seeing the Atlus logo during the Direct and getting hyped that we're finally seeing more of SMTxFE
#FE is the biggest disappointment this gen and that's fucking saying something.
Would NoE have done a better job?
After Fatal Frame V? No.
all twitter users are mentally ill
They'd all be wearing burqas instead.
Picture for ants.
It has pretty good gameplay